Chapter 869: Autumn Harvest and Agricultural Adjustment (Part 1)

Of course, it's not that Marin has no discipline (although there is indeed a lack of discipline), but Marin is really longing for the chic in the martial arts stories of the heroes flying around in the sky.

Although Marin is also capable of martial arts, at best it is Bruce Lee's martial arts, which is not even as good as it belongs to the human category. The martial arts of those heroes in the martial arts are already in the category of unscientific. For example, those heroes often fly around in the sky, completely ignoring the rules of gravity. Moreover, what's special can hold the girl to fly in the sky ... this makes Marin envious of death ...

Moreover, Li Xunhuan played by Jiao Enjun was indeed very chic. It is human nature to meet such a hero and learn martial arts by holding the thighs. Especially, the post-80s like Marin who watched martial arts from a young age. Basically, most post-80s boys have a martial arts dream in their hearts.

In the late 1990s, it was a very hot period for martial arts. At that time, the 95th edition of "The Condor Heroes", the 96th edition of "Swordsman" and the 97th edition of "Eight Dragons" were all very high-quality martial arts dramas. The last few years of Marin's life was a period of bear children, super fanatics. To this end, Marin hung sandbags at home, and also learned that people put iron sand in the broken iron pan to practice iron sand palms, and almost did not burn their hands ... And, in order to practice the so-called light skills, Marin tied sandbags to his legs. Run……

Of course, in the end, Marin didn't practice any internal skills, nor did he go to the wall. Instead, his fighting skills increased. After all, exercising can make people strong. The person grows strong, not to mention the fist, even a brutal collision, can also fling the thin person without flying ... Of course, the premise is that there is no brick in the other hand ...

Pulling away, the flying escape in the martial arts is obviously unrealistic. Therefore, Marin needs a long time to prepare. He has to put poison on the darts and let the darts form a "dart rain." In order to ensure the killing of Caesar Pogia without breastplate in the hot summer.

Fortunately, time is still enough. After all, there are still a few months until next summer, enough to recruit manpower and train dart rain tactics.

Then, Marin needs to ask his father-in-law Julius II to see if he agrees to postpone it until next summer. However, Marin feels that the problem is not big. Because, although Julius II hated Caesar Borgia more, he was also a calm politician who knew tolerance. Therefore, he will be able to wait until the death of Caesar Pogia next year.

Kohler sent his cronies and took Marin's secret letter to the pope to Rome, Italy. After sending the letter, Kohler's cronies will also be responsible for selecting manpower and forming the "Assassin's Creed" killer organization in Italy.

In fact, the killer organization in Assassin's Creed is called the Brotherhood. However, there is no "Assassin's Creed" for the ID of the Brotherhood. Moreover, Marin also has its own bad taste. Therefore, it was originally the name of a movie that he used for the killer organization.

But to put it bluntly, this killer organization called "Assassin's Creed" is actually just a guise. When Caesar Borgia was killed, the organization was useless. Therefore, Marin will not pay too much attention to the operation of this organization. Even, he will deliberately expose some clues of this organization, and forge some misleading information, so as to extract himself and Pope Julius II. Moreover, the manpower responsible for the formation of the "Assassin's Creed" organization will also be the peripheral personnel distributed by the North Sea Chamber of Commerce in Italy. These people only know that they are online, not even knowing that they are serving the "North Sea Chamber of Commerce". In this way, even if this organization is discovered and eliminated in the future, it will not leave any evidence pointing to the North Sea State and Marin.

Moreover, Marin will play a play with Julius II. That is, before the assassination of Caesar .. Polygia, Julius II will deliberately accuse the "Assassin's Creed" organization and classify it as an illegal organization. He will also send the emperor's soldiers to pursue. As a result, no one believed that this matter had anything to do with Julius II.


While Marin was busy planning the assassination of Caesar Borgia, the autumn harvest of the Grand Duchy of the North Sea was also in full swing.

However, in the Grand Duchy of Beihai, the autumn harvest work is not synchronized. The domestic provinces of East Friesland, Oldenburg, Schleswig and North Münster have long been attributed to the provinces under the Marin because of the adoption of new agricultural technologies and the introduction of crops Early maturing phosphate fertilizer. Therefore, the rye of these old provinces is half a month earlier than the other provinces that were later merged into the North Sea, and the end is half a month earlier.

In mid-October, when several other new provinces, like the rest of Europe, were still in full swing, the North Sea East Friesland, Oldenburg, Schleswig and North Mines The four old provinces of the Special Province have ended the autumn harvest and entered the stage of drying grain and storage.

According to statistics, the grain output of these four old provinces has slightly decreased this year, failing to reach the level of 2 billion pounds last year, but there are also 1.85 billion pounds. This is mainly due to the fact that this year the Schleswig Province was hit by a storm in summer, which resulted in a large-scale reduction in the field.

But even so, 1.85 billion pounds of food production can scare a bunch of people. Because according to the retail price of one rye per pound of rye, this 1.85 billion pounds of rye is worth 1.85 billion fenny, equivalent to 30.833 million gold coins ...

Of course, according to the old rules, it is impossible for Marin to sell all these grains. After all, he was also afraid of the secret of high-yield food.

Moreover, Marin has reached a secret agreement with his nobles-temporarily stop increasing arable land and avoid hoarding more food ...

In other words, in addition to the four old provinces of East Friesland, Oldenburg, Schleswig and North Münster, four other new provinces-Bremen, West Friesland In the provinces, Jutland and South Münster, and the newly acquired Ruhr area, Marin will temporarily not promote new agricultural technologies in these areas ...

Why? In addition to worrying about the accident that too much food is produced and not being sold, preventing leaks is also an important reason.

After all, the current North Sea countries are not enough to single out all Europe. But if the secrets of the high-yield grains of the North Sea are leaked out, it is estimated that the whole of Europe will threaten the North-Seas to surrender the secrets of high-yield grains.

The four old provinces of East Friesland, Oldenburg, Schleswig and North Münster have done a good job of keeping secrets. At the beginning, Marin also did a very good job-the old nobles of East Friesland were basically killed, and the knights of North Münster were also taken away by Bishop Conrad, while Oldenburg and Schleswig The old nobles of Yige were all sent to Las Vegas ...

Without these possible outsiders who might betrayed by these obstacles ~ ~ and when the spring farming and fertilization will send troops outside the manor to protect, the secrets of the high-yielding North Sea country have not been leaked.

However, the newly joined provinces are different. As Marin gradually matured politically, they no longer resorted to violence against the newly conquered areas, but instead used a combination of repression and suppression. In this way, the old nobles in some areas will not clean up. Under such circumstances, the old nobles of the Beihai Kingdom worry that those newly nobles may not be reliable. If the secret of high-yield food is leaked, it's over ...

Therefore, during the spring tillage this year, the old four provinces still adopted new agricultural technologies and fertilizers. New provinces, however, have not used new agricultural technologies.

However, West Friesland is an exception. This is because Marin in this province has been integrated, and the original nobles of West Friesland and some Junker landlords have been exchanged for the area near the Elbe in Bremen Province through land exchange.

Therefore, Marlin in West Friesland is now in control. Therefore, Marin and the Beihai noble group reached a secret agreement-in the future, new agricultural technologies will only be temporarily available in East Friesland, Oldenburg, Schleswig, North Münster, and new members. Implemented in West Friesland. As for other provinces, the old agricultural technology is temporarily adopted and adjusted according to the situation ...