Chapter 1298: The first battle of Polish wing cavalry (Part 1)

The birth of Prince Marin filled Sigmund I's heart with excitement and fighting spirit.

"It seems that the son of Mazovia must be snatched for his son!"

The Principality of Mazovia does not currently have an official duke, but the regent of the former Duke of Conrad III, Anna Laziviu. Anna Laziviu and the eldest son of Conrad III, former Duke of Mazovia, Stanislav are now 11 years old, one year older than Caesar, and have not yet reached the age of the duke. Therefore, it is temporarily regent.

And Anna Laziviu's origin is not small-her father Mikarojos Laziviu was once the Prime Minister of Lithuania, and was once a member of Sigmund I.

Mikaroyos Laziviu was a powerful lord and general in Lithuania, and he controlled the army of up to 10,000 people. At the beginning, he had a bad relationship with Sigmund I, who had just assumed the throne, and even bullied the new king with his strength. Therefore, after Sigmund I assumed the throne, he did not live in Vilnius, Lithuania, like his brother Alexander, but returned to live in Krakow, Poland.

However, Micaroyos Laziviu died in 1509. If he had n’t died, Sigmund I would n’t have dared to move his daughter Anna to the regent Principality of Mazovia.

In fact, Anna Laziviu is not strong. Although it was the regent queen of the Principality of Mazovia, the power was in the hands of the minister. Previously, it was her powerful ministers who decided against the royal family of Jagiellon. However, this pot got her back, who called her the regent.


Moreover, Sigmund I actually had the ambition to annex the Principality of Mazovia. Originally, he annexed the Principality of Mazovia in 1529. However, that's mainly because, in 1525, Poland played a game with the Teutonic State, which forced the Teutonic Knights to bow down. After solving the heartfelt trouble of the Teutonic Kingdom, he had the energy to fight against the Principality of Mazovia who refused to accept the order.

But in this time and space, the situation is different. With the support of Marin, Prince Philip of the Lamarck family became the head of the Teutonic State and pursued a friendly policy with Poland. Therefore, Poland (including Lithuania) has been at peace with the Teutonic Knights for all these years.

In this way, the Polish King Sigmund I had the power to clean up the domestic opposition ...

As it happened, the Principality of Mazovia, due to the stupidity and short-sightedness of the internal ministers, was put on the muzzle of Siegmont I. Sigmund I was worried and had no excuses. How could I miss this good opportunity? So he did not hesitate to mobilize the army and attacked the Principality of Mazovia ...

In fact, the army that Sigmund I can mobilize is not only 15,000, but to double. However, such a scale is only needed to fight a national war. And the scale of 15,000 people is sending a signal to the outside world-this is a private grudge between the royal family and the Principality of Mazovia, do n’t interfere ...

Therefore, Sigmund I did not find a helper, but only sent out his own soldiers of the Jagiellonian family. As a result, nobles within Poland had no reason to send troops to help the Principality of Mazovia.

Of course, the Principality of Mazovia is not bad. Although there were no 15,000 troops, they also gathered 13,000 troops, which looked evenly divided.

But Sigmund I knew that his side was absolutely dominant. Because, he has a killer weapon-wing cavalry ...

This was proposed by Marin when he married a few years ago. Under Marin's suggestion, Sigmund I recruited 4,000 knights of the Polish and Lithuanian noble families who were close to the royal family of Jageron and formed 20 Squadrons of Polish wing cavalry.

Its tactics, and even equipment, are exactly in accordance with Marin's recommendations. The wing cavalry abandoned the heavy horse armor for flexibility. In order to facilitate the cavalry to mount the horse, the plate armor was abandoned, and only the upper body plate armor and helmet were retained.

As for weapons, the spring lances provided by Beihai were also used instead of the bulky oak lances.

After several years of training, the Polish wing cavalry of 4,000 squadrons in 20 squadrons has achieved considerable combat effectiveness. The only thing lacking is actual combat experience.

So, this time attacking the Principality of Mazovia, Sigmund I took out the secret weapon of the wing cavalry ...


In order to lure the Principality of Mazoviya out of the city to avoid a decisive battle, the army led by Sigmund I deliberately hid at the beginning, and even against the Mazovian army.

Just as the son of Sigmund I was born, the army of the royal family of Jagiellon simply camped in the southern part of the Principality of Mazovia and stopped the attack.

And Sigmund I, after spending a few days with his wife and children, hurried back to the battlefield ...


Because the army of the royal family of Jagiellon remained unmoved, the army of the Principality of Mazovia was somewhat stunned and provoked proactively. Prince Ziegmont deliberately lost a game, which greatly increased the self-confidence of the Principality of Mazovia.

Then, Sigmund I proposed that because of the birth of Prince Marin, he had no intention of playing a war of attrition with the Principality of Mazovia. Therefore, he suggested playing a head-to-head decisive battle on the plains outside Warsaw, and the battle will be won ...

The Principality of Mazovia is not far behind, and the previous small victory has greatly increased their confidence. Moreover, they also misjudged the situation, thinking that Siegmont I had just got a son and had no intention of fighting for a long time. So the Principality of Mazovia foolishly agreed to a head-to-head confrontation ...

After the war, the Principality of Mazovia regretted it ...

After the war, Siegmont I did not immediately show the wing cavalry, but left the wing cavalry behind. And in front of it is the most basic defensive spear array. Then, the 1000 plate armor knights decorating the facade.

"Ha, there aren't as many knights on the opposite side!" Vazinski, the general of the Principality of Mazovia, scorned. Because, the Mazoviya Principality has a full 2,200 plate armoured knights.

In traditional Polish wars, the number of heavy cavalry often determines the outcome of the war. Therefore, the army of the Principality of Mazovia can't help but float ...

As for worrying about Sigmund I hiding the plate armor behind? The generals of the Principality of Mazovia have no worries. Why? Because the plate armoured knight is too heavy, the charge of the war horse is limited for one time. Therefore, hiding the plate armoured knight after the formation is not cost-effective. Because, after the war horse was carrying the knight from the back to the front, it was breathless. Where else can it charge?

So ~ ~ The general army will only put plate armor knights at the front to save the physical strength of war horses and knights. Therefore, the generals of the army of the Principality of Mazovia also judged this way-the opponent has no more plate armor knights. Even if there is cavalry, they are also light cavalry.

And the light cavalry has little way to face the plate armor, so they can't help but despise their opponents ...


"Array, ready to attack!" Sigmund I ordered loudly. The herald on the side, with a louder voice, loudly conveyed the orders of Sigmund I. As the order was issued, the banner of the Royal Army of Jagiellon began to shake, commanding the army formation ...

Over the army of the Principality of Mazovia, Vazinski also reluctantly ordered:

"Tell our knights and boys to prepare to charge! We have to defeat our opponent's cavalry once and take the lead! As long as they defeat their plate armor and ride, we will win!

But he didn't notice that after the opposite Sigmund I ordered the attack again, he waved his hand and let a herald soldier go around the line ...