Chapter 965: The importance of the Mamluk dynasty

Why go to Egypt to buy desert slaves and camels? Are there other countries in North Africa, such as Morocco and Algeria?

This is about Marlin's political considerations ...

What prospered the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty? spices! The Mamluk dynasty has very close ties with India, and Indian spices have always been shipped from India, then through the Arabian Sea to the Red Sea, and then from the territory of the Mamluk dynasty, shipped to Alexandria, and then resold to sell The Merchant of Venice.

It can be said that this business of changing hands to resell spices has brought huge profits to the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty. In other words, the spice trade is the economic lifeline of the Mamluk dynasty.

The Egyptian Mamluk dynasty relied on India far more than that. In addition to spices, the Mamluk dynasty also needed to import large quantities of war horses and Uz steel from India.

what? You said that the Mamluk dynasty imported war horses from India? Yes, it is. This is because the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt lacked horse-producing areas.

The territory of the Mamluk dynasty mainly includes Egypt, later Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and the Hanzhi area on the Red Sea coast of western Saudi Arabia.

The problem is that most of these areas are arid and semi-arid. Only the Syrian area is better and can produce more horses. In other regions, it is too dry, although the famous Arabian horses are also produced, but because there are too few grasslands and too many deserts, the production of Arabian horses is not large, but there are more camels ...

The limited number of war horses produced in the Syrian region cannot provide enough horses for the tens of thousands of Mamluk cavalry in the Mamluk dynasty.

It is said that because of the shortage of horses, the Mamluk cavalry had only one horse when sending troops, and then brought a camel as a transfer mount, and was responsible for carrying the armor and supplies of the Mamluk cavalry.

What to do if there is a lack of horses Of course I bought it! After all, the Mamluk dynasty made a lot of money through the spice trade, not bad for buying horses. The problem is that Turkey in the north of the Mamluk dynasty does not deal with the Mamluk dynasty.

The Aries dynasty and Mamluk dynasty in the east are also in tension because of the competition in Iraq. The newly defeated Aries dynasty replaced the Persian Safavid empire, which is his Shia, and the natural and Sunni Mamluk dynasty is the opponent ...

Therefore, the Mamluk dynasty can only choose to buy war horses from India. Mawarima, produced in western India, is also very good. As a seed of Arabian horses, Mawarima not only has the advantages of Arabian horses, but also can withstand the hot and humid climate. This is one of the reasons why Marin wants to go to India to buy a horse, because he also likes Mawarima.

In the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt, it is said that only Sudanese soldiers and some elite troops can ride Mawarima ...

And Uz Steel, let alone. The Damascus scimitar used by the Mamluk cavalry relies heavily on Uz steel imported from India. Without Uzsteel, Damascus scimitar cannot be built.

It can be said that the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty's dependence on India is comprehensive. Not only is it the spice of the economic lifeline, but also the war horse and weapon of the military lifeline, it also relies heavily on imports from India.


The problem is that after Spain and Portugal opened the Indian route, they are not satisfied with only obtaining some spices, but want to monopolize the trade of spices.

Therefore, the joint fleet of the Spanish and Portuguese is now raging on the Arabian Sea, specifically intercepting Arab merchant ships and preventing the Arabs from grabbing the share of the spice trade.

They just stopped the spice trade, but later expanded the scope and directly banned Arab merchant ships from going to India. So, this also touched the lifeline of the Mamluk dynasty.

Without the spice trade, the economy of the Mamluk dynasty will inevitably decline. Without the import of warhorse and Uz steel, the combat effectiveness of the Mamluk cavalry will be severely affected.

Therefore, in the original history, the Mamluk dynasty would actively participate in the Battle of Diu and want to defeat the Portuguese. After the defeat of the Diwu Sea War, the originally powerful Mamluk dynasty was destined to decline. Then, it was destroyed by Ottoman Turkey in 1517.

In fact, Turkey has long wanted to kill the Mamluk dynasty. Why? Because the Mamluk Dynasty had a caliphate ...

After the Abbasid dynasty was overthrown by the Mongols, the survivors of the Abbasid family fled Egypt to seek refuge. Then, the Mamluk dynasty supported the descendants of the Abbasid dynasty to restore their caliphate status in Cairo. Of course, it's just a puppet.

However, even the puppets made the Ottoman Turkeys, who belong to the God camp, covet. After Ottoman Turkey became strong, it had always had the ambition to dominate the world of God. Not to mention, the Mamluk dynasty also occupied the three holy cities of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.

However, the Mamluk dynasty was also a powerful country before the spice trade, the war horse trade and the Uz steel trade had not been destroyed by the Europeans. Armed with a Damascus scimitar and riding an excellent warhorse, the Mamluk cavalry is as powerful as the Turkish cavalry. Therefore, Turkey had to endure.

It wasn't until the Mamluk dynasty lost the Battle of the Diwu Sea that began to decline, that Turkey began to really plan to eliminate the Mamluk dynasty and replace it. In the original history, they also did it. In the end, Turkey not only destroyed the Mamluk dynasty, but also took the Caliphate title and the three holy cities and became the true leader of the God world. The demise of the Mamluk dynasty has also become a symbol of the growth of Ottoman Turkey into a giant empire.

For now ~ ~ Turkey is just an ordinary power, at most stronger than France, and has not yet reached the level of hanging Europe. They really have reached this level, and have to wait for the annexation of the Mamluk dynasty. For now, Turkey still needs to display heavy soldiers on the southern border to guard against the Mamluk cavalry's incursions.


In other words, after the loss of the spice trade, the war horse trade and the Uz steel trade, the decline of the Mamluk dynasty is almost inevitable. And Turkey will inevitably take advantage of its decline and seek the land of the Mamluk dynasty.

But who is Marin? That's a passerby. Knowing history, how can he tolerate Turkey's strength and hang all over Europe? You know, the main attack direction of Turkey in Europe is Germany!

Therefore, for German considerations, Marin did not allow Turkey to grow into a monster that swallowed the sky. The first step in preventing Turkey from growing into a monster is to protect the Mamluk dynasty.

So, knowing that desert slaves and camels can be bought from Algeria and Tunisia in Morocco, Marin still chooses to buy from the Mamluk dynasty, which is also a disguise to support the Mamluk dynasty.

As long as the Mamluk dynasty is not overthrown, and did not capture the Caliphate seat and the Ottoman Turkey, the three holy cities, do n’t want to rise up in prestige. If the prestige does not rise, it cannot grow into a horrifying "European bulldozer". When the Mamluk dynasty was held back, Turkey could not let go of its invasion of Europe ...

Of course, buying only a few slaves and a few camels will not help the Mamluk dynasty. In the future, Marin will increase support for the Mamluk dynasty. If necessary, Marin even planned to provide Mamluk dynasty with cement and guns to help the Mamluk dynasty build a stronger fortress and repel the Ottoman Turkish attack ...