Chapter 1380: Auctions and paper

After the New Year, Marin was busy rebuilding after the war, while sending out invitation letters to nobles from various European countries inviting them to participate in the auction. As for what was auctioned, it was natural that the silk and porcelain returned from Daming.

Although Marin successfully won the territory of eight princely states in this war, the losses were also staggering. In particular, the rye fields of tens of thousands of Ugram in the Oldenburg country were burnt down after maturity, and the loss was staggering. In addition, due to the war, the two provinces of Oldenburg and North and South Münster, plus Ruhr, the economic losses destroyed by the war are also very alarming.

Therefore, Marin continued to invest heavily in reconstruction. At the same time, used to settle the newly conquered area. Therefore, Marin will naturally put silk and porcelain auctions on the agenda.

In addition to silk and porcelain, Marin also launched paper sales. Because of the use of modern chemical pulping technology and the endless forest resources in Canada, the paper industry in the North Sea country on Cape Breton Island is very developed and the paper cost is very cheap. Even, it is much cheaper than the papermaking cost of the Ming Dynasty.

But before Marin could not explain the source of the paper, he could not tell others that he had mastered the new papermaking technology, right? Therefore, even if the paper backlog is serious, Marin cannot dump white paper in Europe.

But now it is different, he went to the Ming Dynasty. With the excuse of the Ming dynasty, he can take out the paper with fairness and integrity ...

In the Ming Dynasty, the price of paper is not expensive, about 0.1 two silver per hundred sheets of paper. That is 3.73 grams of silver, which is worth about 4.5 Finneys. This is ordinary bamboo paper, which is a mid-range paper.

But in Europe at the moment, paper is still made by China's technology hundreds of years ago. It is made of hemp, rags and fishing nets, which is expensive and scarce. Right now, European paper prices can almost reach the point of 1 fenny per sheet. 100 sheets of paper is 100 Finney, which is equivalent to 1.66 gold coins. The price is 22 times more expensive than the bamboo paper of the Ming Dynasty, but the quality is not as good as bamboo paper.

The cost of papermaking in Marin in Canada is terribly low. Because Canadian trees don't need money, they can be cut at will. And the cost of coal is also very low, so at the Cape Breton Island paper mill, the cost of papermaking is actually less than 0.5 Finney per 100 sheets ...

This is also because of the higher labor costs in Europe. If cheap Ming Dynasty craftsmen are used, the cost is estimated to be twice lower ...

In other words, the cost per 100 sheets of paper at Cape Breton Island Paper Mill is only one-ninth of the market value of the Ming Dynasty bamboo paper. Even if the cost of Ming Dynasty bamboo paper is only half of the market price, the papermaking cost of Cape Breton Island is only 1 / 4.5 of that of Ming Dynasty papermaking.

However, the quality of paper on Cape Breton Island is better than the bamboo paper of the Ming Dynasty. Because Marin let the craftsmen use modern papermaking technology, add some papermaking additives, such as fluorite powder, kaolin, etc., plus the original caustic soda or sodium sulfate will have a certain bleaching effect, making the paper factory in Cape Breton The paper produced is not only whiter than ordinary paper, but also smoother, which is good for writing and printing. Of course, because there is no overbearing chloride bleach, the paper is not as white as the later white paper. However, it is white enough compared to the paper that is generally yellowed in this era. The key is that the cost is still low.

For example, in Europe, a piece of paper costs 1 Finney. A 1725-page Bible takes hundreds of large sheets of paper. The cost of paper alone requires more than one gold coin. In addition to the cost of printing and binding, several gold coins are required.

Therefore, in Europe today, ordinary people simply cannot afford books. The "Bible", which consumes a lot of paper, can only be used by nobles and missionaries. Because of the high cost of paper, the current European knowledge cannot be popularized.

The real take-off of European science and technology culture is based on two events-one was the French missionary Jiang Youren, who was mixed into the Qianlong court during the Qianlong period, and painted Chinese papermaking techniques in a pictorial form and sent it back to Paris.

The French love to steal technology is well-known, before, the glass mirror manufacturing technology in Venice, the French steal. Later, they used their old tricks and stole the papermaking technology from China. In addition to stealing glass mirror technology and papermaking technology, the French also sent missionary Yin Hongxu to Jingdezhen in 1698 to steal the porcelain manufacturing technology. Later, in the 18th century, Europe had its own porcelain production ...

The other is based on the Chinese papermaking technology brought back by Jiang Youren. In the 19th century, Europeans invented machine pulping and chemical pulping methods, which greatly reduced the cost of paper and made books and newspapers affordable to ordinary people. s things.

Take the simplest example-for example, a British newspaper, before the invention of modern papermaking technology, the price per serving was as high as 1 shilling, or 12 pence. But after the cost of papermaking fell, the price of the newspaper dropped to one penny per copy, a drop of up to 12 times ...


Of course, Marin was not so kind, allowing European countries to use cheap paper. He sold paper this time just to cover up the Canadian paper mill.

In the future, Marin intends to promote the use of book and paper invoices throughout the country. Now it has been promoted in central institutions. The next step is to promote to the public.

However, the use of paper hastily spread across the country will make other countries doubt it. Therefore, Marin simply took out a batch of paper this time and sold it along with silk and porcelain bought by Daming. He will use this auction to tell other countries-I bought a lot of paper in the Ming Dynasty, the price is not high ...

In this way, no one doubts that paper will be widely used in the North Sea in the future. After all, buying paper from Daming is reasonable ...

As for the price of paper, Marin is not polite. Although the cost of his 100 sheets of paper is less than 0.5 Finney, but for this auction, he intends to sell it at the price of 0.3 Finney per sheet, which is 30 Finney per 100 sheets, which is equivalent to half a gold coin ...

This price is more than 6 times more expensive than Daming's bamboo paper, but it is less than one-third of the European market price. Moreover, the paper quality is better. Such a cheap price, coupled with excellent quality, does not worry about selling. Moreover, Marin can make a profit. After all, the cost per sheet of Cape Breton Island paper mill is only 0.005 fenny, which is sold at the price of 0.3 fenny per sheet ~ ~ The price has increased by 60 times ...


Like the last auction, Marin still does not intend to auction only in one place, but is divided into several venues for auction.

Moreover, this local auction site, Marin is not going to be placed in Emden or Aurich, but in Las Vegas City at the mouth of the Elbe.

The reason why I chose to hold an auction in Las Vegas is because Marin intends to sell Las Vegas to all countries. After all, Marin established Las Vegas not to play for himself, but to make money. How can I make money if no guests come?

Therefore, Marin set up the local auction house in Las Vegas. When the people who participated in the auction came to Las Vegas and felt the developed gambling industry over there, they would definitely linger. Then, next time these people may return. Even if it does n’t come, the spread of word of mouth can drive others to consume ...

In addition to Las Vegas, Marin also intends to hold auctions in Paris, London, Rome, Barcelona and Lisbon to cater to consumers from all over the world. As for the German native, a southern special session will be opened in Nuremberg in the south to facilitate customers in the southern region of Germany ...