Chapter 783: North American Race Course

When leaving, Marin only brought 20 converted 250-class armed merchant ships. All these ships used new steering wheels composed of gears and copper rods. In addition, it is also equipped with upper edge slant sail.

However, when departing from Emden Port, Marin did not allow the sailors to raise the upper edge skewer sail, but continued to use the old Latin spinnaker. After all, going to America from the homeland is headwind most of the time. If you use horizontal sails, you must die slowly. The Latin spinnaker is a longitudinal sail, which works better against headwinds.

Moreover, if the truss of the Latin sail is tied, it can actually be used as a horizontal sail ...

So, this fleet actually carried three sets of sails-one set of horizontal sails, one set of Latin sails, and one set of upper-edge slanted sails ... of course, horizontal sails were used when returning from America to Europe . When going to America, the upper edge slant sail is mainly used. But Marlin has a problem with keeping secrets. Therefore, another set of Latin spinnakers was brought. During the voyage from the North Sea to the English Channel, the boats must have used Latin sails. When the English Channel is out of the Atlantic Ocean, the Latin sails will be removed and the more efficient and easy-to-operate upper-edge slant sails will be raised ...

In addition, in the open sea, there are actually 10 500-ton warships accompanying. After all, Marin is the master of a country. How can only a group of armed merchant ships guarantee safety? Therefore, it is certain to send 5 professional warships to accompany.

It's just that the warships in Beihai are not public. Although he has been dispatched several times, he can avoid the crowd and try to avoid it. Why? It's still the old fault of Marlin's secret ...

In front of outsiders, the guns on the lower deck of the 500-ton class warships never open. Therefore, outsiders have never been aware of the double-side artillery deck of the Beihai warship. Even the military port, Marin was not built in Emden, but built in another hidden small harbor, try not to let others see.

Of course, although the rudders of these 10 warships have also been converted into rudder wheels, the sails have not been modified. Because Marin does not currently have high-strength cables and canvases, he cannot manufacture upper-edge slant sails that meet the required height for 500-ton warships.

Therefore, these warships, in the course of heading towards the Americas against the wind, still removed their horizontal sails and used Latin spinnakers.

However, in the section from the North Sea to the west end of the English Channel, those 250-class armed merchant ships will also use Latin sails. Therefore, these ships will not throw away those warships.

Moreover, the main task of these 10 warships is to ensure that Marin ’s fleet will not be attacked by pirates, so that safety is guaranteed.

There are still many pirates in England this year. Although Marin has planned to unite England, he has not yet united. Therefore, Marin was also afraid that the pirates would swarm to attack their armed merchant fleet. If anything goes wrong, Marin can't guarantee that he can cross again.

Also, Marin had calculated France before, and he worried that Louis XII could not swallow this breath. However, Marin did not offend France at all, so Louis XII could not send troops to attack Marin. But what if the French sent troops into pirates to attack themselves?

Although the 20 armed merchant ships led by Marin would certainly win, Marin did not dare to guarantee the safety of the ship he was on. After all, it is a thin-skinned armed merchant ship, impatient. Even if the French do not have a navy, they can still get a few ships and install artillery. And, the most French people are artillery ...

If the flagship that he was riding on was entangled by a French gunboat and was taken care of by the shells, Marin could not guarantee that he would be killed by iron ball shells ...

Therefore, for safety, Marin escorted 10 500-ton warships to ensure safety. These 10 warships, the side keel is much denser than armed merchant ships, and the planks are thickened. Therefore, they are very resistant to shelling. Regardless of whether it is the British pirate fleet or the French gunboat, in the face of 10 fiercely fired and very resistant professional warships, they are only kneeling ...


In addition to the above reasons, Marin is still on 10 warships, loaded with a large number of Eastern European Mongolian horses, a total of several hundred horses. This batch of Eastern European Mongolian horses was purchased from the Crimean Khanate just years ago. Marin happened to be going to America this time, so by the way, from the horses bought in Crimea, a group of uncastrated horses were selected as horse breeds, which were taken to the American colonies for breeding.

Of course, it was sent to Cape Breton Island and Newfoundland for grazing and breeding. As for the American continent, Marin will not bring it for the time being. Because how terrible it is for those combative Indian tribes to obtain horses, the later generations have proof.

You know, when the future United States of America moved westward, the most terrible opponents were the Indian cavalry. If Lao Mei was not strong enough, and at that time, Lao Mei already had a back-fired rifle with a copper shell, and those Indian cavalry would be expected to pose a greater threat to Lao Mei.

Marin does not have the technology to engage in a post-fire burst rifle that uses copper cartridge cases, and the national strength is not strong enough. Therefore, he dare not allow those brave and warlike Indian warriors to obtain horses.

Therefore, Marin now only intends to breed these Eastern European Mongolian horses on Cape Breton Island and Newfoundland Island to provide horses for the future attack on the North American continent. As for the Indians on Newfoundland? Mappin is not worried. Because there are very few Indians on Newfoundland. If you find that the other party dares to steal the horse, just kill it, and you can do it without too many soldiers and horses. But if the Indians on land acquired horses, they could withdraw westward in the lush native forests of North America, so that Marin could not catch up. Unlike Newfoundland, it ’s such a big island ~ ~ You ca n’t escape with your horses ...

According to Marin's plan, three horse farms will be set up in the Americas-Cape Breton Island Racecourse, Newfoundland Island Racecourse and North America Double Island Racecourse ...

Cape Breton Island is large enough, and there are basically no Indians on the island. It is very suitable to build a horse farm here. In Cornabrook, a cement manufacturing center in western Newfoundland, Marin also intends to build a horse farm. However, there are Native Indians on Newfoundland. Therefore, the horse farm here is not going to be built too big. Moreover, people will be strictly monitored to avoid the loss of horses or theft by Indians. Once there is a change, an army will be sent to hunt down to avoid the outflow of horses ...

As for the horse farms of the two islands in North America, due to the limitation of the island area, this horse farm is destined not to be built too large. However, this is a very important horse farm. Because the horse farm here will directly supply horses to the colony of New York to facilitate colonial needs.

In the future, other agricultural activities on the two islands of North America will be gradually stopped and relocated to the mainland. Then, it will become a specialized breeding center for horses and mules. If the New York colony needs war horses, the twin island ’s racecourse will supply, but only the castrated gelding. In this way, even if the cavalry were killed by the Indians and the horses were lost, it does not matter. Because the gelding cannot be bred, even if the Indians **** the gelding, they cannot breed and breed, and form a large cavalry ...