Chapter 1075: Is Queen Margaret pregnant?

Everyone present didn't really have much opinion on why Marin was banned as a "Holy Spirit Warrior". However, for the statue on the side of the Temple Square in Lateran, everyone's opinion is bigger.

Generally speaking, only **** and the saints can stand in the core cathedral of the Holy See. Or, the late pope. But Marlin? A hairy kid from the country! Kings of various countries are not qualified to stand in the square of the headquarters of the Holy See. Why should he?

Therefore, representatives of various countries have protested one after another, especially the most strongly protested by French diplomats. But Julius II was not in a hurry, he said calmly:

"Who, like Marin, helped the Holy See lay Florence and Siena, and helped the Holy See negotiate back the Rimini area, and I also helped the monarch of the country stand on the Temple Square in Lateran!"

Speaking of which, everyone was silent. Because when it comes to the contribution to the Holy See, other countries really can't compare. Everyone knows where the Republic of Florence and the Republic of Siena are. That is Italy's third and fourth economic power, which is stronger than the Papal economy. If another country lays down these two places, it must be swallowed by themselves, not dedicated to the Holy See. Speaking of this, Marin is so stupid, is it brain-dead ...

However, it was said that the goods had robbed millions of gold coins in the Siena Bank vault. As a result, I heard that the cardinals of the Holy See had deposits in them, and then returned the money vainly ... And, this guy The **** was also stabbed ... This matter, everyone listened to it very well ...

Of course, this news was deliberately sent out by Marin. After all, it is too much to be jealous. Therefore, Marin deliberately sent someone to release the news, describing himself as a sad reminder.

But the messengers did not inquire carefully, wondering that Marin had killed the family members of more than a dozen shareholders of Siena Bank. Although the money was returned, the shares of Siena Bank fell into Marin's hands. After all, the original shareholders are dead ...


Under the eyes of envy and jealousy of the envoys of various countries, Marin came to the outside of the gate of Latran temple with alive riding the second generation of war Makart. Then, there was Michelangelo as a model there. After all, for Michelangelo to sculpt Marin's image, Marin must pose for a demonstration.

In order to make his image more glorious and tall, Malinte rode on the white war horse carter to create the illusion of "Prince Charming". At the same time, he also put on himself a black cross waistcoat on white background, expressing his piety to religion. As for how to ride POSE on the horse. After thinking for a while, Marin asked a priest to go to the church to get a Bible and a cross. Then he rode on horseback, holding the Bible in his left hand, and holding the cross in his right hand ...

"This posture is good!" Julius II praised with satisfaction.

The first-hand Bible and the one-hand cross definitely show Marin's piety to Christianity, which is very in line with the taste of the church. After the praise of Julius II, many bishops and priests present applauded Marin's gesture, applauding his devotion to religion.

"Bah-horse fart ..." The French messenger gave a private sip. Of course, he dare not do this publicly. After all, it would offend the church. But in his heart, the French messenger despised Marin's flattering behavior.

But at the same time, the French messenger had to admit that-Marin did pretend to be like ... the Bible in the left hand, and the cross in the right hand ... This image, put it in the folk, will definitely make the pious believers greatly like it. ...


For everyone's envious and jealous eyes, Julius II looked in his eyes, but he was very happy. Because, it shows that standing on the square of the headquarters of the Holy See is still very attractive to all countries. It ’s easy to attract everyone ...

So, Julius II took the opportunity to announce aloud:

"Everyone, the" Holy Spirit Warrior "is not the only one. The" Holy Spirit Warrior "is under the saints and belongs to the mortal warrior. If you can make a great contribution to the great cause of the Lord and the Holy See, you are also eligible to receive Seal and make a statue on Temple Square in Lateran. "

"For example, the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon are fighting to reclaim Morocco, an area occupied by pagans. If they can successfully occupy the whole of Morocco, then His Majesty Juan III and His Majesty Ferdinand II also have Eligible to become a 'Warrior of the Holy Spirit' and be enshrined in the Holy See! "

"In addition, if anyone has the ability to retake the holy city of Jerusalem, then he will be listed as a higher-level saint after his death!"





The future Pope Leo X-Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici, at first glance, immediately shouted his arms, turned into a cheerleader, and led the priests on the square to shout to help Yuli Uss II is gaining momentum.

Spanish Foreign Minister Joaquin was very proud to learn that his king had the opportunity to stand in front of the Holy See. However, he proposed that the statue of his own monarch cannot be placed behind the statue of Marin.

In this regard, Julius II stated on the spot that the statue of Marin stood on the left of the gate, while the statues of the two kings of Spain stood on the right of the gate of the temple, not farther than the statue of Marin.

Seeing that the Pope gave such a face, Hua Jin was proud and accepted the congratulations from the envoys of various countries. Malin glanced at him and said:

"What awesome? The order of cattle is also behind me. Brother was the first to stand at the gate of the Holy See. The first is the first!"


After the "Holy Spirit Warrior" and the image problem fell behind, Julius II announced the award to King Edward of England:

"Given that the Kingdom of England sent the Newcastle Legion (Fourth Legion) to assist in the siege of Siena City, and that the King of Scotland has been heirs, I decided to grant the King of Scotland to King Edward ...

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, the French messenger Mbappe suddenly shouted.

Julius II suddenly asked in a poor tone:

"Ambassador Mbappe, don't you agree with me?"

The French Ambassador Mbappe immediately saluted, saying:

"Sorry, Lord Pope. You just said,‘ The royal family of Scotland has been deceased ’, this statement is not the final conclusion!"

"Oh? Are you talking about Bishop Alexander Stewart of the Stuart family? But he has decided to dedicate himself to God, serve the church forever, and give up the right to inherit the throne."

Mbappe shook his head and said:

"I'm not talking about him, but the heir to His Majesty John Stewart!"

"What? John Stewart's heir? Isn't he childless? Do you want to say his **** son? Mr. Mbappe, don't you know that **** sons have no inheritance?" Julius II said angrily. Moreover, he felt offended by the French.

The French envoy Mbappe did not panic, but said calmly:

"No, Lord Pope. You should know that before Edinburgh was defeated, His Majesty John Stewart ..."

"No ~ ~ Mr. Mbappe. John Stewart cannot guarantee the legitimacy of his throne because of the alleged murder of His Majesty James IV!" A bishop corrected.

Mbappé nodded and said:

"Even so, should the identity of Lord John Stewart Albany be recognized by everyone?"

Everyone nodded ...

"That's it. In any case, the children of Lord John Stewart, or the royal children, have the right to inherit the throne ..."

"But, as everyone knows, Duke John Stewart did not leave a legal heir!" Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici couldn't help it.

Mbappe shook his head:

"No, his legal wife, Queen Margaret, found herself pregnant after she fled to France ..."

"What?" Everyone in the room was taken aback ...