Chapter 873: "Black Gloves" to Conquer America

After sending Jamahan away, Marin couldn't wait to send 32 of the more than one hundred Cossacks to the palace. Then, Marin ordered people to entertain the group of cossacks with good wine and good food.

In the palace compound, Marin was sitting on the steps, surrounded by Kahn and other guards to prevent Cossacks from being in trouble. The 32 Cossacks each had a table in front of them. Then, the waiters at the palace brought large dishes such as braised pork and beer roast duck, each serving a large portion. At the same time, a bottle of one-pound rye Erguotou was placed in front of each Cossack man.

"Whiskey?" Sure enough, in this group of Cossacks, some people knew the goods. The man was relatively decent, probably the chief of the Cossack tribe. Therefore, he knows the best-selling whiskey in Eastern Europe (rye Erguotou).

Probably broken, this rough-looking man can't wait to pull out the cork, pour a big gulp into his mouth, and then reveal a very comfortable expression.

The Cossacks on the side were stunned for a moment, so they quickly asked in Kievan Russian (Ukrainian):

"Boshkin, what are you drinking?"

They did not recognize what was in the bottle in front of them, and it is no wonder that they had never seen such a clear wine. After all, the drinks that these ordinary Cossacks usually drink are relatively muddy. In other words, throughout Europe, people drink wine, whether it is wine or beer, the color is relatively turbid. Whisky, although doped with dark granulated sugar and other substances, causes the wine to be a little darker in color, but it is still too clear compared to poor-quality turbid wine. Therefore, it is normal for this group of turtles not to recognize wine.

The Cossack named Boshkin burped with satisfaction, and a strong alcoholic odor suddenly came. This time without his explanation, other Cossack men also knew it was wine. And, it smelled from Boskin's hiccups-it was very strong. Otherwise, Boshkin only took a sip, and he wouldn't make such a heavy hiccup ...

Then, without Marin's greetings, these Cossacks pulled out the cork stoppers and scrambled into their mouths ...

Probably drunk quickly, or maybe someone has never drunk such a strong wine, and several Cossacks were choked by hard liquor. However, there was no way to stop their willingness to continue drinking ...


"Hey! I haven't talked about the banquet yet, this group of **** are drinking it? Is it too unruly?" Marin was dumbfounded.

However, the thought that the entire Cossack group is best known for being unruly, Marin was relieved.

Throughout the hundreds of years of history of Cossacks, most of the time, Cossacks were synonymous with poor discipline. The biggest feature of the Cossack cavalry is the fierce personality, but the military discipline is loose. Such an army is very powerful in fighting against the wind, but fighting against the wind ... but not to mention ...

However, Cossack also has his advantage, that is, super mobility. Eastern European Mongolian horses are endurance breeds, so Cossack cavalry is as mobile as Mongolian cavalry.

It was precisely because of Cossack's strong mobility that successive tsars recruited Cossacks and occupied the vast Siberia, all the way to the Far East.

Marin recruited the Cossacks. In addition to using the Cossack cavalry to help defeat his opponents, it did not mean that he used the Cossack to help himself conquer the Americas.

These loose Cossacks may not be able to fight the regular European army, but it is no problem to bully the Indians who have not yet obtained the war horses.

Although Marin is currently underpopulated and inadequate to manage the entire America, it is no problem to use tens of thousands of Cossacks to occupy the site first.

Moreover, the brutality of Cossacks against civilians is, in a sense, also needed by Marin. You must know that the land competition is very cruel.

Marin wanted to occupy the entire America, and there must be a **** conflict with the original Indians of the land. After all, everyone wants fertile land.

It is like the Russian Far East. In order to permanently occupy the Far East, Tsarist Russia either killed or expelled the local Chinese. In the 21st century, the Far East is basically Mao, and there are no Chinese. The "Jiangdong Sixty-Four Tuns" massacre was the cleansing of the annexed Chinese in the Far East.

Not to mention Mao Zi ’s barbarism, but Mao Zi ’s cleansing of the Chinese in the Far East did indeed lead to a small number of Chinese in the Far East. So much so that Huaxia couldn't go back to the Far East—you said that you want this land, what about public opinion? The local residents are all Maozi. Will they be merged into China? Huaxia really wanted to take back the Far East. Even if it occupied this land, it would face resistance from the local Maozi residents. Unless, drive them all away. Otherwise, there will never be peace. Moreover, the process of driving away Mao Zi will inevitably bleed to the ground.

Similarly, Marin is almost necessary to secure the occupation of the Americas and drive away the natives. Otherwise, ethnic conflict will be inevitable in the future. Just like Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Serbs, Croats and Mu tribes hit their dogs ...

But Germans are relatively civilized, and Marin also prohibits soldiers from slaughtering civilians. But colonizing the Americas will inevitably be accompanied by **** conflicts over land. Since the German regular army does not do this kind of dirty work, those brutal Cossacks have become Marin's best choice.

Marin can completely learn Ivan IV of Maozi, while using the Cossack to conquer the Americas to drive and slaughter the locals; on the other side, he is condemning the cruelty of the Cossacks ... historically, Ivan IV played such a two-sided approach Ransacked the Tatars with the Cossacks and finally unified the Eastern European steppes. Then, Ivan IV, also known as the Great Emperor and Lei Di by Mao Zizun.

In other words, Cossack will become Marin's "black gloves" to conquer America. All **** and violent aspects will be pushed onto Cossack's head. Marin will always be "wise".

Sitting on the high platform, Marin froze for a while, and forgot to greet the Cossacks.

However, these cossacks did not even know what "politeness" was. Probably the whisky is too hot, these Cossacks grabbed the beer roast duck directly with their hands. The waiters hurriedly handed over the spoons, and then these scumbags began to dig the braised meat with the spoons ...

"Oh, my God! These dishes are so delicious!"

"Oh, God is on, these dishes are so delicious!"

Then, these ordinary Cossacks who like to drink in large bowls and eat meat in large chunks, just like the reincarnation of starving dead ghosts, eat and drink ...

The composition of Cossacks is very complicated. The main body of Ukrainian Cossacks is Ukrainians, but there are also Poles, Lithuanians, and a small number of Tatars.

The Tatars believe in the God religion. However, these Tatars became Cossacks, and their faith was not sincere. Because the provisions of the God religion are not allowed to drink or eat pork. However, these Tatars became Cossacks. Not only did they drink spirits in large bowls, they also swallowed the braised pork made of pork, ignoring the rules. Not to mention these free and unrestrained Cossacks, the Tatars of the Crimean Khanate, although they do n’t eat pork (mainly too many cattle and sheep in Eastern European grasslands, they do n’t need to eat pork), but they do n’t drink too much.

Moreover, since it became a Cossack, this group of people themselves do not care about the rules, nor do they care about the faithful goods.

After a meal of wine and meat came down, the group of Cossacks was immediately bought off. The Cossack leader named Poshkin told Marin through an interpreter-as long as there are enough wine and meat in the future, the whole family can't be hungry, and later his life will be sold to Marin ...

"Ha ha ha ha!" Marin laughed heartily. For him, how much wine and meat, how much. What he lacks most now is the senior hitman.

However, for this group of Cossacks, although Marin accepted them, they did not arrange them in one place, but divided them into two parts and arranged them in the two German-style Cossack villages that had been built. In this way, the small number of people can also prevent these Cossack forces from becoming too large to disobey discipline.

And ~ ~ Marlin will always follow this example to mix these authentic Ukrainian Cossacks and fake German Cossacks to prevent the Cossacks from getting out of control. At the same time, the village chiefs and military chiefs of the Cossack villages will also be Germans. But in order to respect those Ukrainian Cossacks, a Cossack leader will also be elected as a deputy. In this way, it can also ensure that Cossack will not lose control.

Finally, there is the issue of faith. After all, most of these Cossacks from Eastern Europe either believe in Orthodox or God, and only a few believe in Catholicism. However, as a monarch of a Catholic country, Marin must ensure that the whole country believes in Catholicism.

So, Marin sent people to test those Cossacks, trying to make them convert to Catholicism. Of course, some means were also used-the supply of spirits and meat without a conversion to Catholicism was halved ...

As a result, this group of cossacks, whose beliefs were not firm, changed without hesitation ...

Marin had to admit that he overestimated the morality of these Cossacks. In fact, in the original history, these Cossacks, who originally believed in different religions, also went to the Orthodox Church at the request of the Tsar. Therefore, the issue of reformation is not a big deal for a Cossack with little temperament. If the faith is firm, it will not become a Cossack ...