Chapter 1206: ***?

In the waters of Oyusumi, the reigning country (the princehood) in the most southwestern part of Japan, Marin recharged on the beach and mainly purchased some vegetables. After all, after turning east into the depths of the Pacific, there will be no vegetables to eat. At that time, everyone can only supplement vitamin C by making green tea.

The lemon tree leaves brought by Marin from the local area have been used up. Fortunately, there is another alternative-green tea. Because the green tea is controlled during processing, the original taste of the tea is well preserved. At the same time, vitamin C has also been retained. Therefore, drinking green tea is similar to drinking lemon leaves.

However, the content of vitamin C in green tea is not too high. Therefore, Marin also brought a lot of mung beans, and sprouts were eaten during the voyage to supplement enough vitamin C to avoid scurvy.

In addition, Marin's fleet also carried shiitake mushrooms. Marin loves to eat mushrooms, so this time he must have brought them back. There are two kinds of shiitake mushrooms that he carries-one is dried mushrooms, which cannot be used for reproduction, and is mainly used for eating.

There is another kind of mushrooms that are in the process of breeding. Marin bought several pieces of dead wood with shiitake mushrooms directly from the farmers of Daming shiitake mushrooms, and then brought a farmer who can grow shiitake mushrooms to take care of those shiitake mushrooms Withered wood, return with the boat.

But the fresh mushrooms Marlin on the dead wood will not be eaten. After all, he has to wait for his return to the country to breed further. In this way, he will be able to eat shiitake mushrooms every day in his homeland.

Fresh shiitake mushrooms are not allowed to be eaten, and mung bean sprouts Marin are not promoted, just eat them by yourself. Mainly, Marin is afraid that the Portuguese will get green bean sprout technology to solve the problem of scurvy in the big navigation. Therefore, Malining allows most sailors to drink more green tea, and is not willing to spread bean sprout cultivation techniques.

However, the content of vitamin C in mung bean sprouts is limited. Therefore, in the waters near Japan, Marin specially asked the fleet to buy some radishes, green vegetables and other vegetables. At the same time, some sweet potatoes are also on board, which can also supplement vitamin C.


In fact, the reason why Marin is docked is that besides purchasing vegetables, he also has the idea of ​​spying on Japan's reality. But Osumi is located at the southernmost tip of Japan, in a remote area, and Marin did not see any flowers.

Moreover, Gan Fu, the strongest Zongfan force in the local area, is not a fool. When he sees Marin with so many fleets and men and women, he will take the initiative to attack them.

Marin felt a little bored. Originally, he also wanted to seduce the local samurai warriors to attack them, and then to create diplomatic disputes to make excuses for the future. As a result, the other party was so counseling ...


But Marin did not know that the local Zongfan strength Gan Fu also has its own difficulties ...

Gan Fu's is the powerful local force at the southernmost tip of the Osumi Peninsula of the Osumi State and is the de facto controller of the Osumi State. However, they are not the decent guardians (princes) of the Osumi country, but are only the controlling family of the southern genus of the Osumi country. The real guardian of Osumi is Shimadzu.

However, during the period between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century, the Shimadzu clan killed each other and had no time for him. Moreover, Shimadzu also controlled the neighboring Satsuma and Japanese vassals of the Osumi kingdom and attacked each other. Therefore, Gan Fu took the opportunity to control most parts of the Osumi country and became the actual controller without a guardianship.

And Shimadzu obviously will not rush to a vassal state belonging to their family, such as Osumi, to be controlled by outsiders, so the two sides are also constantly at war. In the case of strong enemies outside, Gan Fu's is not a stump and will not provoke strong enemies. Of course, if Marin has only one small boat, it is very likely to be killed by a boat ...


Malin was disappointed, and after completing the vegetable purchase, he took the fleet and left Osumi. But soon after he went to sea, Marin, who was disappointed, encountered something that interested him-he saw two Japanese small early ships (a small military ship in the Japanese Warring States era) chasing another small early ship ...

What made Marin even more interesting was that through the telescope, Marin found that on the chased small early boat, there were actually a few women ...

It seems that there are several female warriors dressed in red, guarding a young woman in purple. On the next two small early ships, there is a group of murderous Japanese samurai ...

Malin was bored, so he decided to watch a good show. He slowed down the fleet, but at the same time took out a musket alert. After all, the Japanese samurai is not so annoying. Except for Kane and other martial arts guards, ordinary Beihai warriors can't beat the Japanese samurai.

The woman at the front of the small early boat seemed to see hope after seeing Marin's fleet, so the commander rowed his oars and approached Marin's fleet ...

"Taskom (Japanese, meaning help)!" The woman on the small morning boat shouted.

Marin was taken aback, why? He remembered the island action movies he watched in later generations ... It seems that when the heroine was chased by the bad guys and forced X, he often shouted like this ... At the same time, he was accompanied by professional phrases such as "ah sell stupid" ...

Thinking of the past life, Marin sighed and ordered:

"Let them come, don't shoot."

Then, the escaped small early ship approached Marin's fleet and happened to lean against the ship where Marin was ...

"Master, dangerous!" Kahn reminded.

Marin is also aware of this, in order to prevent the possible assassination of the enemy, Marin and Kahn and others have put on full body plate armor. In this way, even if the other party is an assassin, he is not afraid. What's more, Kahn, who put on the moving house and took the mace, was not afraid of the Japanese samurai.


The small early ship that let the escape close to the back ~ ~ The two small early ships that chased behind seemed to be unwilling, and they followed, but Marin ordered a gunshot warning. However, the other party seemed to ignore it completely, and about fifty or sixty Japanese warriors on both ships spread their claws and wielded samurai swords.

"Mad, mental retardation!" Marin looked at the Japanese samurai on the two ships with contempt.

Perhaps, the other party's martial arts are high and strong, and they are very powerful in the traditional overhand battle. However, in the face of Marlin's musketeers, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are also shot down. What's more, after wearing the plate armor, Kahn and others around him are not afraid of the samurai sword.

Of course, the group of Japanese warriors didn't know, and thought they could kill each other as long as they approached the enemy ship and jumped on board. Moreover, it seems that they also took a fancy to Marin's ship ...


"*?" When a group of veiled samurai warriors surrounded the girl in purple clothes on the boat, the moment he saw the girl in purple clothes, Marin was in a trance. Because, he saw that the purple-clothed woman looked too much like a "houseman student tutor" *