Chapter 771: The reborn son is called Ma Yun

Marin was not worried that the Danish King Hans would refuse, because if he refused, he would n’t say if he would take action against him. Lubeck would n’t allow the Danish army to cross the sea, which would suffocate Denmark ’s ambition to capture southern Sweden.

The Kingdom of Denmark is actually very weak now, especially the economy, which is about to collapse. If it were n’t for the Marin website, do n’t hurry to urge them to pay compensation, and also spend money to buy Norwegian timber, maybe Denmark ’s economy is now collapsed.

Moreover, if the status quo is maintained, the more than 10,000 troops before the Kingdom of Denmark will be difficult to afford. Based on the current economic situation of the Kingdom of Denmark, I am afraid that in the future, it will only be able to feed up to five or six thousand troops.

And if you hit the southern part of Sweden, it will be different. South of the line drawn by Marin, there are 78,000 square kilometers, which is the region with the lowest latitude and the highest temperature in Sweden.

The southernmost coastal area of ​​this land can still be engaged in agriculture, and there is no problem in growing some rye. In fact, the southern coast of Sweden has always been controlled by Denmark and has developed a certain amount of agriculture. If it were not for Marin to intervene, Denmark would always control the coastal areas of southern and southwestern Sweden, and did not completely lose these areas until it was defeated by Gu Erye and his father in the 17th century.

In addition to the warm climate in the southern coastal area, you can grow some hardy rye, in the slightly inland area, you can cut down the forest, you can also graze, raise sheep and cattle and horses. When cutting trees and reclaiming wasteland, the cut trees can also be sold as lumber. As for the roots of the branches and the like, it can also be used as firewood.

Although reclamation is difficult, as long as there are enough people, reclamation is not difficult. There are also hundreds of thousands of people in the Kingdom of Denmark. Although Marin has taken away more than one hundred thousand, there are still more than three hundred thousand. Now these people are crowded on several reserved big islands such as Zealand and Funen. As long as King Hans is willing, it is easy to put them in southern Sweden to cut down trees and sheep. The matter of reclamation is to have enough people ...

In other words, as long as the southern part of Sweden is captured, Denmark's agriculture will be greatly developed. After all, what you lost here in Marin can be recovered from Sweden. In terms of area, it's quite profitable.

But in turn, Denmark won southern Sweden, which is too bad for Sweden. After all, Sweden has a high latitude and generally low temperatures. If the southern region was robbed by Denmark, all they have left is the high back latitude area. Although it is south of the Arctic Circle (north to Marin), there is no way to farm. However, it is the agricultural age and there is no way to grow land, which has a great impact on the national strength. Just like the Ming Dynasty, which relies heavily on Jiangnan's food and taxes, if the Jiangnan area is taken away, the national power will definitely drop.

Of course, Sweden also retains the Falun copper mine and also has fiscal revenue. But Marin will not let Sweden monopolize the profits of this copper mine, and his own will definitely be recovered.

At that time, when Denmark occupies the southern part of Sweden, it will act as a mediator and help to make peace. But the fair appearance fee is for Sweden to return half of the proceeds from the Faylun Copper Mine. Otherwise, allow Denmark to occupy Stockholm and the northern border of Sweden ...


In fact, the reason why the Danish King Hans dared to make a bold statement this time when the finances almost collapsed, saying that the commission to be paid to the electoral countries of Brandenburg and Saxony depends on Sweden ’s Proceeds from Falun Copper Mine. As long as he wins over Sweden, he can force Sweden to cede the land to pay compensation. The source of funds for compensation is the Fa Yilun Copper Mine. If Sweden cannot afford to pay the compensation, it is entirely possible to use the output of Falun Copper Mine as a mortgage until the compensation is paid off. After all, the price of copper in Europe is now expensive, and the ratio of silver to copper is 1 to 15. Having a super-rich copper mine is about the same as having a big silver mine.

By the end of this war, the situation in Sweden will be changed to-the warm and fertile area in the south is occupied by Denmark, and Sweden has only the cold areas in the north and Finland, and agriculture can't get up, the highest point is animal husbandry; Even if only half of the proceeds from Falun copper mine is retained, Sweden's finances will not be bad. In this way, the national strength of Denmark and Sweden will form a balance ... Denmark has fertile soil, Sweden has copper mine ... No one can completely overwhelm who ... In the end, the two countries will form a balanced situation, in Scandinavia The confrontation on the Navia Peninsula, and the inability to expand outwards ... And Marin's North Sea State, there is no need to separate energy and strength to guard against the Nordic countries. Only when the strength of the two sides is unbalanced will the Beihai State take action to help the weaker side to restore the balance of strength on the peninsula ...

This trick was learned from the very disgusting "mainland balance" policy of the British Empire. In the history of history, the later Britons had been striving to balance Germany and France. When France was strong, it desperately supported Prussia to contend with France. After Prussia grew bigger and created a powerful German empire, it turned around to help France fight Germany ... Anyway, both Germany and France were tempered. They have put a lot of energy and national power into the two countries' torture, and naturally they have no energy to seize the world's hegemony with Britain. On the contrary, before the fight, they all have to look at Britain's complexion ...

It was just that the German Third Reich was so abnormal. Not only was the industry strong, but also the missiles were rectified, and almost UFOs and atomic bombs were produced ... In the face of the third empire with technology, the United Kingdom escaped and was Beat the disabled and lose the status of world overlord ...

Of course, that is the Third Reich of later generations. Now, Marin wants to balance Denmark and Sweden, certainly not as perverted as the Third Reich. In the final analysis, there are not many people in the Nordic countries, only a few hundred thousand. Sweden only has 800,000 people, Finland only has more than 1 million, and Denmark has only a few hundred thousand people. Not as perverted as France, with a population of 15 million ...

Therefore, Marin feels that he can still withstand the rebound of these two countries ...


While Marin was thinking about the Nordic strategy, the maid of the latter house suddenly came to the newspaper and said that something big happened ...

Malin ran back to the back house without thinking, very nervous. You know, in the backyard of the palace, the people who care about Marin care. Angela and Caesar are his babies. Even Felix and Robert and Marin are tight. If any one of them had an accident, Marin would go crazy.

After rushing back to the backyard of the palace, Marin learned the truth-it turned out that Felice was pregnant again ...

Marin was greatly relieved, and then ecstatic-Lao Tzu had children again ...

It's just that Angela's face is not so good ...

This is also normal. Since Marin returned from England, he has been sleeping with Angela and Felice. Even, the three happy together many times.

Felice knew she was not as beautiful and gentle as her sister, so she used the wild side to attract Marin. For example, every time Felice yells "Brother-in-law, don't want", Marin's adrenaline will go wild ... And, this little hoof actually likes three people together, and helps Marin to stay shy. Angela ... Therefore, although there is no Angela's beauty and gentleness, Felix uses her unique style to still firmly attract Marin ...

Then, this time, Felice outperformed Angela and became pregnant with the second child ...

Moreover, this little girl is very scheming, haunting Marin, asking for a good future for future children ...

Marin was entangled a little impatiently and had to really plan for it. If it is a girl, it goes without saying that to help him find a reliable nobleman to marry. Don't think about it, the prince is illegitimate after all, but the count and the baron can still be considered.

"If it's a boy ..." Marin had a headache. Felice's child, after all, is an illegitimate child, not very easy to arrange. If Angela gave birth to a second boy, he could not only be the second heir to the throne, but also a duke. But Felice's second son ...

"Eh--have it!" Marin suddenly thought of a good idea ...

What idea? Didn't Marin plan to be a toast of Daming before? It happened that the Taiwan toast also needed an heir to deal with the Ming Dynasty.

Angela's children must be unwilling to go to the distant Daming Empire, no matter how prosperous there is. Besides, the American colony alone is enough for Angela ’s child to divide up.

But Ferris is different, she has no place, and the children she is born are illegitimate. If Felix's second son is allowed to go to Daming to inherit the position of hereditary chieftain of the Taiwanese island of Taiming, it is definitely a pleasure. Because, he is not qualified to pick ...

"Well, let Felice's second son be the son of a prince, and go to Taiwan to inherit the position of Chieftain Tomei. After all, he will also send a weighty representative to stay there ..."

Later, Marin thought for a while, and felt that since he became a toast, he could not use the European name. Because Daming people are not used to it. Therefore, we must give this child a Chinese name.

I do n’t even need to think about the Chinese name I used when I was Daming Toast ~ ~. It was also called Marin, which happened to be the name of my last life. And Felix's second son, who wants to inherit the position of the chieftain of the Ming Dynasty, also needs to take a Chinese name, so that he can easily deal with the Ming Dynasty ...

"What's the Chinese name? My name is Ma Lin ... Well, the kid's Chinese name is Ma Yun ..."

Thinking of this, Marin laughed out loud himself. Because, in his mind, suddenly came the very comedy face of later generations Ma's father ...

Think of yourself and Felice's appearance, both of European ethnicity, the son born, naturally it is impossible to develop the "skeletal" appearance of later generations horse father. Otherwise, Marin may be amused himself ...

So Marin took out a piece of paper and wrote down the names of himself and Felice's second son, even thinking about the words that he took only after he became an adult. I saw on the paper:

"Name: Ma Yun, the word Ali ..."

After writing, Marin looked at the paper cheerfully and said with a smile:

"This boy, whose name is so domineering, will definitely be a world-class rich man in the future!"