Chapter 769: Nordic War Cloud

The northern part of the European continent is also covered with battle clouds. After a long quarrel, the Swedish nobles finally ended the dispute and jointly elected Eric Johansson of the Vaasa family as the new Swedish king. But as a compromise, Sweden established a noble senate, as a check and balance against the king.

This is actually imitating the Kingdom of Poland. Because, Poland also has aristocratic elders, as the most powerful organs, restricting the monarchy.

After all, the Vasa family's victory is the result of many compromises, not a great advantage. Therefore, in exchange, the king must share Swedish rights with the Swedish noble families.

Before Eric Johansson became king, the aristocratic elders' palace unanimously decided to come up with a FireWire to promote the title of the 11 most powerful families in Sweden.

Before, under the rule of Denmark, these 11 family titles were mostly barons, and there were only 3 earls. After the assassination of Eric of the Vaasa family, the first decree was to comprehensively upgrade the status of these 11 large families. Of course, the Vaasa family has won the kingship, so there is no need to talk about it. The other 10 nobles, 3 counts were promoted to the duke, and 7 barons were all promoted to the count.

In addition, Swedish legislation stipulates that if the king has a son, his son will succeed him. If there is no son, it is up to the elders to decide whether to be succeeded by son-in-law or grandson. If the Senate thinks that a new king should be elected, then choose a new one. Moreover, if the king seriously damages the interests of 10 other big families, the elders have the right to depose ...

This bill severely restricts monarchy. Of course, as long as the Vaasa family has a male heir and does not harm the interests of the other 10 large families, the kingship can still be guaranteed.

As for the Stuart family who worked hard for the independence of Sweden, this time it was abandoned-Sten Sture the son of the old Steen Sture, who only won the title of hereditary baron. Although the land was very fertile, it failed to squeeze into the noble elders' home. In this way, the Stuart family is considered to have withdrawn from the core decision-making circle of the Kingdom of Sweden ... For this, only 14-year-old Steen Sture has no way ... Rely on family strength, but individual talent. But as soon as old Steen Sturley died, the Sturley family quickly declined. After all, after the death of old Steen Sturre, Sweden began political shuffling. Without the top beams and columns, the Sturley family naturally defeated in this shuffle ...


In the New Year of 1507, Eric Johansson Vasa officially held a coronation ceremony in Stockholm and became king of Sweden. but. The first thing after he ascended the throne was naturally to admit the political status of the aristocratic elders, and at the same time, promote the title of the 10 major families.

But in the second edict, Nimad directly targeted Marin ...

Previously, a large family in Sweden had long red eyed the benefits of the Yilun Super Copper Mine and expressed dissatisfaction with Malin's half-divided profits. However, they have not made up their minds to take away half of Marin's shares. Because, at that time, the major families in Sweden were fighting for the throne, and temporarily ignored the Fa Yilun copper mine.

But after the throne was settled, the 11 Swedish families finally began to face the ownership of Fa Yilun copper mine ...

Previously, it was Marin that monopolized half of the proceeds from the Fayilun copper mine, and the Stuart family shared the other half of the benefits with 11 other families.

However, because of too much power, as many as 12 Swedish families shared the profits of the Falun copper mine, resulting in not much distribution for each family. So, they turned their attention to the other half of the shares ...

Of course, before this, the Sturley family who lost the old Steen Sturley was once again pitted by the 11 major families-the young Steen Sturley was once again excluded from the benefit of the Fa Yilun copper mine List of people. In order to suppress the Stuart family, the king and the elders sent Steen Sture directly to Sweden's non-core area-southern Finland. In return for the “voluntary abandonment” of Fayilun ’s copper mine revenue and compensation for being squeezed out of the noble elders ’home, Steen Stoile Jr. was awarded the land of Turku (the old capital of Finland), the largest city in southern Finland. Although it is very affordable among the barons, the Sturé family paid for the loss of the right to speak in Sweden and the distribution of the benefits of the Faylun copper mine ...

Kick out of the Stuart family, apparently will not allow the 11 big families to share too much interest. After all, the Sturay family also accounted for 5% of the copper mine equity. 11 families were divided, each of them was divided into 0.45%. Therefore, they finally turned their attention to the 50% equity of Marin ...

For this reason, in February 1507, the Kingdom of Sweden suddenly issued a second decree-announcing the nationalization of Fa Yilun Copper Mine ... In this way, Malin's 50% equity in Fa Yilun Copper Mine was so forcibly deprived Now ...

In fact, the new king, Eric Johansson, opposed the deprivation of Marin's equity. Because, he knew, Marin's military strength was very strong. If revenge ...

However, the 10 big nobles of the noble elders' court have long been blinded by their interests. For the benefit of Fa Yilun Copper Mine, they can't take the risk. In addition, the 10 major families believe that it is illegal to give half of the shares of Fa Yilun Copper Mine to Marin ...

why? The Swedish Senate believes that-Old Steen. Steure is only the Kingdom of Sweden, not the King. Therefore, he has no right to give the mines of the Kingdom of Sweden to foreigners. Now, the new king appears, and all the mines in Sweden should be jointly discussed by the new king and the Senate. Therefore, under the ruling of today's "legal" government, a foreigner in Marin has no right to occupy half of the ownership of the strategically-facilitated copper mine ... Therefore, the Senate ruling-confiscation of Marin's Fa-lun 50% ownership of the copper mine ... and as "compensation"-the Kingdom of Sweden recognizes the polar region north of 66 degrees 34 minutes north of northern Sweden, which belongs to the territory of Marin ...

In fact, this so-called "compensation" in the Kingdom of Sweden is quite shameless. Because the Swedes did not manage the land north of the Arctic Circle. And living in the north of the Arctic Circle, there are no Swedes, but the area of ​​activity of the Lapp (Sami).

And ~ ~ Marin had already signed an agreement with the Danish King Hans, and obtained the sovereignty of the land in the Arctic Circle of Scandinavia, while Sweden, led by the old Sten. The kingdom also admitted. Therefore, this time the Kingdom of Sweden used the sovereignty of the Arctic Circle land as "compensation", which is obviously a shameless behavior, which means that there is no compensation.

After the news spread, there was an uproar across Europe. Because Marin is now the hottest war madman in Europe. And Sweden dare to deprive Marin's interest, isn't it a fight?

But to the surprise of all countries, Malin, who had always been belligerent, did not immediately retaliate, but ordered the Foreign Minister to protest strongly against the Kingdom of Sweden ’s betrayal ... Then, there was no more. ...... This makes the people who are waiting to see the lively melon eaters very depressed ...

But in Copenhagen, the Danish king Hans who learned the news jumped excitedly:

"Haha, I finally waited until this day! Since the Swedes are looking for their own death, don't blame me for killing me! Ah haha, southern Sweden, it's mine ..."

"Submit the order and send troops immediately after the spring cultivation! In addition, send people to the Electors of Brandenburg and Electors of Saxony and ask them to support a group of knights and veterans. At the same time, tell the two Electors, I will Pay the commission for this ... "