Chapter 918: Law of the grassland jungle

It's obviously a wise decision to cope with the big crowds. At least, these Cossacks are more obedient ⌒100 German Cossacks to demonstrate to them, they are still willing to learn the rules.

Speaking of these, these Cossacks are born horse gangsters on the grassland, and their personal combat effectiveness is very good. However, discipline is very poor. Therefore, Marin does not need to train their personal abilities at all, but only to discipline them. As long as the discipline is good, the combat power of those Cossack troops will double.

For these Cossacks, Marin is still relatively precious. In order to reduce their casualties in the conflict with the Native Americans, Malinte ordered them to have chain mails with good protection. Although chain mail is not as protective as plate armor, it is much lighter than plate armor and is suitable for light cavalry like Cossacks. In the face of the backward weapons of Native Americans, chain mail is sufficient to protect the safety of the Cossacks.

As for sabers, the old high-carbon steel sabers ♀ are all used to deal with the indigenous Indians in Argentina. It is definitely enough. Because, at this time, the Indians on the Argentine grasslands are still using stone tools, and they have no metal weapons. Even the most powerful Yu Empire in South America, their army's weapons are only wooden sticks, stone axes, javelins, spears, bows and arrows and slingshots. Moreover, the heads of spears and bows and arrows are stone tools. Therefore, Marin was confident that those Cossacks would be able to resist the attacks of some indigenous people by wearing chain mail.

In addition, Marin will equip the Cossacks with some ordinary cavalry bows and arrows. If you can shoot some enemies without contact, that's the best. Moreover, the shooting before the charge can combat the popularity of the enemy. Anyway, the quality of European bows and arrows is definitely stronger than those of the indigenous Indian stone tools. Even if the Cossacks are not good at archery, it is okay for them to shoot a few arrows at random to frighten their opponents. What's more, bows and arrows can also be used for hunting.

In order to maintain the supply of these Cossack cavalry, Marin transferred all 5,000 Eastern European Mongolian horse mares purchased from Jamahan to them ⌒ the milk produced by these 5000 mares, their staple food is Too. You can drink mare's milk when it's cooked, or you can make it into yogurt or cheese, whatever you want. With bows and arrows, they can also shoot wild animals on the Pampas grasslands to obtain meat.

In addition, in the settlement area of ​​the La Plata estuary, there will also be equipped with several fishing boats to feed the fish for food. When the farmland in the reclamation area is reclaimed, the Cossacks can not only get food supplies, but also get vegetables.

After training for a while, Marin told the Cossacks to go to the Pampas to attack and annex the backward indigenous tribes.

Marin ’s 100 German Cossacks had no problems because they were used to obeying orders. However, the 400 genuine Eastern European Cossacks were confused

A young Zaporozhye Cossack asked Marin with a confused face through the interpreter:

"Master, you said that the indigenous people of the wilderness continent wanted nothing but poorer than our Cossacks. What do we get if we rob them? What is the point of doing this?"

Cossacks are a group of robbers, they attack other tribes, always want to plot the belongings of other tribes. However, according to Marin, the natives of the "Wild Continent" are very backward, like savages, even without metal weapons, and those Zaporozhye Cossacks don't understand it-why do you grab such a poor ratio?

Marin was also asked a little stunned-yeah, grab a poor ratio, why? The ancient nomadic people in the northern grasslands went south to rob the Central Plains dynasty, because the Central Plains dynasty is the richest in the world, and it is worth grabbing. Let this group of Cossacks be robbed or primitive South American Indian natives, what is the picture?

Of course, for Marin, it must be a site. However, for those Cossacks, this cannot be said. After all, the site was snatched and not given to them.

But if they do not arouse their desire to rob, they have little incentive to attack the Native Americans. However, with the poor comparison of Native Americans, what is worth the plot of the Cossacks? Without a good excuse, it will affect the expansion of those Cossacks

However, Marin thought about it, and could not think of a group of Indian primitives that was worth grabbing.

"Oh, population!"

Marin suddenly remembered that in the history of the nomadic people in northern China, when they went south to rob, they not only robbed property but also robbed people.

Why do those nomadic people rob people? This starts with the characteristics of the grassland nation. In the northern prairie, the national renewal is quick. Before the Mongolians occupied the grasslands, there were the Huns, Donghus, Xianbei, Rorans, Turks, and Qidans on the grassland.

And how did these nomads rise? It's obviously too slow to breed on your own. Therefore, these rising tribes often like to attack other tribes. In addition to those tribes who actively come to vote, for those hostile tribes, the nomadic people ’s flawed tricks are unbearable-they will kill men above the wheel height, leaving Women and filial piety

With women, they can force the captive women to give birth to them and strengthen the tribal population. And filial piety, raised can also serve as a tribal fighting force.

For those ancient steppe nations, women and filial piety are the cornerstones of the tribe's growth. Even if the tribe had only a few hundred men in the beginning, as long as thousands of women were robbed, there would be thousands of children in the second year.

Men are not the same as women. A woman who has as many men as she may have only one child ⊥ even if she sleeps with a hundred men, she can only conceive one child a year. But if a man has a hundred women, within a year, all 100 women can be pregnant

Therefore, the secret to the rapid growth of the grassland nations is to rob enough women to make them pregnant. At the same time, it also robs those children who are not sensible, and trains the successors of the tribe.

As long as there are enough women and filial piety, a tribe will grow up, but it will only take a few decades. And this is the rule of the grassland and jungle of Chiguo-which tribe has enough weapons to suffice enough women and filial piety to grow up quickly.

However, such laws of grassland and jungle do not apply in Europe. Because Christianity requires a man to have only one wife

In Europe, only children born in wedlock are regarded as people. As for the illegitimate children, even those of the nobility, they have little status, and they will be ridiculed and have no inheritance rights.

Of course, Europe is a farming society, and the social environment is stable ~ ~ Monogamy can be implemented smoothly. And on the grasslands where the killing is continuous, there is only one wife, and the lives of those tribes are almost killed. Moreover, even if they do n’t rob women of other tribes, the conflicts on the grassland where dogs are hairy, the mortality rate of men is very high.

Marin must not dare to openly allow men to marry women in Beihai, because it violates the canon. However, in the remote Pampas grasslands of South America, Marin dares to take risks.

So, Marin asked the translator to tell the Ukrainian Cossacks:

"If you capture the tribes of the indigenous people, the women just pick and have children and have the right to share the land!"

"What?" The Cossacks were stunned.

Strictly speaking, most of the Ukrainian Cossacks were originally Orthodox Christians. The Orthodox Church is also a branch of Christianity and monogamous. For Marin's statement, they are also difficult to accept. Only a few Tatars are accustomed to this model, but they do not take it seriously, but are rather interested.

Marin asked the translator to add a sentence:

"Of course, the wife can only marry one. However, illegitimate children also have the right to be allocated to the land. After all, the land there can not be scored and the government can help you raise children.

Speaking so clearly, those Cossacks certainly understood what Marin meant ≮ is that they suddenly cheered.

For these Cossacks, it is nothing more than the word "wine color". In addition, I hope that there will be offspring. Marin allows them to **** women as mistresses and help them raise illegitimate children. This is very attractive.

Then, this group of Cossack villains were ignited with enthusiasm, full of longing for the pampas prairie

Seeing that these villains' enthusiasm for conquest was ignited, Marin nodded in satisfaction-this time the expansion plan of the Pampas Grassland was stabilized

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