Chapter 860: Negotiations start

"Thanks to the Swedes for this coma and deprived me of half of the shares. In this way, it also gave me the opportunity to draw a line between Sweden and Sweden. Otherwise, if I abandon Sweden abruptly and support Denmark, I will be despised! Marin said with emotion.

Both Tagfacht and Heisenberg laughed. Indeed, the Swede himself made a coma this time and offended Malin. Otherwise, there is the "fighter" uncle Marin on the land, the Danes still dare not start against Sweden.

"What should we do in the future? Whoever is strong will help the other party fight it? Will this be despised?" Heisenberg asked.

Marin thought for a while and knew that they were afraid of being despised by others, so he said:

"This time when signing the contract, the three of us can also participate in the signing and declare that-in order to guarantee peace in Northern Europe, we promise that as long as one of the two parties commits an act of sabotaging peace, we will join forces with the other party to combat it. There is a fair balance between the two countries. No one can do it alone ... "

"A good idea, both to achieve the purpose of balancing the two sides, but also to be honest and not to be despised! Good!" The two loud speakers nodded in praise. Then they went back with satisfaction ...


Early in the morning of the next day, the negotiating parties, including the three heads of Beihai, Lübeck and Hamburg, who will participate in the mediation, will meet at the old town hall in Lübeck to hold the first round of negotiations.

However, Marin was deliberately late ...

Originally, the five representatives who participated in the negotiations should gather at the old town hall of Lübeck at 8 am. However, Malin didn't leave your hotel until 8 o'clock. Then, he arrived at the old city hall at 8:20.

Of course, the saying that the old city hall is a posterity. Now it is called Lübeck City Hall. The old city hall was built in 1447, which was only a few decades away. For stone buildings, decades of architecture are not really old buildings. After all, stone buildings can be kept for a long time.

This time, Marin was deliberately late for two main purposes-

First, the most important person is naturally the last to arrive. Being late for a while is really nothing, how dare you dissatisfied?

Second, let Kahn pretend to be a wave, and at the same time put a little pressure on Denmark and Sweden participating in the talks ...


Therefore, when Kahn took the over 400 guards wearing lobster soldier costumes, he walked to the city hall of Lübeck in the tense and rhythmic accompaniment of the "Grenadier March" of the Scottish bagpipe and snare drum. In front of the gate, it caused a huge sensation ...

The Lübeck people were not unprecedented in seeing the uniform march of the North Sea army. Last time the Lübeck battle, Marin fought alongside the Lübeck with the army. At that time, the Lübeck people had seen the serious military discipline and neat military appearance of the East Frisian army.

However, that time Marin's army wore black cross vests on white. Except for the vest that is worn outside, in fact, everyone wears a lot of clothes. But there is no way to save costs ...

But this time, the Beihai State Guards who came to the match are different. In order to show the dress ratio, Malint let the tailors order a full set of lobster soldier costumes for the soldiers-a black triangle hat; a red top, All-colored copper buttons; white pants; black leather boots ... a set of clothing down, the cost is also quite a lot. The row of copper buttons in the red jacket alone costs a lot of money. You know, the price of copper can be much more expensive than that of the 18th century ... In addition, red dyes are also very expensive in this era ...

Fortunately, this time Marin only bought an expensive lobster uniform for hundreds of guards. Otherwise, if you buy it for the whole army, it would be a lot of money ... Or a black cross vest on a white background is cheaper, and it is OK to draw a black cross with ink on a white coarse wool vest ... In addition, ordinary soldiers are Those who wear straw shoes are cheap to die. Unlike the cowhide boots worn by the guards, they are old ...

Even the knives used by the guards (imitation from the 65th Cavalry Saber) were all polished and plated with a layer of zinc. Therefore, the sabers of the imperial guards looked gleaming, which blinded the eyes of the audience ...

The passionate and rhythmic "Grenadier March" ... black cowhide boots with a uniform footstep ... the visually striking lobster soldier red military uniform ... and the shiny saber ...

Well, not only the ordinary citizens of Lübeck City were stunned, but also the Great Speaker of Lübeck and the Great Speaker of Hamburg, as well as King Hans and King Eric of Sweden.

Beautiful and windy, and full of oppression ... This is no one ...

In fact, Marin prefers to use "Soviet March" as the background music, which makes the sense of oppression more intense and more domineering. However, the Soviet march requires an entire symphony orchestra accompaniment, and many instruments that were not available in this era ... Therefore, Marin can only give up and choose the accompaniment "Grenadier March" that requires the fewest instruments ... This piece is a Scottish piper Solved the problem with a drummer ...

Although Marin is not satisfied, he can't stand the buns of this era! In their view, such a performance by the Beihai Imperial Guard is simply a **** ...

"Oh my God!"

"Ah, **** ..."


There was a burst of exclamation from the citizens of Lubeck on the street ...

In fact, even the big nobles who participated in the negotiations were heart-shocked. It's just that they know how to be tolerant better than ordinary citizens, and there is no shouting ...


Sure enough, after Marin's conjecture, after this episode, the main two parties involved in the negotiations-the two monarchs of Denmark and Sweden, were suddenly suppressed. At the beginning of the negotiation, it was not so aggressive ... It is because, after the previous episode, they had originally held the good momentum and suddenly let out ...


However, the aperitif before the negotiation-the mutual accusation between the two parties of the negotiation is inevitable ...

"The Danes are too shameless, they invaded the land of Sweden shamelessly, and urged the Danes to unconditionally get out!" The new Swedish king Eric Johansson took the lead in making trouble ~ ~ Denmark King Hans stared. , Refuting:

"Please pay attention to your attitude, Earl Eric. You know, I am the real monarch of Sweden! You gangster thieves, taking advantage of the difficulties in Denmark, took advantage of the opportunity to initiate a rebellion. This time, the action was only that the king recaptured the original It ’s your own land! "

"However, no Swedes like you as their king. So, they chose me! And I am now the king of Sweden! Equal to you!" Eric Johansson countered.

"Are you a king? Who admits? May I ask, this majesty the king, how many countries have established diplomatic relations with your pseudo-government? Has the Holy See recognized it?" King Hans retorted disdainfully.

Eric Johansson really has nothing to say, because the Kingdom of Sweden has not really been officially recognized yet ...

Originally, Marin ’s North Sea, Lübeck and Hamburg were the most likely to recognize the Kingdom of Sweden. It is a pity that the Swedes themselves died, offended Marin, and then ...

In fact, Lübeck and Hamburg almost admitted the Kingdom of Sweden, but Marin persuaded him. Moreover, even if Lübeck and Hamburg recognize the Kingdom of Sweden, it is useless. Why? Because Lübeck and Hamburg do n’t look very wealthy, their political influence is really small. After all, Lübeck and Hamburg are only independent cities and belong to the second-level independent individuals. They may be very wealthy, but politically, there may not be those poor counts who have independent independent countries.

Therefore, even if Lübeck and Hamburg acknowledge the Kingdom of Sweden, it is useless. After all, without the recognition of other king-level monarchs, without the recognition of the Holy See, Eric Johansson, the so-called king, is really a bit vacant ...