Chapter 988: The End of the West African Black Rhino (Part 2)

Arriving in front of the body of the black rhino in West Africa, Captain Royce inspected and found four shots in the rhino's head. However, it was a coincidence that there was a steel ball bomb, which just interrupted the rhino horn ...

"Uh ... this rhino horn is afraid of being scrapped, and the value will shrink by half ..." Looking at the rhino horn that was interrupted by steel balls, Royce was a little depressed.

Then, Royce and his friends pulled out a sharp high-carbon steel short knife and began to cut the thick rhinoceros with blood and flesh along the "weak spot" of the rhinoceros folds. At the same time, damaged rhino horns were also dug out.

In addition, the good meat on the four cow legs was also cut away with a short knife and taken away in a bag. As for the remaining rhino corpses, Royce directly asked people from nearby indigenous tribes to carry them away.

However, rhino horn is the business of partner Jorge de Rencastre, Duke of Coimbra, Portugal, not Marin's loss. But when Royce brought back the broken rhino horn, the Portuguese side was extremely black ...

Moreover, not only the group of Royce damaged the rhinoceros horns, but also the rhino horns of five groups were damaged, making the Portuguese representatives jump with anger.

Royce was a little embarrassed. He thought about it and said:

"Mr. Mido, or next time I will send a three-person team? In this way, the chance of interrupting the rhino horn is even lower."

The Portuguese representative named Mido nodded uglyly. After all, the chance of a 3-round steel ball hitting a rhino horn is indeed much lower than that of a 5-round steel ball hitting a rhino horn.

During the break, Royce found Eschwein and demanded a group of halters that prevented the horses from hissing. Eschwein immediately arranged the craftsmen to make it. After all, this was a thing that was conducive to hunting rhinos.

While Royce was resting, the leathermakers of the "Mao" company in Senegal began processing the rhinoceros overnight. Because it is tropical here, for a long time, the fat attached to the inner layer of rhinoceros is easy to rot and may damage the rhinoceros.

As for the rhinoceros leg meat they brought back, they were marinated with salt by the chefs and waited until tomorrow to make rhino ham. Rhino beef from other parts brought back by some people is made into food. As for the rhino ham, it is a tribute, which should be sent back to Beihai to be enjoyed by Marin and other gangsters.

The idea of ​​making rhino ham was developed by Lord Caesar, the little prince of Beihai. When he heard Marin said that a musketeer was going to West Africa to hunt rhinos, Caesar asked cutely, "What is a rhino?"

Marin casually replied, "Rhino is a kind of cow." Then, the snack goods asked if he could get some ham made from rhino leg meat ...

As soon as Marrington's eyes lit up, he sent someone to notify Senegalpi's "Mao" company to hunt rhinos. By the way, he brought some good leg meat and made rhino ham back to China ...

Then, the deadly rhinoceros of West Africa was not only skinned and horned, but also cut off the meat on the four legs, which is miserable ...


The next day, when Royce's hunting team set off again, each horse was fitted with a muzzle. Of course, when the rhinoceros is approached, the muzzle will be put on. After all, it's tropical here. If you keep the horse's mouth covered and don't let it gasp, it's hard to dissipate the heat from the horse ...

This time, because of the muzzle, no team was discovered by the rhinoceros because of the horse's hissing. Then, before the next night came, all the 30 West African black rhinoceros on the Cape Verdean Peninsula were attacked by poisonous hands ...

On Gore Island, Royce and other musketeers have returned to drink and celebrate. The chefs have finished making 120 rhino hams, and have begun to dry and air dry. The musketeers and employees of the "Mao" company were eating meat from other parts of the rhinoceros.

In this era, people prefer to eat fatty meat. Therefore, the rhino beef brought back by the musketeers was half fat and thin. Then, the chefs made it into a greasy barbecue or rhino steak or braised rhino beef, so that everyone in the room had a mouthful of oil.

On the same night, several indigenous tribes such as Dakar on the Cape Verde Peninsula were even more crazy ...

These natives frantically sang and danced around the campfire to vent their joy. Because the West African black rhinoceros on the peninsula that scared them so much was finally cleaned up. From then on, they go out to hunt without fear. The ghost knows what kind of terrible life they had previously been dominated by the fear brought by the black rhinoceros of West Africa ...

The next morning, Eschwein came to the Dakar tribe again, asked the Dakar tribe to help, contact the tribes in the inland area east of the Cape Verde Peninsula, and asked them to allow the hunting team to enter their territory to hunt West African black rhino. After all, if you enter the local area without communication, you might be greeted by javelins and bows and arrows ... It may be difficult to "shoot" the rhinoceros, but the "shoot" kills the hunting team. ... after all, there is no heavy rhinoceros on the hunting team ...


Similar to Eschwein's imagination, the local tribe heard that these people were here to help hunt the terrible black rhinoceros, and they all agreed. Even the salt used by the chiefs of several tribes, including the Dakar tribe, was not used.

After all, several tribes such as Dakar and Eschwein were unfamiliar and did not trust each other before they needed to be smashed with salt. Those inland tribes, because of the Dakar tribe, assured that they did not doubt their motives for hunting West African black rhinos. Therefore, they are very welcome for the arrival of the hunting team.

Then, under the guidance of the guides sent by the tribes, the various hunting teams set off again and rushed to the black rhinoceros of West Africa who did not know the danger ...

"Boom ..."

"Boom ..."

"Boom ..."


After the gunshots of evil, the heads of the rivers and lakes were full of laughter ... Abu, the fierce West African black rhinos in the West African Prairie ~ ~ fell into the pool of blood ... and then , Peeled and horned and cut off leg meat ...

If it is seen by the animal protection organizations of later generations, Royce and others will definitely be under siege and may be beaten. After all, they killed animals ...

But the local indigenous black people, who have been dominated by the fear of black rhinos for many years, have sang songs and danced to celebrate the death of the overbearing black rhinos.

The black rhinoceros is different from the white rhinoceros. The "sex" of the white rhinoceros is relatively gentle and does not attack people casually. The black rhinoceros, with its short temper, often attacked the passing West African indigenous people. Moreover, local indigenous people have no way to take them. After all, they are still indigenous to the Stone Age. Therefore, they can only feel fear for the black rhinoceros in West Africa.

Now, the black rhinoceros of West Africa were simply killed by the musketeers of the hunting team in large numbers, making these black natives excited. You know, an adult male "sex" black rhino's territory is 10 square kilometers. The death of every black rhinoceros in West Africa means that a 10 square kilometer site has been vacated and can become a new local hunting ground. It can even be used for grazing ...

Senegal is not the territory of the primitive people, but the border area of ​​the Malian Empire of slavery. The locals do n’t know how to graze, but the black rhino is too domineering, snatches the fat pastures, and attacks any animals that are close. Therefore, the locals are afraid to graze casually. Because if the flock is close to the fierce West African black rhinoceros, only a charge is needed, and the flock will be killed and injured innumerable ...

But now, with the arrival of the Senegalpi "Mao" company hunting team, the West African black rhinos that are rampant on the West African prairie have ushered in their end. But at the same time, the indigenous black people who were once dominated by the fear of the black rhinoceros in West Africa ushered in their bright future ... The latest chapter of "The Emperor's Rising Claw Book House" is free for the first time.