Chapter 1244: That old product is not dead yet?

Not mentioning the Ming Dynasty side, the European side, this time is also surging. Although the coalition of princes was a bit procrastinating, they eventually gathered more than 60,000 troops to gather at the border between the Principality of Lorraine and Badenbog. Then, without waiting for Christopher I, Earl of Baden, to beg for mercy, he rushed into the northern part of the country of Baden.

However, because the tens of thousands of troops have not yet arrived in time and the difficulty of unified command, the army temporarily stopped in the northern part of Badenberland and did not move forward. At the same time, he ignored the sum of Christopher I, Earl of Baden.

Different from the last battle against Marin, the last time the electorate of Saxony and the electorate of Brandenburg sent troops from two countries, and Jorgem I was still very young. Therefore, the last time the 50,000-strong command of the Bossa Allied Forces was very convenient, all they had to do was listen to Frederick III.

But this time was different. This time there were more than 30 princely coalition forces. There were only a dozen of powerful old ones. Therefore, not only was the supply problem serious this time, but the battle for command was fierce.

It stands to reason that Frederick III, as the leader of the princes, should have become the commander of the coalition forces. However, it was probably the reward of the Lübeck battle that gave Frederick III a heavy psychological shadow. So, this time, the most prestigious Frederick III said he would not be the commander in chief. Then, other big nobles fought to become the commander of the coalition.

Of course, they are not fighting for interest, but reputation. After all, this is a coalition of more than 30 vassals. If you serve as the commander of the coalition, it means that this person is the leader of the princes.

This is the same as fighting for hegemony in spring and autumn. Whoever becomes the commander of the coalition forces is almost the "big brother" among the princes. Although Frederick III, the Elector of Saxony, has a higher reputation, it is also good to contend as a "second brother". In Germany, what you want is the kind of prestige that calls for friends.

Then, the most qualified Dukes on the scene, including Joachim I, the electorate of Brandenburg, began to compete secretly, fighting for "leading brother" ...

In fact, according to status, Joakim I was one of the seven electors. The king of Bohemia did not come. The electorate of Paladin did not come because of his old age. Kim I had the chance of becoming commander in chief.

However, several Dukes who competed with him for the position of commander believed that Joakim I had no commanding ability and had previously performed poorly in the battle of Lübeck. Therefore, it is better to choose another talent.

Therefore, several powerful dukes still compete ...

In this way, the more than 60,000 princely coalition forces stopped strangely in the northern part of Badenberland for infighting and did not attack Badenberland.

However, this also gave Badenberland and the Swabian League to which Badenberland belongs an illusion that the coalition of princes was here to scare people ...

So, no matter whether it is Badenberland, the princes of the Swabian League. Even Maximilian I did not feel how determined the coalition princes were, but felt that they were only here to frighten and blackmail Baden.

Then, Maximilian I, who originally planned to mobilize the Austrian army to Switzerland to support, stopped the army's movement. Then, send someone to adjust the border friction between the principality of Lorraine and Badenbog.


"What? The emperor sent someone to mediate?" The princes were dumbfounded-what happened? Are we not here to attack the emperor?

But soon, Frederick III, the leader of the princes, opened his eyes and said:

"Okay, send someone to talk to the emperor's representative. However, refuse to talk to the representative of Badenbog!"

"Why is this?" Joakim I asked questioningly.

"It's just a delay. If we send someone to negotiate with the emperor's representatives, the Habsburg family will no longer be prepared in Switzerland." Frederick III said casually.

After being defeated by Marin, Frederick III no longer followed the rules of death, but became more strategic. Of course, he was also wise before. However, under the stimulation of Marin, I prefer to use the meter.

In addition, under the plan of Frederick III, Anthony Duke of Lorraine was finally selected as military commander. Because, Frederick III felt that the cause of this battle was the territorial dispute between Lorraine and Baden.

Therefore, the appointment of Duke Anthony as the commander of the coalition forces is nominally justified. Although the Duke of Anthony was only 23 years old, this time he used his banner to make him the commander-in-chief.

Even Frederick III personally said to the messenger of Maximilian I-we are here to help, and the master is the Duke Anthony ...

In this way, the messenger of the Habsburg family was indeed cheated. Because, under normal circumstances, if you are mischievous, it should be Frederick III as the commander ...


Because of the continuous internal disputes in the coalition forces, Marin is also very anxious to wait in the local area-how about not squeezing it?

Marin hoped that after the coalition of princes started, they would fight again. In this way, the coalition forces of the princes trapped in Switzerland have no time to take care of the North Sea country. And Marin, can safely pack up his opponents.

But to Marin's disappointment, not only did the princely coalition forces fail to move, but several hostile countries around the North Sea State also did not move. They only heard that they had carried out military mobilization within their country, but showed no signs of attacking the North Sea State.

"Kohler, you sent people to those countries to investigate and see why they didn't do it."

So Kohler sent someone to investigate. Within a few days, the spy came back to report on a fast horse:

"This is the case. Several countries with mischief around the Beihai Kingdom, because they are afraid of the 4 local legions, dare not rush to send troops ..."

Marlin suddenly realized ...

Also, although it was rumored that Marin had "an accident", the four legions in Beihai were still there. If the coalition of princes came together, the few princely states with suspicions around them would add up to 30,000 or 40,000 soldiers. Moreover, this also counts the conscripted peasant soldiers.

Such strengths are not rivals of the 4 local legions of Beihai. What's more, the North Sea State still has two legions in England.

In the face of such a powerful North Sea country army, even if the surrounding countries have any ideas, they have to temporarily suppress it, lest they be beaten, they will be picked up instead.


After I figured it out, ~ Marin decided to show weakness first, giving these few countries Liang Jingru the courage to let them attack the North Sea advanced. When the time comes, Marin will be able to "justify defense."

However, when discussing several opponents, a news shocked Marin-

"What? The old fellow Conrad is not dead yet?"

Conrad is the protagonist of the Diocese of Münster, Conrad, from the Rietberg family. Originally, according to history, he should have died in 1508.

However, because of the emergence of Marin, the history of Germany has been greatly modified. As a result, Bishop Conrad, who was supposed to have died in 1508, was still alive in 1512. Those who were alive and kicking, also discussed with people to pit Beihai ...

According to Kohler's information, this time several princes in the surroundings sought the secret of high grain yields in the North Sea, including Bishop Conrad. Even the old man planned to take advantage of the opportunity of the princes to attack the North Sea and muddle the waters to fight for the Rietbergs to seize a large area of ​​land in the South Munster area ...

"Is this old commodity living impatiently? Not only want to seize agricultural secrets, but also want land?" Marin was stunned by this wave of operations by Bishop Conrad ... ()