Chapter 735: Westport and Fleet

Sultan Mahmoud did not know that the discovery of the tin mine in Kuala Lumpur did not bring him affluence and happiness, but brought him disaster-the muskets and artillery that Marin gave him did indeed repel a Portuguese attack. . However, the development and fame of the Kuala Lumpur Tin Tin Mine has made the desire of the Portuguese to capture the Malacca Sultanate even stronger ...

In the end, the Malacca Kingdom was still ruthlessly won by the Portuguese ... Of course, this is something to say ...

Although Columbus was abnormal, he also helped Malin inadvertently. Why? If the Portuguese had discovered that Malacca had more firepower, they might not attack the Malacca Sultanate again. However, the existence of the Kuala Lumpur Super Tin Mine has made the Portuguese salivate. So, Portugal finally captured the Malacca Sultanate ... because tin mines are a strategic resource in Europe. After all, tin metal is an important component of cast bronze guns. And European tin mines are scarce. If a large tin mine in Kuala Lumpur is found, will the greedy Portuguese let it go?

However, Portugal's defeat of the Malacca Kingdom is also in Marin's interest. Why? Because Malacca is a vassal of Daming. The vassals were wiped out by the Portuguese, so Daming allowed Portuguese trade to blame ...

Of course, the Portuguese are not too bad. Despite losing Da Ming's trading qualifications, the Kuala Lumpur Super Tin Mine can indeed bring them huge benefits. You know, because of the lack of tin ore, in Europe, the price of tin ore is not even below the copper mine ...

It was only when he arrived on the ship that Columbus remembered that he seemed to have forgotten a statement from Marin and warned the Sultanate of Malacca to remind them of Portugal ...

Fortunately, Sultan Mahmud sent his envoy to join the Columbus fleet to pay tribute to Daming Guangzhou and ask for craftsmen who smelt tin metal ...

So, Columbus invited the ambassadors of Malacca to translate through Arabic (Melaka is a halal country, naturally understand Arabic, otherwise how to read the scriptures?), Repeatedly stressed to him-if one day an evil country called Portugal occupied Malacca King City, please send envoys to Daming for help ...

The ambassador of Malacca looked at Columbus like a lunatic. He thought that the Columbus girls were getting too much, and he was insane ... But he took note of this reminder. Many years later, when Malacca was really defeated by Portugal, he remembered Columbus's original reminder for the first time and went to Daming for help ... and this also avoided the fact that many years had passed in history before he thought of sending people to Daming. Things for help ...

Of course, this request for help is in vain. Because, Ming is unlikely to send troops to Nanyang and the Portuguese to fight. However, it caused Daming and the Portuguese to tear their faces. In the end, it was Marin ...


However, it is too early to say this. Why? Because the Portuguese have no time to take care of the Malacca Strait. Because, at this stage, Portugal ’s biggest task is to unite Spain and squeeze out the influence of Venice from the Indian spice trade. Then, Western Portugal and Portugal divided the European spice trade market ...

Therefore, when the scum navigator Columbus took a group of girls to Daming Guangzhou, the West Portuguese League and the fleet were on the Arabian Sea in the Indian Ocean, intercepting all spice merchant ships that did not belong to the two countries. This combined fleet of 27 large warships of over 200 tons was traversing the Arabian Sea and intercepted as soon as it was seen. If any spices were found on board, they were all confiscated. Of course, other property is also looted. Anyone who dares to stop the boat for "check" will be sunk with artillery ...

It can be said that this West-Portuguese Federation and fleet is a group of robbers at sea. Although under the name of "inspection", as long as the boat stopped by them, almost no escape. Fortunately, if you do n’t resist, just grab your goods and money, and then let you get out of the boat. If you dare to resist, you will either sink the ship directly, or grab the ship by taking over the ship and jumping the boat. By then, the captives will not be spared-they will be packed into sacks, and then thrown out of the sea to feed the fish ...

In fact, the Spaniards and the Portuguese are very clear-their main competitor in the spice trade is the Venetian and the Venetian partner Egyptian. Of course, there are some merchant ships from other Arab countries, including some local merchant ships in India.

It's just because he was warned by Marin. Therefore, in the Indian Ocean at this time, there were no merchant ships of Venetian merchants. Fear of being robbed by Spanish and Portuguese warships, and the dedication to digging the Suez Canal, the Venetians simply dismantled all the merchant ships in the Indian Ocean and concentrated on digging the canal ...

Of course, the Venetians also thought of other ways. For example, if you want to go by land, continue to get some spices to sell back to Europe. The original route chosen by the Venetians was through northern India, then by land into Persia, and then transported to Azerbaijan in northern Persia to the Black Sea port. The Venetian navy can reach out to the Black Sea. At least, in this era, the Ottoman Turkish navy could not be compared with the Venetian navy.

Although, the cost of land transportation may be much higher than sea transportation. However, considering that spices are valuable materials, they do not lose money by land. At most, less profit is made, but there is still profit.

The problem is that the current situation in Persia is unstable and is in a civil war. The newly-raised Safaid dynasty is launching a civil war to eliminate the Aries dynasty that it destroyed. Therefore, the situation in Persia is very chaotic.

Moreover, the founder of the Safiid dynasty, Shah (equivalent to the king) Ismail I, who was only 19 years old, was the time when his spirits rose. Because of invincibility and invincibility, the young Shah did not put others in the eye. The mission that Venice sent to Persia was expelled directly by Ismail I on the grounds that "Persia does not deal with pagans", and he did not even have the opportunity to negotiate ...

Actually ~ ~ This is that Ismail I has never suffered a loss, and is currently self-expanding, how can he put the world's heroes in his eyes? It was not until after the occupation of Iraq that the battle with the mighty Ottoman Turkey failed. After being beaten hard, Ismail I would not understand the reality, and then actively contacted Venice and other countries in Europe to fight against Turkey. But now, the young Shah hasn't eaten the loss of the Turkish brand "European Roller".

In desperation, Venice had to abandon the overland plan and changed to forbearance first. After digging through the Suez Canal, it would fight against the two countries of West and Portugal ...


However, Venice retreated in advance, but Venice's trading partner Egypt was unlucky. Most of the spice-carrying merchant ships looted by the West Portuguese League and the Fleet were ships of the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt. The spice trade was originally an important source of tax revenue for Egypt. The Egyptian Mamluk dynasty had a very nourishing life by personally participating in the spice trade and taxing the Venetian spice merchants. However, the actions of the West Portuguese League and the Fleet directly contacted the interests of Egypt. In addition, in the sweep of the West Portuguese League and the Fleet, the rest of the Arab merchants, including the merchants of Ottoman Turkey and Oman, as well as some merchant ships of the State of India, such as Calicut, were met by the West Portuguese League and the Fleet to varying degrees. Attack. So, an anger spreads in these countries ...