Chapter 721: Tribute room and father-in-law

When Marin prepared the dowry of 50 carts and planned to personally take tens of thousands of soldiers to **** Anne to Krakow, Poland to marry, suddenly something happened in China ...

This is a case of wife and child murder, which happened in Las Vegas. A baron named Sagan, originally from Oldenburg, personally killed his wife and son ...

Why should this product kill his wife and son? It turned out that this product was green. Then he was murdered in anger. Moreover, his son is not his own birth, but the wild seed that his wife gave birth to after being derailed.

In the beginning, Baron Sagan did not notice this. Moreover, he loves his son very much. However, as the child grew older, Baron Sagan found that-the longer the child looked less like himself ...

That's all. After all, the child may not look like his father. This is the so-called mutation. However, the longer the child was, the longer it looked like Songzhe, the baroness's bodyguard ...

No matter how silly the baron knew he was green, Baron Sagan seized the maid who had served the wife for many years and tortured him, and finally learned the secrets of the wife and the guard Song Zhe for many years. Moreover, the son of Baron Sagan was really born of the baroness and bodyguard Song Zhe ....

So, the baron was furious and rallyed, calling for staff, personally leading the team to catch the **** in bed, and killing his wife Maruen on the spot, and the guard Song Zhe, and even the once-loving son Howson!

Baron Sagan wasn't willing to say anything. After all, it was a family ugly, and it was a big family ugly. However, the Eisen family where the Baroness Maruen is located is also a baron family, which is not annoying. Maruen ’s father Yawei Eisen was a baron himself, and Maruen was his only daughter.

When he heard that his daughter had been killed by his son-in-law, Baron Eisen was furious. As a result, Baron Yawei wanted to gather the army to retaliate, but was directly blocked by the local garrison in Las Vegas.

In desperation, Baron Yawei had to accuse the official Baron Sagan of murder. That ’s all, it ’s obviously Mrs. Marun ’s derailment, but Baron Yawei does n’t care. He declared shamelessly-because Baron Sagan was so ugly that he was not worthy of his daughter. Therefore, his daughter finds a more handsome bodyguard Song Zhe for personal purposes, no problem ...

Marin had taken the murder case seriously, but after hearing the shameless words of Baron Yawei, he sipped a tea directly:

"Nima, I haven't seen such a shameless person. Although his daughter's killing is indeed pitiful, but this mew's explanation is too strange?

Obviously, Marin began to hate this Baron Yawei ...

"Then, Grand Duke, how should we decide this case?" Jeffrey Palace asked.

Marin actually wanted to rule Baron Sagan not guilty, but he knew that a ruler must maintain the majesty of the law. Otherwise, the country will mess up.

So Marin tapped his fingers, thought for a while, then raised his head and said:

"Just judge it this way-Mrs. Maruen and her men have an ulterior motive. They deserve the crime. But the crime will not die. Baron Sagan killed his wife and children for a reason, but they broke the law ..."

"Therefore, the sentence-Baron Sagan was imprisoned for ten years, and at the same time, half of the territory was fined. At the same time, 1000 gold coins of the Eisen family were compensated ..."

"Only 1000 gold coins are compensated?" Jeffrey was dumbfounded. How can I say that he is also the daughter of a baron, this life is worth it?

"What else do you want? This woman has an ulterior motive, gave birth to a wild seed, and was deserved to die. It was only because of the maintenance of the law that I punished Baron Sagan."

"Since the wife's cheating and the crime of killing, then, how to deal with similar situations in the future?" Jeffrey said nothing about how to deal with the man's cheating. After all, this is an era of absolute patriarchy, but not an era of feminism. Therefore, women should be sanctioned for cheating, while men cheating ... especially noble cheating ... no problem ...

After thinking about it, Marin said:

"So be it-the woman is derailed, and if there is evidence, he will be sentenced to 2 years in prison. If he gives birth to a wild seed, he will be sentenced to 10 years in prison!"

"How to deal with the wild child born?"

"Sent to the monastery, such a child is not suitable to appear in front of people. It is not qualified to be a formal priest, but you can go to the monastery to work for a lifetime of hard work to atone for God! Their existence is itself a sin caused by lust. ... Amen ... "Marin crossed his chest.

"Duke Mercy!" Jeffrey went out and announced Marlin's sentence. At the same time, the crime of derailment was added to the law. Of course, this law needs to communicate with the nobles.

However, this law clearly benefits the nobles. Except for the baron Yawei whose daughter was killed, the other nobles agreed with this law. After all, everyone is afraid of being green. Being green is light, and the son who has been raised for decades is not his own, it is the most terrible situation.


Thinking of this, Marin suddenly remembered a piece of news he had seen in his previous life-the blood of the British royal family, which seemed to be unrelated to the blood of Richard III ...

However, the queen Elizabeth of Henry VII should be the niece of Richard III, and the descendants of the British royal family must have genes similar to Richard III. However, the blood of the members of the British royal family and Richard III are not the same. But the bloodline passed down from the maternal lineage close to Richard III's blood line is matched. Therefore, scientists believe that it may be that some of the descendants of Henry VII were greened, gave birth to wild seeds, and inherited the throne ... Of course, hundreds of years have passed, and no one knows which generation was green ...

Suddenly a shadow was cast in Marin's heart-will the descendants of Lao Tzu also be green?

Angela is trustworthy, and Marin has very tight control of the harem, and it is forbidden to have male guards too close to Angela. However, Marin does not dare to guarantee that future generations will not be green. You know, in Europe, it is not uncommon for a lady to cheat.

In fact, cheating is a trivial matter. The most terrible thing is that the throne will be inherited by the wild seed born by the derailed woman. This is the big thing ...

Therefore, Marin must come up with a way to prohibit such things from happening ...

To this end, Marin racked his brain and thought for two days before finally thinking of a way ...

In fact, this method was not Marin's own idea, but borrowed from the practices of the Manchu dynasty.

Although he was very opinionated on Manchu's brutality, Marin had to admit that many of Manchu's systems, although stupid, were really suitable for ruling the people. It can be said that the Manchu dynasty's control and **** of the people was the most stringent dynasty of all dynasties.

And the management of the harem, Manchu is also very strict. In order to prevent the royal family from mixing in the wild species, the Qing Dynasty set up a special chamber in the palace. The task of this tribute room is to manage the emperor's room, the emperor's room, and the concubine's room. Every time the room-affair, the courtesy room will send an **** to record the time. If the concubine is pregnant, turn out the room-event record and compare. If it doesn't match the record, it means that the concubine is derailed and she is pregnant with wild seeds. Then, the concubine was naturally killed by the staff, and then buried in a corner.

Therefore, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" says that Zhen Huan is pregnant with Prince Guo's child, which is almost nonsense. Because, if the pregnancy time and line-room time records are not matched, it is absolutely impossible to escape, let alone give birth to wild seeds. Of course, it ’s just a novel, and it ’s a TV series of a silly woman, and it ’s naturally not so rigorous ~ ~ Although it ’s a shame to be watched and documented by others, but Marin is not willing to lay down his own great mountains, Fall into the hands of wild seeds. To this end, Marin found Angela, announced the decision to set up a respectable room, and explained the relevant details.

Although Angela had a good temper, she was also annoyed-this clearly distrusted her. Marin quickly comforted and explained-we do n’t trust you, but are we afraid that our son and grandson will be greened? See you? Baron Sagan was too honest and was given green by the guard. So, we have to prevent ...

Angela is also a smart woman. She thought-yes, how can my son's mountains be taken away by wild seeds? So, this matter is settled.

In addition, the **** room needs eunuchs. Where to find the eunuch? Maozi ...

Ah, not right, from the Crimean Khanate. The last few Mao's father-in-laws sent by the Crimean Khanate for free seem to be honest ... this time, by setting up a courtesy room, you can choose from the few Mao Zi eunuchs who worked hard in the palace ...

As for eunuchs not enough? Look for Crimean Khanate again! Since Marin taught the Crimeans to use spirit sterilization techniques when castrating hair, the survival rate of Crimean castration men has increased to more than 90%. Unlike before, because of easy infection, the mortality rate after castration is very high.

Today, the castrated Maozi is very popular with the Ottoman Turkish nobles. After all, the harems of these Turkish nobles are very large, and there are many women, so they have to worry about being green. Get a few Maozi to serve these women, not only not afraid of being green, but Maozi can also serve as a bodyguard and coolie ...

"Well, that's it!" Marin made a final decision, ready to order hundreds of Mao's fathers from the Crimean Khanate. It is best to have literacy, can serve as eunuchs eunuchs, record room-things, and avoid wild species ...