Chapter 980: 1st barrel of gasoline in the world

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The use of oil may not be understood by Europeans in this era, but Marin is very clear. Not to mention modern applications such as gasoline, diesel, and lubricating oil in later generations, but oil itself has many applications in this era.

For example, arson the enemy with oil. The most classic is that ancient China used oil as "fire oil", which was the main force of fire attack. In ancient China, sulfur and fire oil were the sharpest weapons of fire attack. Among them, the power of kerosene should exceed that of sulfur. Because once the kerosene is ignited, it is indelible, and the effect is extremely powerful.

In the war of ancient China, kerosene and oil were successfully used in wars many times. For example, the defender can use fire oil to burn down enemy siege equipment. In addition, during the Houliang period, there was also a record of putting kerosene in an iron canister and firing it with a catapult to burn down enemy warships.

Of course, this operation is more dangerous. Because once the oil was not successfully thrown away, it landed on the ship ... that burned the ship on its own ... but if it is used to attack the ship from land, it is safer. However, it can take a lot of luck to accurately throw it on the enemy ship.

If it is really thrown on the ship by an oil tank, it is dangerous, much more dangerous than a medium-n-iron shot. Because the iron ball shells may not destroy the ship, and the oil tank can easily burn the ship. After all, ancient ships were made of wood, and they were most afraid of burning.

However, for the more dangerous naval battle, Marin is more interested in whether he can use oil to burn the enemy's gates ...

The iron gates that many European cities are now switching to may not have a fever. However, for now, the gates of most European cities are still made of wood. If you put oil on it and set a fire ... it seems that without bombardment, the other party's gate can be burned. At that time, throwing another gunpowder barrel, the city gate can naturally break open smoothly, even if the city gate hole is blocked.

As it happens, this attack on Scotland, it seems that the gates of the Scottish capital Edinburgh are wooden ...

Therefore, when Marin saw the oil, he seemed very excited and didn't care about the fat and corruption. Those are trivial things, and the life and death of the country are the real major things. Even, Marin does not mind rewarding their two brothers.

Moreover, Marin has made up his mind to send spies to the Wisla Valley in Galicia, Poland, to buy land rights in the area where the oil wells are located, and then to monopolize the artificial oil wells ...

Later, Marin will have a source of kerosene. If you want to play a fire attack or something, the materials are there. If you get a fireboat tactic ... hehe, hehe ...

Anyway, as long as there is oil, in the future, the wooden gates of European countries will be equivalent to undefended for Marin ...

European city walls are too strong, all made of stone, stronger than the ancient brick city walls of China. If you use shelling, it is estimated that it takes a long time to break the city wall. Unless you use a super cannon similar to Turkey's "Urban artillery" that broke Constantinople and weighed 17 tons and shells weighing 1,500 pounds, you can easily break the stone wall.

However, the Urban gun is too heavy, with a weight of 17 tons. Not to mention the difficulty of casting, transportation alone is a huge problem. It can be used in the siege of Constantinople, because Constantinople is on the seaside, so that the Urban guns can be unloaded from the ship to use. If it were deep inland, it would be impossible to transport such a giant. You know, this year, the carriage's load is only one or two tons. Even with a 4 horse-drawn cart, it is difficult to carry heavy objects over seven or eight tons, not to mention a 17-ton super heavy artillery? Therefore, the Urban guns were only used in the siege of Constantinople. As for the inland siege, such heavy artillery could not be delivered at all.

Therefore, if the enemy's city is a wooden gate, it is more cost-effective to burn the gate with oil. If you want to blast through the city gate, let alone how difficult it is. The consumption of gunpowder alone is a distressing astronomical figure.


After returning to the palace, Marin immediately started the experiment. However, the burning of oil is not as powerful as Marin imagined. Because the burning intensity of oil is stronger than that of ordinary fats and oils, and it is not very violent. Moreover, the black smoke of oil burning is very large, it seems that the burning is not complete ...

Speaking of the black smoke of oil, Marin seems to remember a story in ancient China. The ancients seemed to have used oil to burn black smoke to make a high-end ink block oil smoke ink ...

The so-called fume ink is not the same as ink. The fume ink and the pine smoke ink are black and gray inks extracted from black smoke, and are used exclusively by Yantai of ancient China. The ancients wrote and used ink to grind on the ink table, and then mixed it with water to form ink. At the beginning, the modules used by the ancients to grind ink were all natural ink, that is, the legendary graphite. But graphite output was limited, so people later came up with pine smoke ink. Pine smoke ink, that is, lit a little pine wood. Because of incomplete combustion, there is more black and gray. Then, cover the flame with a damp cloth. When the incompletely burned pine black ash rose and touched the damp cloth, it was intercepted. Then, after extraction and reprocessing, a very high-grade pine smoke ink was obtained. The so-called smoke is black smoke when it is not completely burned. Black smoke in black smoke is very high-grade toner. Later, people made a fume ink. However, this oil does not refer to oil alone, but mostly refers to oil from tung tree. Because, in order to make pine smoke ink, the felling of pine trees is too serious. Later, people used faster-growing paulownia wood instead of pine wood to ignite and collect soot to make soot ink.

However, the black smoke when oil is burning can also collect toner, and high-grade oil smoke ink can also be obtained. In ancient China, the ancients did this, burning oil directly, and then extracting black smoke and black ash to make ink sticks.


In other words, without processed oil, the combustion is not complete, and the burning intensity is not enough, it is difficult to burn the city gate at once. Then, it needs to be purified ...

"Is it purified ..." Marin thought for a while, and called his men to the winery and asked for a steamed Erguo tin ...

Yes, steam the tin pan in Erguotou. Marin also understands the principles of oil processing, isn't it fractionation at different temperatures? Fractional tamarin will not be produced, mainly because of the temperature control he cannot do. In addition, how to control oil and gas at different temperatures into different outlets ~ Marlin also does not understand. After all, he did not study petrochemicals.

However, it is relatively simple to separate the gasoline with the lowest distillation temperature. The props used are distilled tin tin of Erguotou. With a "low temperature" of more than 100 degrees, Marin quickly used tin tin to get a batch of light gasoline. Then, with twenty barrels of oil, Marin distilled a barrel of light gasoline with a two-pot tin tin.

In fact, 20 barrels of oil is much more than a barrel of gasoline. However, Marin's technology is backward, unable to separate heavy gasoline, and it does not understand any hydrocracking technology. Therefore, he can only extract such a little gasoline.

Among oil, the most fiercely burning is gasoline. Even, gasoline can explode to a certain extent when it burns. Such a violent "fire oil" is the sharpest weapon that burns down the wooden gate.

Then, Marin took out a small bottle of gasoline and conducted a combustion test. Sure enough, the gasoline burned quickly and violently. If a barrel of gasoline is poured on the wooden gate of Edinburgh, Scotland, and it is lit ... Ha ha, the gate of Edinburgh will inevitably be finished, and, very fast ...

Moreover, gasoline has another advantage. That's how it came from. No one knows ...

As long as Marin blocked the good news, no one knew that gasoline was extracted from black oil. After all, the appearance of dark oil and colorless gasoline is too different. If you don't understand the principle, no one knows that the two will be related. Burning city gates with gasoline, the confidentiality is particularly strong ...

As it happens, the Fourth Army is going to attack Edinburgh. Marin decided to send this barrel of gasoline and let the demolition hand of the Fourth Army take this barrel of gasoline, pour the gasoline on the wooden gate of Edinburgh, and set a fire ...

And this barrel of gasoline, Marin estimated that it should be the first barrel of gasoline in the time and space world he traversed ...

{Old Railway, please remember the New Bayi Chinese Network}