Chapter 867: Assassin's Creed

For the next few days, Marin was free to discuss with Kohler how to assassinate Caesar Polygia without making anyone doubt his head.

Marin even thought of the thunder man's idea of ​​using artillery to kill Caesar Pogia. After all, the artillery can aim longer than the gun. However, this was quickly rejected. Why? Because the artillery cannot hit the target in one shot, it often needs to be corrected first. However, the school shooting is also a shooting, which is equally shocking. There is usually only one chance for assassination. If there is no one hit, Isaac Pogia's now violent temper must be desperate to dodge. Therefore, artillery sniper sounds feasible, but actually not feasible.

Then, Marin also thought of using Kahn to smash Caesar Borgia's carriage. This trick was learned with Zhang Liang, who once instructed Hercules to throw a stone from a height and smash Qin Shihuang's car. However, did not hit, and then, left the idiom of "missing the vice car".

Kahn is obviously also a strong man, and raising two hundred kilograms of stones to hit the car from a height is no problem. But the problem is-Caesar Pogia of Nima, he doesn't like riding cars. You know, Caesar Borgia was a famous warrior and conqueror of the Papal State during the reign of Alexander VI. He is also a man of kung fu, and can be regarded as a knight. His personal force is no less than that of Marin. Therefore, when the goods go out, they are usually on horseback, followed by several muscle guards who also ride the same horse. Moreover, when this product was sold in history, it was also beaten to death after being bravely rushed into the ambush circle alone. If you change to an ordinary assassin, even if you are close, you may not be able to beat him. Unless, the speed is so fast that it can't react ...

The marble smashing car instructed by Zhang Liang can hit the deputy car. For the rider with a smaller target, it will be more difficult to hit ...

According to the information of Kohler's men, Caesar Borgia generally does not go out easily. Only Sunday morning, he will go to a nearby church to worship.

It stands to reason that when praying in the church, it is the best time to start. However, Marin ’s father-in-law Julius II demanded that he must never start in the church ...

It's no wonder that the church is the site of the Holy See, and Caesar Pogia has hatred against the current Pope Julius II. If Caesar Borgia was killed in a church, it must be suspected that Julius II did it. Therefore, Julius II clearly did not want Caesar Pogia to die in the church.

The problem is that from Caesar's Borgia Castle to the nearby chapel, it is only a 10-minute horse ride away. That is to say, Marin wants to assassinate Caesar Borgia, only every Sunday has a chance on Sunday morning, and there are only two 10 minute chances. But the pitfall is that these two 10 minutes, Caesar Pogia was riding on horse, it was very difficult to aim at the target.

When he learned that Caesar Pogia was going to cross a bridge on the way to the church, Marin thought of the tactic of bombing the bridge ... that is, Biao wanted to murder Taizu ...

However, this will not work. Why? Because the bridge that Caesar Pogia passed was a very small bridge. If you walk by, you have to walk a few seconds. But Caesar Borgia passed by horse and was fast. As a result, a question arises whether the ignition is timely. If the ignition is early or late, you will miss your goal. But now there is no remote detonation means, not even the means to pull the index explosion. Relying on the fuse alone—unless someone is standing under the bridge like Dong Cunrui and Caesar Borgia died together ... but this is not very reliable, even if you can find the dead, you may not be able to ignite in time ...


"Did you actually deal with this bastard?" Marin was a little crazy ...

"Otherwise, we still use the oldest method, secretly hire an assassin at a high price to assassinate him?" Kohler suggested.

"What a joke? This product is also a knight, and likes me after going out, loves to wear chest plate armor. Even if you find the top assassin, a dagger pokes into the heart, it is also on the plate armor ..."

"No, young master, I heard that in the summer, this guy goes to church for worship, and he doesn't wear breastplate armor because it's too hot ..."

"This is an opportunity!" Marin nodded. In fact, he did not wear breastplate during the hottest period in summer. However, he would put on a sleeveless tactical vest, with steel plates inserted in the large pockets on the vest to protect the heart ... But Caesar Pogia is an indigenous of this era, and naturally does not know what a sleeveless tactical vest. When the summer is hot, you can only take off the chest plate armor. Moreover, the summer in Spain is much hotter than the northern part of Germany, without losing heatstroke ...

"How to ensure that the assassin must have killed Caesar Borgia? This is a knight who can martial arts. Moreover, there are bodyguards of four or five knights around ...

"This ... can't guarantee ... we can only spend more money and hire the masters of the assassins ..."

"Okay, Kohler, you choose a loyal and reliable Italian intelligence personnel ~ ~ set up a temporary assassin organization in Italy. Then, in the name of this organization, privately take orders and cover some Italy with high prices And the powerful assassins in Spain ... "

"Master wants to hire those assassins to kill Caesar Borgia?"

"No, I want to use this organization as a cover ..."

"The specific plan?"

"You first let enough excellent assassins encircle them to attract the attention of all countries. At the same time, you deliberately send people to place orders in this assassin organization in the name of the relatives of the cardinals who were killed by Caesar Pogia , And the next assassination of Caesar Borgia in the name of the mysterious Danish rich ... "

"Why is this?" Kohler puzzled. Ordered in the name of the family members of the bishops killed by Caesar Pogia, he understood, but what the **** is the Danish rich?

Marin smiled:

"Did you forget? Christian Danish Crown Prince was almost poisoned by poison" Cantrera "?"

Kohler suddenly realized, but he glanced at Marin in a profound way-wasn't this what you ordered?

Marin seemed to know what Kohler wanted, adding:

"Who knows that we did it? Outsiders only thought it was the Swedes who bought 'Cantrera' to poison Prince Christian's Prince. It was not normal for Caesar Pogia, who sold poisons, to become the eyes of the Danes. Can it make the water muddy ... "

Kohler nodded, expressing his understanding. Then he asked again:

"Master, what if the assassins hired at a high price fail?"

"It ’s not going to miss because I have thought of the best weapon for assassination ..."

"So, young master, what is the name of this temporarily established assassin organization?"

"Assassin's Creed!"

... (Tianjin Novel Net https: //)