Chapter 1036: The Spaniard started first

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Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici, who was in control of the Florentine banking industry, was so happy that he did not know how to do it. He called his younger brother, Giuliano de Medici, together with the brothers The ground feasted Marin and expressed gratitude.

Giuliano was now arranged in Florence to manage the wool mills that had originally taken back control. At this time, he came to Rome to work, so his brother came to pay Malin to drink.

Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici actually has a nephew, the son of his elder brother Pierrot. His elder brother Pierrot had died in 1503, leaving only his son Pierrot and daughter Clarice. And his younger brother Giuliano de Medici, one year younger than Marin, has no heirs. Looks like it won't be there in the future.

At the wine table, Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici sighed again and again, sighing that his eldest niece Clarice was getting older and had just married this year. Otherwise, you can marry Marlin's son Caesar.

Marin smiled in his heart, not to mention that Clarice was a bit older, and already married, even if she was the right age, Marin would not be willing. After all, marriage with Edward's daughter and annexation of England is the best choice. Of course, if Louis XII was willing to marry his only daughter, Princess Claude, to Caesar, Marin would readily agree. After all, France is thicker than England. But Marin knew that it was impossible. Historically, Maximilian I had mentioned his grandson Charles V to Louis XII. However, it was jointly rejected by the French nobles. Because the French nobility could not tolerate a German to become the king of France (France also followed the law of inheritance of Salik, Princess Claude could not become the queen, only her husband could become the king of France).

Obviously, Marin is also a German, and is the object of rejection and resistance by the French nobility. Therefore, the marriage of Princess Claude is not necessary, and the possibility of annexing France is extremely small. Edward is different, because Edward seized the throne of England through violence, and the previous nobles were all killed. Therefore, Edward Margaret's daughter Princess Margaret married Caesar, but no one objected. Because no one is qualified to object, and those who are qualified are killed. Moreover, Marin is now counted as the Earl of England, not an outsider, and no reason for opposition. Of course, Edward still doesn't know that his eggs are broken, and he is still looking for a male heir. If there is a son, and the daughter marries abroad, there is nothing ...

After that, the unwilling Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici proposed another plan-by his nephew Lorenzo II, married Marin, the daughter of Adler, Marin. Although Mary is a little younger, she can get married in a few years. Because in this era of Europe, it is normal for a man to marry a wife over 30 years old, but aristocratic girls often get married when they are 14 or 5 years old. Mary is older than Caesar, and Lorenzo II can wait a few years to marry Mary ...

But Marin rejected Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici's proposal, why? Because he knew that this product would become a pope in the future. If Lorenzo II married Mary, would n’t Mary become the Pope ’s nephew? As a result, Adler's identity also rose. Moreover, it is said that the sister-in-law Liv is pregnant again. If a boy was born and Mary married Lorenzo II, then the boy would become the nephew of the future pope ’s nephew ... This may threaten Caesar ... after all, from inheritance In terms of rules, the Adler family is the longest son ... Marin does not mind giving the Adler family wealth, but this wealth cannot exceed Marin's control ... The Adler family and the future pope are married. Relationship, not what Marin would like to see ...

However, Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici is, after all, the future pope, and Marin cannot refuse to be too stiff to avoid being hated. So, he had to refrain from saying that Mary had other arrangements. As for marriage, it is not impossible. Anyway, isn't his younger brother Giuliano not married yet? And Marin himself will have children in the future. Therefore, Marin proposed that in the future, his younger brother Julianno had a baby and could marry himself ...

However, Marin clearly remembers that the main branch of the Medici family seems to have died later. Then, it seems to be a branch of the Tuscan Archduke. And this Giuliano seems to have only an illegitimate child named Hipolito. However, this guy is also a short-lived ghost, has been promoted to the seat of the ruler of Florence by the Holy See, but unfortunately only lived in his twenties and hung up, and had no time to leave behind. Then, the control of the Medici family fell to the branch ...

All in all, the main men of the Medici family are short-lived ghosts, which can't be provoked. If you marry your daughter to a short-lived ghost, wouldn't it hurt your daughter? However, the woman of the Medici family is not short-lived. Clarice did not know how long she lived, but Catherine, daughter of Lorenzo II, Marin knew. Because, Catherine de Medici is the queen of King Henry II. Moreover, the original French meal in history was developed in the hands of the Italian cook she brought. French perfume is also her precedent.

Of course, the French dinner has now been made by Marin, and the perfume Marin has also been done first. Therefore, there is no more Catherine de Medici in the future.

However, even if Catherine de Medici is famous, Marin would not choose to let her son marry her. Because, it ’s a difference ...

Catherine de Medici is the granddaughter of Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici's elder brother Pierrot, and he is the worship of Giovanni di Lorenzo de Medici brothers. In other words, I am Catherine de Medici's grandfather, and my son is Catherine de Medici's uncle. I don't match it. Moreover, Marin, who is familiar with history, knew that this woman was not a fuel-efficient lamp and made France a mess. She wanted to be Empress Cixi but lacked her wrists. In addition, it is said that she looks a little ugly ...

After thinking about it, Marin decided not to marry the Medici family. After all, a group of short-lived ghosts is not a good target for marriage. However, after all, it may be due to the inability of medical skills. After all, Florence is the site of the Holy See, the most superstitious, not paying too much attention to real medicine. If they provide some smart doctors, maybe they will not be so short-lived? Not to mention, as the brother of Leo X, Marin definitely hopes that he will live longer. In this way, your own interests can be guaranteed ...


After leaving, Marin was surrounded by the guards and returned to his hotel. But as soon as he came back, he received a shocking news-the Spaniards started to Morocco ...

After accepting Marin ’s proposal early in the year, Juan III began lobbying the nobles and his father Ferdinand II to support his annexation of Morocco. At the same time, he also commissioned Queen Margaret of Austria to use his connections in Germany to recruit 20,000 mercenaries from Germany ~ ~ Just a while ago, Austrian Margaret helped recruit 20,000 German mercenaries finally arrived in Spain and completed the assembly. And Juan III also officially ordered to send troops to Morocco ...

Marin is not surprised that the Spaniards have made hands on Morocco, but only how to choose such a period of time. Because this is the beginning of October, when the autumn harvest begins. In general, don't wars choose the leisure time between spring cultivation and autumn harvest? What do you mean when you choose autumn harvest?

And Marin ’s intelligence personnel in Spain quickly sent the answer-it turned out that the Spaniard planned to take advantage of the autumn harvest and **** the Moroccan autumn harvest ...

It turns out that the price of Spanish food is too expensive, and the cost of buying food is purely high. As a result, some Spanish nobles proposed that it would be better to send troops to seize the Moroccans ’food during the autumn harvest. As for Moroccans who starve to death because food is robbed, is it their business? Anyway, Moroccans, whether Arabs or Berbers, are pagans, starved to death ... and this vicious suggestion was strongly supported by the fanatical and radical Spanish Inquisition ...

In this way, taking advantage of the autumn harvest season, Spain mobilized a large army across the sea and began an attack on Morocco, earlier than Marin started ...