Chapter 1083: Rumors smear

The next time is the process by which Edward is preparing to be crowned as the “king of agents”. Of course, Marin will also participate in this coronation ceremony as Earl of Newcastle.

To this end, Marin had planned well-this time to Edinburgh, instead of the honor of the North Sea, only the honor of the Earl of Newcastle, England. Moreover, Marin will act low-key, so as not to stimulate the French at this juncture.

And when Europe was arguing about Edward ’s acting as the “king of Scotland”, England made another shot-under Edward ’s hints, James Hamilton, Earl of Alan, and John Stewart, Earl of Bakken , The Earl of Marl, Alexander Erskine, the Earl of Ross, John Leslie, and other large nobles who were captured or remained in Scotland, all voiced their support for Edward to become the official King of Scotland.

While supporting Edward, these **** were also instructed by Edward to vigorously promote Margaret's "uninhibited and debauchery" life during his tenure as Queen of Scotland. Alan Count James Hamilton said that while His Majesty James IV was still alive, Queen Margaret seduce herself many times at the time, but fortunately she was sitting in confusion ...

The Earl of John, John Leslie, also talked about the love affairs of Queen Margaret in the back garden, and finally, the Earl of John, John Leslie, concluded that the child in Margaret ’s stomach, It may have been a Scottish guard, so-and-so, and certainly not a descendant of the royal family. By taking the opportunity to serve as the guard of the palace, XX must go to the backyard of the palace every day to fool with Queen Margaret ...

The news of these explosions spread very quickly in Europe. Europeans also like these gossips. Because it's so exciting ...

The queen is bohemian, seduce men like a female watch, and mess with the guards-is it too exciting? This is definitely the best bargain when drinking in a pub ...

Gossip and gossip have been people's favorite since ancient times. Of course, in modern times, the spread of gossip and gossip is relatively free and fast. But in ancient times, it was not so easy to spread. For example, French King Louis XII strictly forbids this kind of gossip, and the offenders are detained. After all, France still needs to use Margaret to make an essay. How can it allow such gossip and gossip to vilify Margaret?

However, apart from France and the French brother, other countries don't care. Anyway, the Stuart dynasty of Scotland was destroyed, and the Tudor dynasty of England was over. The identity of the deceased country princess and the deceased king really cannot be respected by everyone. Then, in other countries, these gossips flew all over the sky.

Later, in taverns in many countries, drunkards bet, betting on the father of the child in Margaret's belly. The results show that only 2% believe that John Stewart ...


In fact, behind this matter is the shadow of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce. The Beihai Chamber of Commerce in Marin, relying on whiskies produced in the North Sea, has opened many taverns and hotels in European countries. The purpose, in addition to selling alcohol, is to gather intelligence and disseminate public opinion. After all, people who drink alcohol always like to brag. A place like a pub is the most suitable for inquiring and disseminating news.

Even, the drunkards in the tavern bet on who the child's father is in Margaret's belly, which is also secretly promoted by the spies of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce. The purpose is to completely discredit Margaret.

And Margaret was indeed mad. When she heard that only 2% of the children in her stomach believed that the biological father was John Stewart, she was stunned on the spot.

After waking up, she ran angrily to Notre Dame de Paris. In the presence of the bishop of Paris and many guests, she swears by touching the Bible, she is definitely a well-behaved woman, and has never happened with men other than two husbands relationship. If it is false, I am willing to go to **** after death ...

Of course, before going to Notre Dame Cathedral, she did not forget to put something into her chest dress and pretend to be a pregnant woman.

The spies at the Paris branch of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce learned that Margaret was going to Notre Dame Cathedral, felt the opportunity was rare, and quickly organized the killer to go. However, when the North Sea Chamber of Commerce killer was ready, Margaret returned to his residence ...

No way, there are no walkie-talkies this year. Margaret ran to Notre Dame de Paris for a temporary reason, and the spies of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce were caught off guard. When they responded and organized the killer, the other party ran back ...


Because he wanted to participate in Edward's coronation ceremony in Edinburgh, Marin set off early by boat. But Edward asked Marin to go to London to join him, and then go north together. Moreover, this time the security force going north is the Fourth Army of Saqqara under Marin.

Edward was actually very worried about being in danger on the road, so he decided to take Marin northward together. Edward feels that the Fourth Army is a member of Marin, and accompanied by Marin, they will definitely be more concerned about security issues.

But in fact, even if he didn't pull Marin together, Marin wouldn't do anything with him. Because Edward is still very useful to Marin. The unification of Scotland and Ireland is a very offending job, and is easily hated by the people. Such a dangerous job, Marin naturally hoped that Edward would do it all by himself. In this way, when Caesar comes to pick up, there is no danger. Therefore, before Edward completely settled Scotland and Ireland, Marin would never want him to go wrong, and would even try his best to protect him.

In London, Marin also met the lovely future daughter-in-law Princess Margaret. The little girl was running up and down in the garden of the Tower of London ’s Royal Palace, followed by the Mongolian doctor sent by Marin in addition to the maid and guards. With a Mongolian doctor present, even if Margaret broke his leg or arm, it was a small matter. However, Marin is still not assured.

So Marin said to Edward with a worried face:

"Mongolian doctors don't seem to be good at pediatrics and gynecology. It seems that I still have to go to the Eastern Empire to find her a doctor who is good at pediatrics and can make it grow up healthier ..."

Edward heard it very funny, and felt that Marlin, an outsider, was more concerned about the younger Margaret than his own father. However, our majesty Edward, did not know that he had been kicked badly and there would be no other children. Therefore, he does not cherish Margaret, the only daughter. After all, he is still young, and he may have children in the future without knowing that his egg is broken. Of course, Marin would not refuse to care about his daughter.

So he said to Marin:

"I support your idea ~ ~ However, are you convinced that the Eastern Empire's medical skills are stronger than in Europe?"

Marin rolled his eyes directly and said:

"You have also seen the medical skills of the Mongolian doctors I sent. The medicine of the Eastern Empire is more developed than Mongolia, and certainly stronger!"

"That's great, please help me to invite a well-known Oriental doctor. By the way, let them help see our couple, why don't they have a second child. The best, can you have a prince or something ... For a few years, Edward and Queen Anna shared the same room, but no second child. Therefore, Edward is also anxious.

Marin promised on the surface, but he was vomiting in his heart-you are all kicked by the French, and you want to have a second child? Perhaps, you may consider exposing this problem and letting England and France torture ...

But Marin quickly rejected this idea, because at present, the most important thing for Edward is to stabilize Scotland and completely annex Ireland. If you let him know what the French have done at this time, it may not be a good thing and will distract Edward's attention. Wait until Edward has settled the British Isles, and then tell him the sad news. It is estimated that under anger, England will fight against France ...