Chapter 719: Expensive dowry

Whether it ’s shooting in line or shooting, that ’s not the most important thing. The most important thing for Marin right now is to prepare a generous dowry for Anne ...

Yes, generous dowry! Because she was a queen, and Anne was the princess of the Grand Duchy of Beihai, so this dowry must not be shabby. Not only can it not be shabby, but it must be very generous. Otherwise, it is embarrassing. A queen with no dowry, but to be despised by her subjects.

When the Danish king married his daughter Princess Margaret to King James III of Scotland, because she couldn't get a rich dowry, she finally gave the Shetland Islands, which originally belonged to the Kingdom of Norway, as the dowry to the Kingdom of Scotland ... ... It can be seen that the cost of marrying a princess is also quite high ...

The Huffman family is, after all, a rising "upstart" family. Anne is named princess, but she is actually the daughter of a poor knight. Now that the Huffman family is developed, it is natural to decorate the face. Therefore, if the Hoffman family marries a daughter, it will have to pay more dowry than an ordinary princely country, otherwise it will be despised.

Old Hoffman can't afford this dowry, so he naturally put the burden of preparing the future queen's dowry on Marin ...

"Nima, the cost of marrying a sister is so high. If you want to stay in the 21st century China, your daughter will marry you, even if it's a big gift, how dare you want a dowry?"

However, he cannot help but obey such rules. Otherwise, the family is ashamed. In desperation, Marin had to do everything possible to prepare for the dowry.

After careful consideration, Marin believes that-the dowry is mainly used to show the strength of the family. Therefore, it must have a high-end atmosphere. When it comes out, the eyes of blind bystanders must be illuminated ...

Therefore, Marin's decision is-be sure to raise the most visually impactful materials as a prop for the blind eyes of the Polish noble dogs ...

First, silk is a must. Therefore, Marin's first preparation was a large amount of silk for silk clothing. The silk produced by the Daming Empire is not available now, so we can only buy European soil silk produced in Lyon, France in large quantities.

However, Nymad is now expensive in European silk. A silk dress is counted in gold coins. A cart of silk, Nima actually wants five thousand gold coins! However, in order to support the facade, bought! Moreover, one buy is three big cars!

Seeing 50,000 gold coins spent so easily, Marin was distressed. Nyimad, the contemporaries of the Ming dynasty, was only about 50 ounces of silver. Even if 10 cartons of silk are installed in a car, it will be 500 two silver, which is equivalent to 436 gold coins. The quality of the Nymad French Lyon silk is not very good, but it dared to ask for 5,000 gold coins per car, which is more than ten times the price of the Ming Dynasty silk. Although the price of the finished silk is higher, it is not so outrageous? No wonder then that Daming silk trade was so prosperous. It turned out that the asking price of French silk was too dark, and the quality was not good ...

Next, it is natural to prepare some usual utensils. For example, the golden bowl for eating, the golden plate or something. They will all become queens, and they will definitely be needed in the future.

Originally, Marin did not have the luxury of a golden bowl or a golden plate. Marin only likes silver tableware, because silver can test poison. But Anne is the person who wants to become the queen. Old Hoffman and Mrs. Mary agree that they should be married to tableware made of gold ...

Fortunately, when Marin sent troops to Britain, he led soldiers to loot several large noble houses in London. Therefore, a lot of tableware and utensils made of gold are collected. In addition, Marin also ordered several sets of gold chopsticks and forks for Annie. Chopsticks are naturally prepared for Annie, because Anne has been used to Chinese food over the years and can use chopsticks very skillfully. However, Sigmund I will definitely not use chopsticks. Therefore, Marin ordered a knife and fork popular in later generations in Europe, made of gold, and the fork is four pointed, unlike the two-pointed fork now. Of course, four pointed forks and forks are more convenient ...

So, gold knives and forks, plates, and wine glasses. In addition to a pile of silverware, there are some exquisite copper basins and other utensils. Lin Lin also installed a large car ... Fortunately, there are many silverware and bronzes, otherwise the cost of this car is simply amazing ...

These are big heads and the most expensive parts. The rest is less expensive. However, it is not cheap. In order to increase the volume, Marin also made several carts of wool fabrics. However, these are not for making clothes, but for making carpets. In addition, there are some wool coats and quilts to keep out the cold in winter.

In addition, Marin also ordered the **** skin that Garland acquired from Newfoundland to be tailored for processing, and he made several sea fur coats for Anne's winter warmth.

Then there are things like bottles, pots and cans, of course, all made of stained glass made in Venice. As for porcelain, Marin does not. After all, the Daming route has not yet been opened, and porcelain is a rare thing in Europe. Marin, a noble nouveau riche with no heritage, has no porcelain collection.

Coincidentally, it happened that the Grenada ship returned to the country and transported a large amount of black granulated sugar. So, Marin simply asked people to pack a lot of black granulated sugar in oil paper bags and install three carts as dowry.

If in the later generations, cane sugar is used as a dowry, it is estimated that it will be sprayed to death-Nima's stuff has also gotten on the table?

Even in the contemporary Ming dynasty, sucrose was a common commodity that was not allowed on the countertop. However, this is in Europe. The sucrose here is still rare. The price per pound of sucrose is in shillings, not fenny. Therefore, the three big car black sugar is definitely a high-end gadget.

Moreover, although there are more than three tons of sugar in the three carts, it is not a big deal for Ma Lin. Because, sugar cane production in Grenada is very large now. With the effect of fertilizers, the output of sugar cane per mu is more than one ton, and can even reach 2 tons per mu. At a sugar output rate of 15%, there is also an output of one or two hundred pounds of sucrose. More than three tons of sucrose is nothing more than the production of 30 to 40 acres of sugar cane fields.

Of course, this is nothing to Marin. But for today's Europe, which lacks desserts, the three big carts of sugar are definitely a big deal.

Since even sucrose is used, Marin doesn't care about shame ~ ~ So, he installed three carts of paper produced by the Cape Breton Island paper mill as the dowry. Known as its name—to facilitate cultural dissemination ...

However, because of the secrecy of the papermaking technology, Anne did not know how low the production cost of the Cape Breton Island paper mill was. Although knowing that it must be lower than other paper mills, Anne couldn't imagine a gap of dozens of times.

Anne did n’t even know it, so the rest of Europe did n’t know. This year, because the papermaking technology is extremely backward, Europeans still use hemp paper made of rags, fishing nets, hemp skins, etc., and the price is expensive. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the three cart papers are absolutely very sincere ...

Then Marin thought of the habits of Eastern Europeans who like to drink hard liquor. As a result, several carts of whiskey (rye Erguotou) are also ready.

Then, it is the important material that Marin's men lack-table salt. Nothing, let's talk about a few big cars ...

In addition, it is the spice, this is a necessity of the current European noble family. As it happens, the remaining part of the 50,000-pound quota that was shipped from India last time in the Marin warehouse was also loaded with two vehicles and weighed about 3,000 or 4,000 pounds. According to European market prices, it must be very expensive. But in India, the purchase price does not exceed 2 Finney per pound ...

In the end, there are some debris, including many beautiful wooden furniture, and various supplies ... In the end, Marin put together the dowry of fifty carts, which looks very large ...

Moreover, if you don't look at the actual cost of sugar, paper, whiskey and salt, but look at the European market price, this batch of dowry is simply high value. Take it out, it is definitely a symbol of the local tyrant ...

Looking at the dowry of the 50 carts filled with water, Marin swallowed and said bitterly:

"What's special, I will have more sons and fewer daughters in the future. Otherwise, the dowry alone will make me bankrupt!"