Chapter 791: Kang room incubation technology

On the European side, Marin ’s fleet continued to sail westward after converging with the warship formation in the open sea. A few days later, arrived on the coast of England. When he arrived on the Isle of Wight, Marin's fleet stopped again. After all, the Isle of Wight is now Marin ’s fiefdom, and he decided to take the opportunity to inspect it.

Marin ’s fleet docked at Cowes Harbour at the mouth of the Medina in the north of the Isle of Wight. Cowes ’English name is cowes, and the name is derived from the two sandbanks at the mouth of the Medina, much like two cows. Then, here It was called Cowes.

Because it is located at the mouth of the larger freshwater river Medina on the Isle of Wight, and the Solent Strait on the north faces the island ’s important freshwater harbor Southampton Bay. Therefore, Cowes is a very good freshwater port.

Therefore, Marin had already spent money to build a castle in Cowes, and built a number of long bridge docks to facilitate the docking of ships. Moreover, a dock has been built to facilitate the maintenance of ships. After all, in the era of wooden ships, ships were eroded by the maggots and beaten by the waves, and damage to the hull was inevitable. Therefore, the maintenance of ships is very important.

Moreover, in the future, Marin intends to build Cowes into an important military port. So, Coase ’s dock is not one, but three.

In order to ensure the safety of Cowes and avoid being attacked by the enemy fleet, Marin built a number of forts on the shore of the Solent Strait leading to the sea in Cowes, specifically for combating enemy warships who dare to enter the strait.

You know, the Sorrent Strait is only 3 6 kilometers wide. Marin built several forts on the shore, which is absolutely enough to deal with enemy ships that dare to invade. After all, the artillery of the fort is generally relatively large. Moreover, the recoil of the fort is transmitted to the ground by the base made of stone, and it will not be displaced like a naval gun, nor will it be deflected due to the shaking of the hull. In addition, the protection force of the stone fortress is much higher than that of the wooden ship, so the battleship and the turret are definitely not opponents. As long as the two sides of the Solent Strait are blocked with gun emplacements, Cowes Port is a very safe military port.

Moreover, the battleship in Cowes Harbor, after going out of the Solent Strait, immediately reached the middle of the English Channel, which was very beneficial to control the English Channel. Moreover, the Portsmouth Military Port in the northeast of the Solent Strait is also the largest military port of the British Royal Navy. It is also the place where the Royal Navy held a naval review ceremony to show off the British maritime force. The next generation of Wei Er was stimulated during the naval review ceremony here, and then went back to let the German Empire explode the warship ...

Although Portsmouth ’s harbour is better, that harbour is backed by England. Before England was under his control, Marin did not want to expose too many secrets to the English. Therefore, it is the best choice to establish a military port on the Isle of Wight that belongs to you. Anyway, now is the age of wooden sailing, the port does not need to be too big and deep. A port like Cowes is sufficient.

Even, in order to maintain the secret, the officials arranged by Marin on the Isle of Wight are all Frisians from East Friesland. The Frisian language used by these people can communicate with the locals. Moreover, because they are Marlin's diehards, they have nothing to do with England. With them there, Marin is not worried about the penetration of England here. In a few years, the whole of England will fall into its own hands, let alone worry about the penetration of England.

Arriving in Cowes Harbour, Marin found that Cowes Harbour was still under construction. Although a lot of money has been invested, it takes a lot of time to build the port and castle. Therefore, when Marin arrived in Cowes Harbour, Cowes Harbour had just repaired a number of long bridge terminals. As for the dock and castle, only half of the castle was repaired, and only one of the three docks was repaired ...

After all, it was his own territory. Under the warm invitation of his men, Marin went to Newport, the administrative center of the Isle of Wight, and lived in the famous Carlisbrook Castle. This castle is very famous. Later Charles I was imprisoned in this castle before going to the guillotine ...

Marin is not taboo, after all, Charles I has not yet appeared in this world. Not to mention Charles I, Charles V's grandfather James V could not appear under the intervention of Marin, and naturally there would be no Charles I. None of the unlucky Charles I had ever stayed in, and the Castle of Carlisbrooke naturally passed away without anger.

Because the matter of going to America to fight a war is false, Marin naturally does not rush to America. So, on the Isle of Wight, Marin simply went on vacation.

When it was okay, Marin also took the guards around White to play around and enjoy the different style of the island of England.

This morning, Marin and his guards left Carisbrooke Castle and went to a nearby village to play.

During the game, Marin was surprised to find that a young English farmer named James, after picking up two duck eggs on the grassy beach by the river, returned to the front and back of his door and used grain to lure the old hen in the henhouse at the door. After eating, quickly put the duck eggs in the hen house, and at the same time, took two eggs from the henhouse ...

"Hi, what are you doing?" Kahn asked curiously as Marin's bodyguard. Kahn also learned Frisian, so he could talk to English farmers.

James saw that Marin, a large group of people wearing plate armors, was obviously a noble. So he bowed deeply and replied:

"Hello everyone, I just took the duck eggs for the hens to hatch!" James had just finished speaking, and the full hen ran back to the henhouse and continued to hatch the eggs. However, the silly old hen didn't realize that her egg was dropped by someone ...

Maybe people find it incredible-the egg is so different from the duck egg, can the hen find it? Hey, I didn't realize that the hen is so stupid ...

After listening to James's explanation, Kahn was shocked-the hen was so stupid ...

Then he continued to ask:

"Why not hatch duck eggs for female ducks?"

"The master doesn't know that mother ducks don't like to hatch eggs. They usually run away after laying eggs, and basically don't care about eggs. Generally speaking, we are handed over to the hen to help with the important task of hatching duck eggs ... … "

Kahn continues to be shocked ...

Marin smiled, a look of "I understand". When hens hatch duck eggs, Marin has lived in the country in his last life, and naturally has seen a lot.

In fact, female ducks do not like to hatch eggs, which is the result of long-term human choice. Because, people have found that female ducks who do not like to hatch eggs are fatter. After many generations of selection, female ducks do not like to hatch eggs. In order to obtain ducklings, duck farmers can only use duck eggs to hatch for silly hens.

The hen is so stupid. After the duck eggs hatch, the duck and the chick are obviously different. However, the hen will still treat the duck as his own child. If he finds bugs, he will greet the duck for eating. When one day, the little duck jumped off the river and happily swimed, and the hen was even more awkward-my strange-looking child could actually swim?

However, these are traditional farming methods. In fact, if you want large-scale breeding, later generations will generally fertilize duck eggs, even goose eggs and eggs, to the Kang room to hatch.

It should be pointed out that there are two types of eggs, one is fertilized eggs and the other is unfertilized eggs. How to say, the egg is actually the hen's egg. If it is not combined with the sperm of the rooster to become a fertilized egg, it is impossible to hatch a chick.

For example, when a woman comes to the moon every month, she will also send eggs, but it will be lost with the blood. If you fertilize before discharge, you will be pregnant and have children. However, the hen's eggs seem to be larger, that is eggs ...

Just like a woman coming to the moon, the hen is not pecked by the **** (the way the chicken mates) and still lays eggs. However, women ovulate once a month, and hens ovulate daily. The eggs that were discharged were eaten by humans ...

Identifying fertilized and unfertilized eggs is simple-in the dark room, face the egg against the light and observe the egg. If there is a shadow in the egg, it is a fertilized egg. If it is transparent, it is not.

However, there is another way to discern. When Marin saw those who collected eggs when he was a child, he picked two baskets, one put fertilized eggs in the basket, and the other put the fertilized ones. The way to distinguish is to first see if there are big roosters in this chicken. If there are big roosters, it will definitely not let go of the hen. Generally, the eggs of this hen are mostly fertilized. If there is no big rooster, there is no neighbor's house (the neighbor's big rooster is nicknamed Lao Wang next door. If the big rooster in the house is not careful, the old rooster next door will come to peck the hen's **** ... Then, the big rooster at home In order to maintain his own house, the rooster will fight with the big **** next door. This is the legendary cockfight ...)

Unfertilized eggs are generally sold to urban people, while fertilized eggs are generally sold to the Kang room and hatched into chickens ...

"Yeah, Kang room! I have forgotten this matter!" Marin snapped his head.

In this era, Kang rooms have probably appeared there. The Kang room is a kind of greenhouse for hatching chickens, ducks and geese. Its structure is very simple, it is a small hut with fire kang. However, the cabin is closed to keep the temperature inside. The fertilized eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs are placed on the hot kang, under which is a broken cotton quilt or grass (to prevent the temperature from being too high to be steamed), and continue to incubate ~ ~ the temperature of the kang room, sure Higher body temperature than the hen itself. Of course, the temperature should not be too high, otherwise the eggs will be cooked. As long as the temperature is controlled, Kang room hatching is more secure than hen hatching. Moreover, it can be hatched in large quantities.

The egg incubator is up to tens of days, and the hen can hatch up to two or three eggs at a time, which is very inefficient and very hard. Squatting there all day is not conducive to foraging and growth. Therefore, incubating such things in later generations is generally done by Kangfang in rural areas.

Chickens are better, after all, hens are willing to hatch eggs. For ducks, the Kang room is even more important. Female ducks don't hatch eggs and lay eggs everywhere. People who put ducks often have to find a circle on the river beach before finishing work.

Therefore, before the emergence of Kangfang hatching technology, the scale of raising ducks has not been able to go up. Because, duck eggs are not as good as mother ducks. Handing it to the hen not only hurts the hen's body (it is not easy to squat there for a month, after all), but it is also inefficient.

If a kang room is built for hatching, it is possible to hatch hundreds of ducks at once. Even for hens that are willing to hatch eggs, the number of hens hatching eggs is very limited.

If it is replaced with a kang room for concentrated incubation, it is no longer a problem to breed chickens, ducks and geese on a large scale. And if the scale of chicken, duck and goose breeding comes up, then residents of Beihai will not lack chicken, duck and goose meat, and eggs will not be lacking ...

Therefore, the Kangfang hatching technology is a technology with great historical significance for the breeding of chickens, ducks and geese, especially the breeding of ducks. With this technology, large-scale breeding of chickens, ducks, geese will no longer be a dream ...

"It seems that it is necessary to build a batch of Kang rooms!" Marin thought. Of course, he had to wait until he returned from America. As for the Isle of Wight, Marin does not intend to promote this technology for the time being. Good things, naturally give priority to local. Only then will other regions be considered ...

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