Chapter 1262: Unlucky Johnny

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In fact, sending messengers to ask for help is not Marlin's own creation, but in the late spring and autumn. At the end of the Spring and Autumn period, Chu Zuxu, a man of Chu State, escaped from Chu State and went to Wu State because his father had been victimized by people.

Subsequently, the two great gods Wu Zixu and Sun Wu helped Wu Wangxulu to grow the weak Wu Kingdom into a supremacy in the Spring and Autumn Period, and sent a large army to defeat Yingdu, destroying Chu, and killing Chu who had killed Wu Zixu ’s father and brother Ping Wang's body was dug out to whip the corpse, setting a precedent in the history of the whip corpse.

After Chu's death, Chu Chenshen Baoxu ran to Qin, crying for seven days at the gate of Qin Guochao Tang, praying that Qin would send troops to help restore the country. Qin Ai-gong was moved by him, so he sent troops to help the Chu state recover.

More than a thousand years later, the play of the crying court was staged again. However, this time it was North Korea who cried. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan, he dispatched a large army to invade North Korea, and forced North Korean king Li Chen to escape the Yalu River and hid in the Liaodong Peninsula.

At that time, North Korea also sent a minister to the Ming Dynasty Forbidden City crying court, and also gave gifts to the Ming Dynasty ministers, and finally moved the Ming Dynasty, and sent the army to drive the Japanese troops out of the Korean Peninsula.

Generally speaking, it was only these two times that the Crypt Play was successful. Later, after the demise of the Ming Dynasty, the Nanming small court actually sent people to beg in Japan and asked Japan to send troops to help fight the Qing. However, Japan was unable to fight even the Ming army. Where did it dare to fight the Eight Banner Soldiers in the early Qing Dynasty, which was more fierce than Mingjun (not to mention those in the late Qing Dynasty)? Therefore, the crying court begging teacher failed.


Of course, Marin asked Angela to send people to the Worms crying room, not really asking the princes for help, but to sell miserably.

When a country's envoys can only cry for help from other countries, it is clear that this country is at a point where it is exhausted.

Because, where there is a little hope, a country's envoy will never cry for help. Because, this will lose the face of the country.

However, Marin is a person who came from China in the 21st century. The least important thing is the face. In the era of "dance and dance", people even believed that "people are shameless and invincible" ... Therefore, Marin intends to "invincible" this time in order to find an excuse to eat his opponent-you see, I am It's miserable. Before the "death", it was a vicious counterattack, right?


In addition, Marin also pinned his hopes on the religious princes of Germany ...

Speaking of this, most German princes and secular princes opposed Marin. Only the Swabian League, led by the Habsburg family, and the Principality of Cliff and Marin were together. The remaining one hundred and dozens of secular princes (a total of more than three hundred princes of all sizes in Germany) are standing opposite Marin.

Therefore, Marin never expected those secular princes. And those religious princes have very complicated feelings for Marin. From their own point of view, they disgusted Marin, the "running dog of the Habsburg family."

However, Marin and the Holy See are closely related, and the Pope even appeared in public to support Marin. The Holy See is the superior of religious princes, which makes it inconvenient for these religious princes to openly oppose Marin.

Therefore, for these religious princes, their attitude towards Marin is-they oppose in their hearts, but on the surface they do not.

And Marin, what they want is their complicated attitude. It is foreseeable that when the emissaries of the North Sea Kingdom cried for help in the Worms Empire Parliament, they accounted for nearly half of the religious princes of the Holy Roman Empire.

At this time, it is impossible for them to send troops to help Beihai. They just hindered the face of the Holy See not to trouble Beihai, but they would never save Beihai. Even if the Holy See asks them to send troops to rescue, they will find excuses to escape.

However, because of the face of the Holy See, they could not help but express. Therefore, when the Beihai nation "fights hard" and threatens to destroy its opponents through a deadly battle, there is a high possibility that they will superficially support the Beihai nation's deadly battle. Why? Because in their minds, the North Sea country is desperate and will certainly not succeed. Under such circumstances, verbal support will not harm your own interests, but also give the Holy See an explanation ...


Therefore, in the end, those religious princes may all choose to verbally support the Beihai nation to "fail", but they will never dispatch a soldier to help.

As long as this group of religious princes get up early, then there will be some secular princes who follow the trend and coax. Anyway, no matter who it is, they don't think that the Beihai state that even the messenger was crying for a chance to turn over.

As long as more than half of the vassals of the Worms Empire Parliament support the North Sea Kingdom's ruthless war against the country, then the time for Marin's "return" has come. With the approval of the Imperial Parliament, even if these princes were destroyed, the other princes had to pinch their noses to recognize them. Because, before they agreed ...


Of course, before that, Beihai needed to find an actor who was "miserable" ... Abu, an envoy ...

There is a person in this world who is born with a frowning look on his face. He smiles like a bitter smile and looks very unlucky. Usually, we call this kind of person "face down" ...

If such a face grows, it is difficult to mix up. Because, when your boss sees you, he feels unlucky and becomes in a bad mood. You said, would he be willing to reuse and promote you?

Therefore, when Marin sent people to find people, instead of looking for people among middle and high-level officials, he directly asked people to find them at the grassroots ...

Why? This kind of person with a bad appearance is generally difficult to come up with and can only be mixed at the bottom. Talent is useless ...


Following this line of thought, Koller's intelligence personnel soon found a suitable object-a small town judge named Johnny ... Secretary ...

Yes, the secretary of the town judge. Speaking of this, this Johnny is 38 years old and has been working in the courthouse in Haag Township, Norden County for 15 years.

Fifteen years ago, Johnny graduated from the Faculty of Law of Cologne University, which should have a bright future. However, because of a decay, it is very unattractive.

He initially planned to go to Emden, the capital of East Friesland, to look for opportunities. But when he saw his decline, Emden's dignitaries refused to give him a chance. As a result, he was a middle-aged college student who had no choice but to return to his hometown of Haag, intending to be a judge there. Of course, he also perfectly avoided Marin's blood washing of Emden officials ...

However, at that time there was already a judge in the small town of Haag, so he had to start with the judge ’s secretary. In fact, the judge in the town of Harge is just a noble child who has no learning and no skills, and does not understand the law at all. As a result, the legal trial in Haag, the errands and the work of collecting evidence were all done by Johnny. When the verdict is pronounced, he will be served by a judge who is not learning and incompetent ...

But 15 years later, Haag Town also changed several judges, but Johnny is still the legal secretary of Haag Town, and he has never been promoted ... There is no way. Ni's face looks bad ~ ~ I'm not feeling well ...

Therefore, because of his appearance, even if he was talented, he was a rare college student at that time, and Johnny could not be promoted.

In fact, the appearance problem has always been a big problem. Even in later generations, when selecting Chinese civil servants, it also depends on the appearance. Of course, for the sake of "fairness", the employer will not express the issue of appearance, but will default this in the interview-but everyone who looks bad or looks like a monkey with a bill in his mouth will not be accepted ... After all, officials want to win the trust of the people. If you look like a bad person, people will not believe it ...

So, for the unfortunate Johnny, what is unfair. If it weren't for Marin this time, it just needed a messenger who had grown up like a bad man, hapless Johnny, maybe it would be like this for a lifetime ...

After receiving the unlucky Johnny from Aurich, Kohler sent him directly into the secret home and handed it over to Marin Madao for business training. After all, Johnny is going to perform at the Worms Empire Parliament, sloppy. As a horse guide, it is naturally obligatory to guide its acting skills. Of course, because you are not a beauty, you don't have to play the script privately ...

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