Chapter 978: Change one idea

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However, Marin's decision made the Thomas manager of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce responsible for the sale of **** and brown sugar cry without tears. Why? Marin made sugar and **** slices this time, which cost 30,000 pounds of **** and 60,000 pounds of black granulated sugar, which made Manager Thomas want to cry.

You know, because Marin used **** syrup to rescue Juan III ’s feat, **** has now become a famous European medicine. Its value, already on par with pepper, was fired to 10 shillings per pound. Malin spent 30,000 pounds of ginger, which is equivalent to wasting 60,000 gold coins! As for the 60,000 pounds of black granulated sugar, although not as expensive as ginger, it is also worth 2 shillings per pound. In other words, Marin also wasted sugar worth 24,000 gold coins ... If all these were sold, it would be 84,000 gold coins. Can Thomas not cry?

Marin was also dumbfounded at the cry of Thomas. He didn't expect that he would spend 84,000 gold coins by moving his mouth casually, which made him extremely distressed. However, after thinking about it, he did not regret it. Because, as long as the Holy See won the Republic of Siena, then Julius II had reason to give him colonial power on the east coast of the Americas. By that time, with legal colonial rights, Marin had reason to openly drove any ships that attempted to explore the Americas. Moreover, there will be no legal disputes with other countries in the future. Because, he has obtained the legal right to colonize America. If other countries want to get involved, it is illegal, and Marin has the right to deal with it.

In this era, Europeans have not been as shameless as the later generations. In general, everyone still follows the basic rules. Unless the massive amounts of gold and silver in Mexico and Peru are leaked out, those countries will desperately grab it. If it is just some land, everyone may not grab it. Why? Because in this era, the land in Europe has not yet been developed, why should countries not be able to survive for land and Marin?

Later generations attach so much importance to territories because the population of later generations is too large, and every inch of the territory is precious. But in this era, the population is small and the land is large. Because of the small population, the labor force is lacking. Even if it occupies a lot of land, it cannot be developed. Unless it is the kind of tropical territories where sugar cane can be grown to obtain sugar, this is the goal everyone is pursuing.

Even the original England in history, the reason why it colonized North America in the 17th century was not for farming, but for gold and silver. Only later, they did not find gold and silver, and there were black slaves to help them farm, and then they began to attach importance to the development of North America.

Like Spain and Portugal, they never value farming in the colony. Apart from growing sugar cane in some areas, they have no other agricultural development activities. The rest is just looking for gold and silver and trading profits ...

In other words, in this era, pure land is not attractive. Only gold and silver deposits, as well as the profitable spice trade, are the things that European countries are closely watching. Marin means good luck and can pick up leaks in this era. If there was a delay of two hundred years, by the 18th century, countries began to attach importance to land development, and competition was fierce at that time. It is like the "seven-year war" between Britain and France fighting for North America.

Counting, farming in the colony, or the British started. But in fact, the British did not think about farming in the colony at first. However, the east coast of North America occupied by the British is really suitable for farming. When the thirteen states of North America develop, everyone will take a look. Farming in the colony is very promising! Then, everyone swarmed up and began to compete and repartition the colony ... And before the British farming success, everyone was looking for minerals and snatching trade interests, and did not realize the importance of farming ...


Moreover, there is an important prerequisite for farming in the colony is sufficient labor. Before the rise of the slave trade, this condition was not available. As for Native Indians? The spirit of resistance is too strong. You enslaved the Indians and you might have been killed the next day, unsafe. Unlike black slaves, the first generation of black slaves were very obedient and disobedient. With the black slaves, the agricultural prosperity of the thirteen states of North America was achieved.

But in this era, the Holy See prohibits the sale of slaves. In the original history, the rise of the black slave trade did not really start until the Catholic Church was defeated by Protestantism. For now, the Holy See is quite authoritative.

But who is Marin? The Pope's son-in-law. Moreover, this product is very cunning. When buying slaves from the Duke of Coimbra, Marin used the name "employment". Even, every black slave, Marin will pretend to be an employment contract. If you go to check, Marin will come up with an employment contract to deal with you. You can't stop people from hiring workers? This matter cannot be investigated. But in fact, those so-called "black workers" are all working on chains, that is, black slaves ...

Moreover, this product also inspired the ideas of the Japanese and Indian labor. Therefore, he can obtain enough labor force to develop America. If other countries want to develop a colony, they have to wait until the slave trade becomes public. As for now, unless you can learn Marin's shameless ability to forge a labor contract, or do it quietly ...


Because of the consumption of **** and sucrose worth 84,000 gold coins ~ ~ Marin has been in pain for a long time. You should know that 84,000 gold coins are worth 80 to 90 million soft sister coins in terms of the gold price of the gold coins in later generations. In this way, Marin hurts even more ...

However, considering the safety of 15,000 soldiers, Marin still has no regrets. It's just, it's still quite painful ...

He began to complain a little about Maximilian I, why didn't he send troops early. If the warm weather in September, there will not be so much trouble.

However, Maximilian I also had his difficulties. Encouraged by Malin, a wicked ghost, he sent troops to occupy the eastern half of Switzerland. However, he has since fallen into a tug of war with the Swiss Resistance. Today, Maximilian I must maintain more than 10,000 troops stationed in Switzerland for a long time to guard against the Swiss counterattack.

Therefore, Maximilian I could not transfer enough standing troops to go south to Italy. If you want to send troops to Italy, you must call for the strong. However, Austria ’s agriculture is also inseparable from those people, especially the autumn harvest season. If it affects the autumn harvest, it will cause the Habsburg family's financial income to be greatly reduced. For the impoverished Habsburg family, this is unbearable. Therefore, Maximilian I can only choose to lead the army south after the autumn harvest. Unless, he is willing to risk the financial collapse of Austria ...

So, every family has a hard book ...


Later, Marin changed his mind, no longer entangled in how much **** and sucrose could be sold, but calculated how much it cost to grow those **** and cane sugar ...

So, Marin was surprised to find that the cost was only a few thousand gold coins ...

Then, Marin's heart disease immediately resolved, his waist did not hurt, his legs were not sore, he could climb the 10th floor in one breath ...

{Old Railway, please remember the New Bayi Chinese Network}