Chapter 1097: Cossack for population

Marin did not give Wicklow County to Adler in vain. For example, when the King of England fought on the Irish island, Adler would send Marin to help.

According to the rules, as the Earl of Newcastle, England, Marin wanted to send a large army to assist in the battle when the King went out. The reason why Marin gave Adler 50 knights was that he hoped that after the war in Ireland, Adler would take these 50 knights to fight with Edward.

Of course, a count with 50 knights is obviously too small. Therefore, Marin also asked Adler's knights to bring attendants. Generally speaking, a knight takes at least 5 knights. Among them, there are two knight servants in the role of servants. For example, a person responsible for taking care of horses and supplies. The other is responsible for running errands for the Cavaliers. The other three attendants were mainly engaged in combat missions, following the knight charge.

It should be pointed out that there is a difference between knight servants and servants. For example, the attendants responsible for the care of horses and supplies are generally civilians, or younger, mainly engaged in the work of servants. They are sometimes called boyboys. And those three or more combat servants are not necessarily civilian children. It is possible that it is the noble children. Some famous knights, some barons even send non-eldest sons to become knight apprentices and learn to fight with the knights. Of course, the infamous knight can only recruit civilians as combat servants. Therefore, generally a knight has at least three combat attendants. Rich knights will have more combat servants.

However, the uncalibrated Marlin gave Adler a 600-acre enclosure. Therefore, those knights cannot afford too many servants, and five are almost the same.

Also, those attendants are generally not heavy plate cavalry. Because the plate armor is expensive, and the warhorse capable of carrying heavy cavalry is also expensive ... unless, that is a famous knight, and his combat attendants are apprentices sent by non-eldest sons of other noble families. In this way, apprentices can pay for plate armor and warhorse.

But in general, the cavalry's civilian servants are light cavalry. Even, horses are not necessarily qualified horses. But there is no way. After all, knights are divided between rich and poor. Wealthy knights, like French knights with 1500 acres of land, may fight with two or three heavy armoured cavalry. The poor knight may bring two or three half-horse light cavalry on a horseback charge. This half-hanger light cavalry has no problem fighting downwind. Once a hard fight is encountered, it is easy to collapse and escape.

Of course, there are even worse. For example, Marin when he first crossed, let alone the servants, he only wore half a set of plate armor, no pants ... Of course, Marin at that time was just a wandering knight, without a knight title, it was not a real one. knight. The knight who really has the title and the caiyi, no matter how poor, can make up 5 servants.

Once the monarch issued a call to order, the knight would take the horse to battle. According to the requirements, each knight generally needs at least 10 soldiers. Among them, 2 must be cavalry. This is the minimum requirement, if the rich knight can bring more people. For example, some wealthy knights can bring three or more cavalry soldiers, and the infantry (that is, the peasant soldiers recruited) can reach 25 people.


Wicklow County has no shortage of population. At that time, the McMurrow dynasty could survive stubbornly on the edge of the British King ’s territory, and its strength should not be underestimated. At that time, the population of Wicklow County reached more than 20,000. Even if not now, it can still hover around 20,000 people.

Therefore, Marin's requirement for Adler is-50 knights, everyone must bring 3 cavalry and 25 conscripts in combat. In addition, two servicemen responsible for managing materials and helping the knight to mount the horse are added.

In this way, when fighting, each knight can send 30, 50 knights, and they can send 1500 troops. Although the number is not large, but because of the inclusion of 50 knights and 150 cavalry, the combat effectiveness is still good.

Moreover, for the recruited militia, Marin intends to send instructors to help train. At least, we must learn to expel the Swiss spear array. In this way, the combat effectiveness is not too bad.


But 1500 people are still too few, so Marin decided to send 500 Cossacks to Adler. In this way, when Adler accompanied Edward on the expedition, he could have more than 500 tough Cossack cavalry.

Good news came from the people sent by Marin to the Ukrainian region at this time-many Zaporozhye Cossacks and Don Cossacks are willing to accept Marin's employment and recruitment and take the whole family to join. But the requirement is-at least one bottle of whiskey per day (rye Erguotou) ...

Marin happily agreed to this request, and then many Cossacks came to vote.

However, Marin was not worried about the leaders of the Cossacks, so Malin specially picked out the leaders and placed them separately. The ordinary Cossacks are integrated into the German Cossack villages on the grasslands of Jutland, Denmark.

As a result, Marin accepted more than 4,000 Cossacks. However, 500 households were selected from among them.

These 500 thorns were either the former Cossack leaders or wild tempers. To make them happy, they must be suppressed.

However, in the German Cossack village formed by Marin, the leading German Cossacks were originally ordinary German serfs and could not suppress these stings. Therefore, Marin simply picked out these thorns and formed a Cossack thorn head tribe.

Originally, Marin was worried, not knowing how to deal with these 500 Cossack spikes. But this time placing Adler, Marin remembered that they were coming ...

The German peasant Cossacks may not be able to suppress these Cossacks, but Adler can! |

Adler was born as an authentic knight, and his body is strong and his martial arts are strong. Although Adler can't beat Kahn's pervert, but in the Cavaliers, it is also a leader. Even Kahn ’s perversion, it took a lot of effort to defeat him during the horse battle. When Kahn couldn't ride a horse, he was abused by Adler all day long.

For nomads like Cossacks, the most obedient is the strong. Want to suppress them? It's very simple, just play against them. When it comes to heads-up, it is estimated that the gangs of Cossacks are not opponents.

why? Although Cossacks are sturdy, the sturdyness is mainly their overall ability. After all, a group of people who are proficient in riding and horse fighting rushed up, even if it is like a gang fight, the power is amazing. Speaking of personal strength, these Cossacks are stronger than ordinary people, equivalent to the strong men in ordinary people, maybe stronger.

But Adler is different. Adler's own physical quality is a strong man, and he has practiced martial arts since childhood and has practiced for more than ten years. Innately strong body, coupled with acquired martial arts, makes general soldiers not his opponents. Even in the North Sea National Army, only Kahn dare to say that he can win him in the horse battle.

Therefore, as long as Adler put down the ring and hit the group of Cossacks, they would be blessed. Then, Adler, with this group of cossacks who had been defeated, could fight the Irish island with the army of King Edward.


Moreover, these 500 Cossacks have strong personal abilities. If it is not great, it will not become a thorn. After all, if you don't have the ability to **** your head, it will soon be repaired.

As long as Adler can subdue this group of thorns, he can take this group of Cossacks with the equivalent of elite cavalry and sweep the indigenous forces on the island of Ireland.


However, Marin did not send these elite spiked Cossacks to Adler in vain. When sending these Cossacks, Marin stated that he would transfer his population from Wicklow County ...

After all, ~ ~ Wicklow County has a population of 20,000, which is a lot in this era. Marin ’s plan was to recruit thousands of people from Wicklow County to supplement the Scottish Highlands.

The population of the Scottish Highlands is too small, the area is more than ten times larger than that of Wicklow County, but the population is only a little more. Therefore, Marin intends to transfer thousands of people from Wicklow County to the Scottish Highlands to accelerate development there. At the same time, they will be trained as future highland soldiers.

What's more, the thousands of immigrants who come to Scotland's Highlands will destroy the local population and ethnic structure. Once the single national structure of Highland County is broken, Marin will have more control over the local area. After all, the Irish are outsiders, unable to collude with the locals, and can only rely on themselves. And the local indigenous people, after being inserted into the nail by Marin, it is difficult to unite against Marin.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. In the future, Marin intends to carry out population replacement for Highland County. After the island of Ireland was conquered by Edward, Marin planned to emigrate more Irish people to the Scottish Highlands. At the same time, if there are groups in the Highlands who do not submit to their rule, they also forcibly emigrate to the island of Ireland. As a result, not only the population composition of the Scottish Highlands will be complicated, but the rebels will also be sent to the island of Ireland. After leaving their hometown, these people could not jump. In this way, Marin's control of the Scottish Highlands will become easier ...