Chapter 733: Plan to build Panama City

"Dagong, here is the Panama Bay you marked. The subordinates did find the Pearl Islands you marked here, as well as Tawoga Island and Tawojira Island. It's just that the Panama City you marked did not have subordinates. Found ... "Aben was puzzled.

Marin smiled-of course you can't find it. It was my accidental mistake and marked Panama City on the map. In fact, the Spaniards have n’t been to Panama. Where did they come to Panama City? However, building a city in Panama City is a plan that must be implemented. With Panama City, it is conducive to the invasion of the Peruvian Inca Empire and the trans-Pacific trade with Daming. Among them, trans-Pacific trade with Daming is currently the most important.

Aben continued:

"Although I didn't find Panama City, my subordinates were close to the coast to inquire. In a seaside fishing village just a few dozen kilometers east of the northeast of Taboga Island, I did find a place called" Pnama ". It's just ... the place seems to be Fishing Village ... "

"The fishing village is right!" Marin interrupted Aben.

"In this way, Aben, you found this small fishing village called Panama, and you're done. I plan to send you a fleet to occupy this fishing village called Panama. How about building a castle in the local area?"

"Ah? But ... but ... I can only sail ..." Bald-headed Ben was a little tangled.

"It doesn't matter, I will send someone who knows how to build a castle to assist you. Your task is to organize the construction of a dock in the local area. In the future, it will become an important base for shipbuilding and repairing ships. As for building cities and developing local I will arrange a deputy to resolve other matters for you. When Gorard ’s staff clears the way to here, he will resolve all matters and you will be able to return to China. "

"This ... this ..." Ahben hesitated. After all, he was not good at running a colony.

"It's done, I will give you a hereditary knight title!"

"Okay, I did it!" Almost without any hesitation, Aben agreed to come down.

Aben's current credit is barely enough to enclose the knight. However, that was just an ordinary knight. He died, and future generations could not be hereditary. And Abn already has a son who is one and a half years old. If he can get the title of hereditary knight, then his son will definitely be a noble in the future, and his future generations will be. This sale is well worth it!

Besides, Aben only needs to be responsible for operating routes and docks, and other things are handled by professional people, which is very in line with his wishes.

"So, is there a place suitable for building a dock next to that small fishing village?" Marin asked with concern.

You know, the ships of this era are all wooden ships. The wooden boat is afraid of the erosion of the maggots, and the maggots can only live in the sea water area, but they are afraid of the fresh water area. Once the ship enters the freshwater area, the maggots attached to the bottom of the ship will eat away.

Therefore, in this era, many good ports of later generations are not suitable. Only those estuaries of freshwater rivers are good ports.

Ah Ben thought about it and tried to remember for a long time before saying:

"There is a river by the small fishing village, but it is not big. The river estuary is used to build a small dock, and it is not enough to build a large dock ..."

"Then change the place! Is there a larger river outlet near the sea? It's better to bring your own harbor."

"Yes, a few kilometers east of that small fishing village, there is a larger river inlet, and it may be more appropriate to build a pier and dock there!" Aben said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, just do it, build Panama City there!" And just like that, the address of Panama City, at the suggestion of Aben, moved a few kilometers eastward from the original location of the ancient Panama City in history ...

However, this has no effect. Anyway, Marin is temporarily unable to dig the Panama Canal. All he wanted was to build a rural cement road from Cologne to Panama City. Moving Panama City eastward by a few kilometers has little effect.

Because things are too important, affecting the trade routes with Daming and the future control of Peru and Chile. To this end, Marin temporarily put down all other matters and began to help Aben choose assistants.

The construction of Panama City naturally requires a person who is proficient in architecture. So, Marin found an architect named Strom and appointed him as the deputy owner of Panama City, in charge of the construction of Panama City.

Because Panama City is surrounded by tropical rain forests, it is too difficult to collect stones from the tropical rain forest to build the city. Therefore, Marin simply planned to send a few ships along with bricks and cement. When we got there, we built a small walled courtyard directly with our own bricks and cement. Then, the buildings in the city walls are slowly built.

Panama City actually serves the port that is in business with Daming. Therefore, this small city must have been built on the side of the big river.

Strom is mainly responsible for the construction of the city. Presumably with the bricks and cement of several ships, it is not a problem to build a fortress that can hold hundreds of people.

what? You said that the fortress to live a few hundred people is too small? Don't worry, this is just for emergency. After all, at the beginning of the new construction in Panama, the population was certainly not large, and it was necessary to guard against attacks by indigenous people. Therefore, it is the most correct choice to quickly build a fortress that can accommodate hundreds of people. As for the fortress is too small, can we continue to expand after we have enough bricks and cement in the future?

In addition, the focus is on the construction of ports and docks. To this end, Marin transferred several supervisors from the Emden Shipyard and followed Aben to Panama City, where he was responsible for the construction of the shipyard and the Longbridge Wharf. In addition, they will also take 300 craftsmen with them to take charge of the manufacture and maintenance of ships. Of course, this is only the first batch of craftsmen, and some people will go there in the future. However, Marin's shipbuilding craftsmen are still in short supply. He can only send 300 to build the Caotai team ...

In order to solve the problem of lack of shipbuilding craftsmen, Marin has imitated the captain's school and established a shipbuilding technology school to recruit young people who are willing to be craftsmen. Then, after a round of selection, part of the hands and feet that are too stupid are eliminated, leaving young people with more flexible hands and feet for further technical training. And their training method is also very simple and rude-starting from a small canoe, when it is done, it will be converted to a small fishing boat, and the small fishing boat is built to try to build a large fishing boat (a fishing boat of more than 50 tons can be called in this era) For the big fishing boat) ... The big fishing boat can be built well ... Well, qualified, sent to the shipyard ...

At present, the shipbuilding technology school is training 1500 young craftsmen, but because of the tight time, it is estimated that it will take another year or two before these people can basically go to the teacher, and then sent to the shipyards of Emden and North America ...

In addition to the shipbuilding talents, Marin also selected several agricultural talents who were responsible for growing food and fruits outside Panama City. After all, the cost of transporting grain from home was too high in the past. If it is possible to grow food locally on a large area and be self-sufficient in advance, that would be best. Considering the local hot and humid climate, planting rye is not suitable. Therefore, it is the best choice to grow Indian rice and banana crops outside Panama City. Of course, there is also the magical crop that comes with the Americas-sweet potato ... This is definitely the magic weapon to fight hunger.

In addition to growing food, Marin also intends to let people grow wormwood and pyrethrum in a large area near Panama City to isolate those terrible Panama poisonous mosquitoes. Of course, people have to cut down the **** trees first. You know, the poisonous mosquitoes are hiding in the woods and bushes by the water during the day.

Therefore, Marin intends to buy 1,000 slaves from Jorge Deron Castre, Duke of Coimbra in Portugal. Then, let those black uncles bring saws to saw all the trees outside Panama City. At the same time, the bushes along the river were also pulled out ... so, the poisonous mosquitoes near Panama City could not find a place to hide and could only be killed by the sun during the day ...

In addition, Marin will also supply a large amount of homemade mosquito coils to Panama City. The so-called earth-made mosquito-repellent incense is made by crushing pyrethrum and wormwood, adding a small amount of yellow mud ~ ~ and kneading into strips. Then, get an incense burner, which is used to light mosquito coils, smoke and kill mosquitoes, and protect the life of the colonizers ... After all, the poisonous mosquitoes in Panama are too deadly and may be killed if they are bitten ...

This earth-made mosquito-repellent incense, Marin personally tried it, the effect is very good, no less than modern mosquito-repellent incense. Moreover, the toxicity is not great. Unlike later generations of mosquito coils, chemical poisons are used, which endanger human health. Of course, pyrethrum is also toxic after all, and children, especially infants, should use it with caution. It is pure wormwood mosquito coil, although the effect is almost, the taste is also big, but the health is guaranteed. As for why not to make the mosquito coil into the disc shape of the later generations, but to make it into a simple and rough strip shape, because the disc shape needs a special mosquito coil plate, it is very troublesome. It is very easy to grow a bar, just find a clay incense burner and you can use it, even a bowl can be used, it is not troublesome at all, it is in line with the principle of "simple and rough" ...

Finally, there is the issue of security. To this end, Malinte specially selected 200 militiamen to protect this new port city. In order to enhance their combat effectiveness, Marin especially provided them with 200 clockwork rifles. Panama City has a tropical rainforest climate, where the matchlock gun can easily be turned off. Therefore, it is most appropriate to use a spring gun that is not afraid of rain ...

Relying on the concrete city wall, plus 200 clockwork lighters. Even if the militia are far less powerful than the regular army, there is no problem in defending Panama City and repelling the attack of the indigenous people ...