Chapter 1197: Return to Keelung and the war will start

"Let me go, you even thought of this?" Marin was shocked.

Before, Marin sent Zhang Cai to buy Taihu pigs in the areas along the Taihu Lake. At the same time, he ordered him to buy the scary fragrant tea (Biluochun), but forgot to ask Zhang Cai to buy mulberry and silkworm seeds.

In fact, Huzhou, where Daming's best silk Huzhou silk is produced, is on the south bank of Taihu Lake. When Zhang Cai acquired Taihu pigs, he went to Huzhou to look for the breed of domestic pigs that Marin said was "a dozen piglets per litter."

Of course, in Huzhou, Zhang Cai did not find many domestic pigs with "a dozen births per litter". However, Zhang Cai, who came here, remembered the most famous local specialty-Husi. That is Daming's best silk, and also the best silk in the world today.

Moreover, Zhang Cai has also heard that Marin seems to particularly look at the silk and porcelain of major Ming dynasties. He couldn't help with porcelain, but how can he pass Huzhou silk when passing Huzhou?

Therefore, under the supervision of local officials in Huzhou, Zhang Cai fakely acquired several locally produced domestic pigs. Then, I recruited two silkworm farmers who could not afford the loan sharks and were about to die. Of course, it was nominally "employing them to help raise pigs", and deceived the local government under surveillance. Then, taking advantage of the big night, Zhang Cai quietly sent people to buy hundreds of mulberry seedlings of Husang and a bag of local silkworm seeds in Huzhou, so that they can be brought to Taiwan for planting and breeding ...

Zhang Cai is a smart man. He knows that the reason why Huzhou silk is famous is that in addition to the good local climate conditions, the good local silkworm and mulberry varieties are also important reasons.

For example, the poor quality of the local silk in Europe has a lot to do with the introduction of silkworm and mulberry varieties.

In fact, Marin had raised silkworms in his family in his last life, and he had planted large areas of lake mulberry and introduced silkworm species in Huzhou. However, that was what happened in my last life.

At that time, Marin, who was still young, thought that "Hu Sang" was called "Hu Sang" and thought it was a foreign species. It was not until I grew up that I learned that the planting in my home was called "Hu Sang". The lake is the "lake" in Huzhou, not the representative "Hu".

Marin clearly remembered that at that time the family raised silkworms and specially made silkworm houses. Not only is it required to keep warm, but it is often sprinkled with quick lime and bleaching powder for disinfection, to prevent silkworms from getting sick.

At that time, in order to sprinkle lime, Marin's mother wore diving masks and masks to cover the eyes to avoid the lime powder from hurting the eyes. There is even something similar to a gas mask.

Young Marin often took his mother's "gas mask" and went out to play biochemical soldiers and played war games with his friends.

At that time, Hu Sangtian was also an important "battlefield" for Marin and his friends. Because every summer, the mulberry branches in the mulberry field are covered with mulberries ...

In the 1990s, rural areas in Jiangbei were relatively poor, and rural children generally could not eat fruit. Therefore, the mulberry in the lake mulberry field has become the best fruit for children. Malin used to rush into the lake and mulberry fields in his last life, eating black and black. Even, because the mulberry eats too much, the tooth aches ...

So, seeing these hundreds of lake mulberry seedlings, Marin was filled with emotion and remembered the experience of eating mulberries when he was a child in his last life ...

For Zhang Cai's cleverness, Marin naturally appreciates it. Sure enough, he was a big man who had been a minister of the Ming Dynasty organization, and his ability was strong. He had thought about and dealt with the matter that his old man almost missed.

After placing the Taihu pigs, mulberry seedlings, silkworm seeds, Biluo spring tea seeds and recruited personnel on board, the Marin fleet continued to sail east.

After passing by Guazhou Ferry, Marin looked north-it was his old home ...

But Marin did not intend to go back to his hometown to seek roots and ask his ancestors. After all, he is now a German man's body. What should he say when he meets his ancestors?

Moreover, it is said that Majiazhuang, where he lived later, was established in the late Qing Dynasty. It is unclear where the ancestor came from. This is because the Ma family tree was burned as a "feudal remnant" during a period of indescribable ten years. Even, even ancestor sacrifices are not allowed. It seems that as long as you believe in the big beard, the ancestors can be gone ... And since the death of the educated San Tai Gong in the family 80 years ago, no one in the Ma family knows the origin of the ancestor ...

Since he can't find the source, why should Marin find it? Moreover, it is not easy to deal with it. Can't you always say to the other party-"ancestor, I am your descendant", right? And with his current appearance, it will scare the other side ...


After entering the East China Sea, because of the strong winds and waves on the sea, an important problem became prominent-seasickness ...

More than half of the 200 doctors given to Marin by the Ming court, including the five doctors who had sinned, were seasick. Among them, 2 of the 5 former doctors were seasick.

Of the more than 3,000 immigrants on board, more than half were seasick. After all, these northern immigrants are not used to taking a boat, especially a sea boat.

Fortunately, Marin had already prepared, let people prepare a large amount of **** slices in advance, let people contain, but also let most seasicks get through. Only a small number of seasickness, still half dead.

The most nonsense is that those two thousand Taihu pigs actually had 1460 seasickness ...


Marin jumped upright, and those who were seasick could not return to the North Sea with the ship, including those who were seasick Taihu pigs ...

Zhang Cai was very calm. He suggested to Marin:

"The protagonist is not in a hurry, although there are many people and pigs seasickness, but there are still many doctors and pigs who are not seasick? You just take those who are not seasick first!"

Marin thought about it and accepted the fact. Anyway, 200 doctors, almost half of them are still not seasick. It is enough to bring them back to Beihai. It's just that almost two-thirds of those Taihu pigs can't be brought back to the country, making him very depressed ...

Hearing Marin ’s concerns, Zhang Cai laughed and said:

"Princess, you also know that the most powerful of these Taihu pigs is breeding. You bring back more than 500 heads, and 400 are sows, and these sows can give birth to more than ten cubs per litter. In a few years, it will be able to break 10,000 heads. The hero was looking for this pig specifically, didn't he just see it breeding fast? "

Marin thought about it, too, Taihu pigs can be born so. As long as the pigs with fewer kills are controlled early, the population expansion is very fast. After all, a sow can produce more than a dozen pigs in one litter, and can give birth to two litters a year ~ ~

Compared with the broken pigs in Europe that are small and can only produce three or five cubs per litter, Taihu pigs are definitely **** pigs ... However, you must be careful not to be infected with swine fever, which is a domestic pig killer. But there is nothing to worry about, as long as each pig is isolated, and only when they are bred together, it can still avoid the spread of swine fever as much as possible ...

With a complicated mood, Marin returned to Keelung Port, East Fan Island. After landing, those who suffered from seasickness and died soon finally became alive and well again.

But after bringing thousands of people back, Marin found that the land near Keelung Bay alone seemed to be insufficient to relocate these thousands of people. If you want land, you have to expand ...

So, next, there is a battle with the indigenous people. The most suitable place to capture is naturally the Taipei Basin. The land area there is large enough, and the Yingge porcelain area in the west is the best priority ...

Exactly, while Marin came back with the guards, and it is early spring, the weather is not hot, it is suitable for the soldiers to put on armor to attack the Taipei basin ...

[m ..] (The rise of the European Emperor: 7777372)-(The rise of the European Emperor)