Chapter 1396: Renewed war

Real 100-year-old wild ginseng is very different from artificially cultivated ginseng. The artificially cultivated ginseng has a carrot-like shape and a long **** shape. It has fewer tentacles and is not human-like. And the true old ginseng over 100 years old not only has a more human shape, but also has a lot of tentacles. When using the medicine, just pinch a tentacle, you can dispense a big tonic medicine.

Mr. Chen said that it can give the Pope more than a year's life. It's already a long time to go-just pinch the ginseng whiskers after a while, and it can last for a long time. Moreover, when Marin bought herbs in Wuchang before, he also met a Tibetan merchant who came from the west of Sichuan and bought a batch of Cordyceps sinensis. In addition, I also bought a lot of northwest wolfberry, as well as ordinary tonics such as astragalus.

In addition to these tonics brought back from the East, Marin also recommended to Tai Chen Chen the magical natural supplement that saved the 78-year-old Pope Pius XII in 1954-royal jelly ...

It is said that in 1954, 78-year-old Pope Pius XII stayed in bed for several months because of diabetes, asthma and heart disease, and was almost critical. The helpless Pope's doctor decided to use the European method of treatment-royal jelly treatment, giving the Pope a lot of royal jelly every day. Then, the elderly pope's health gradually improved and he recovered after 3 months, and did not die until 1958. In other words, royal jelly gave him four years of life.

It is precisely because of this legendary version of the experience that royal jelly, including propolis, later became the darling of the health care industry. It is said that in the 1980s, 10 kg of royal jelly could be exchanged for a car in Korea ... Of course, after the 1990s, with the fall of three oral liquids and fake health products such as Chinese turtle essence, it led to the health care product market Collapsed, the market for royal jelly was also affected, and the demand was no longer so strong. But then again, most of the domestic bee products are used to export foreign exchange, and most of the honey and royal jelly freeze-dried powder on the domestic market are fake. If you want real products, you have to go to the beekeeper's tent and see the beekeeper beating honey and digging royal jelly. Otherwise, the ghost bought in the supermarket knows what ...

Marin's instructions to Mrs. Chen were that when he arrived in Rome, he used traditional Chinese medicine as a tonic, while he gave the pope a lot of royal jelly. It is not required that Julius II can continue his life for 4 years like Pius XII, but one or two years of life is still required. After this year, Marin has digested the 8 princely kingdoms, so he does not care about the threats of those church princes ...

But at the same time, in order to prevent the pope ’s father-in-law from suddenly crashing, Marin secretly sent his men to rush to Rome to secretly meet Leo X, who is still an ordinary cardinal. Siena Bank fully supports Leo X's bribery election ... and if Leo X is elected, it needs to publicly support Marin ...

In this way, even if the pope is changed, the new pope will help suppress the German church princes and prevent them from uniting with the secular princes to engage in themselves.


Of course, it would be better if his old father-in-law could live a few more years. After all, his father-in-law is more reliable than Leo X, an ally in the interest. In order to get the full support of his father-in-law, Marin had even got a little aunt. Now, my father-in-law has a cheap son-in-law and no son, so all resources must be inclined to him. In the case of Leo X, the first thing people think about is definitely the interests of the Medici family, not their own. Only under the premise of not affecting his own interests, Leo X will help himself.

And Mrs. Chen and his entourage went south, in addition to recuperating the body for Julius II, they were also responsible for notifying the pope ’s father-in-law-hoping that the Holy See would remain neutral in the following Italian war ...

According to information from Paris, the French made a **** battle this time to compete for the volcanic kingdom of Naples, Italy.

According to intelligence, this time Louis XII was determined to acquire the Kingdom of Naples. Therefore, he intends to dispatch a full 60,000 troops this time. Among them, the plate armor knight alone plans to dispatch a giant of 20,000 people, which is the war with the most knights in recent years.

Usually, France can mobilize the knight, but it is only 20,000 or 30,000. This time the mobilization of 20,000 plate armoured knights was basically desperate to take out the old man.

Except for the knights in the coastal area of ​​northwestern France, which were useless because of the need to guard against England, the caiqi knights and title knights in the central and southern regions were basically dispatched.

As for infantry other than 20,000 plate armoured knights, it is not simple. Among them, out of the 17,000 Swiss mercenaries rescued from the Netherlands, 7,000 elites chose to join the French army in return for the French rescue. They followed the French army south and attacked the kingdom of Naples on the southern tip of the Italian peninsula. The other 33,000 infantry, although not as elite as the Swiss mercenaries, are not bad.

Since last winter, Louis XII has quietly recruited troops across the country in preparation for a war in the coming year. But Louis XII was also very clear that the grain supplies of the army of fifty or sixty thousand were not a small amount, and it was not easy to get them together. So he can only prepare slowly.

Although the Kingdom of France is much larger than the Grand Duchy of the North Sea, the level of combat readiness is not necessarily comparable to that of the North Sea. Why? With just one grain, France ’s combat readiness is not as good as that of the North Sea.

Because Marin masters the current fertilizer technology, the Beihai country has a huge grain reserve. Fearing that others knew the secrets of high grain yields, Marin had accumulated too much grain in the granary. Once the war begins, the North Sea State can withdraw large amounts of grain from the granaries built of cement for military grain.

The large kingdom of France, because agriculture does not have high yields, most of the food grown on so much land is usually consumed on the market. If you want to prepare food for 60,000 troops, you need to draw from all over the place. Otherwise, it is difficult to get together.

In particular, 20,000 plate armoured knights not only need to consume a lot of food, but their war horses and pack horses are also astronomical. Even in order to gather enough military food, the French Chancellor of the Exchequer specially sent people to purchase a large amount of food abroad.

The funds used to purchase food are actually not from the French, but from the Venetians ...

This has to mention the credit of Baron John S. Lafite, the spy of the North Sea-in order to gain the trust of Louis XII, not only did Spy John present a lot of Lafite red wine to Louis XII, but also suggested that Louis XII send people to Venice Ask for financial support from Venice.

Venice is the country with the best financial status in Europe, and its financial strength is extremely strong. However, the strength of the Venetian army is not good. Before, the spice trade channel of Venetian merchants was cut off by Spain and Portugal in the Indian Ocean, and the Venetians had to endure it. After all, they can't bear it. Because, the Venetian paddle sailing can not go to the Indian Ocean to fight the Spanish.

So, Venice and Spain have long been vengeful because of Indian spices.

Moreover, after Spain occupied the Kingdom of Naples, it had the ability to block the Adriatic Sea from the Otranto Strait at the eastern end of Naples. Once the Spaniards blocked the Adriatic Sea, then the Venetian Republic at the northern end of the Adriatic Sea was over. After all, if you ca n’t get out of the Adriatic Sea, the Venetians are all done ~ ~ Therefore, regardless of the hatred of interests or national security, the Venetians are unwilling to continue the occupation of the Kingdom of Naples of.

As for France, it is a standard dry duck country, and the Navy is not worth mentioning. If the French occupy the Kingdom of Naples, there is basically no threat to the maritime security of Venice.

It is for this reason that when Louis XII accepted John Rafi ’s suggestion to send someone to Venice for economic support, the Venetian Parliament agreed to provide hundreds of thousands of gold coins to France as war funding after discussion. After all, this must be the Venetian shirtless. The algorithm lost, because Venice did not directly participate in the war and would not directly enter the war with the Spaniards.

Even in order to avoid suspicion, the hundreds of thousands of gold coins that Venice gave to France were given to France by a Venetian financier in the name of "loan". But both countries know that this is the gift, and will not let the French repay the debt ...

In this way, after Venice provided a large amount of funds, Louis XII relied on the funds to purchase a lot of grains and crops for the purpose of entering Italy.

The Germans have just extinguished the war here, and France is about to rekindle the war ...