Chapter 663: No return

The French did not know that the British had reinforcements because the intelligence they received was that the people of the Grand Duchy of the North Sea and Edward had attracted the British fleet to the Irish sea. -79 小说 网-Moreover, before the French conducted reconnaissance on the English side of the English Channel, no large-scale British fleet was found.

As for Wallace's fleet, the French did not care too much, thinking that it was a resistance force that the British urgently put together. It is not surprising that Britain, as a maritime country, can urgently gather so many ships.

Moreover, the attitude of Wallace desperately blocking, in the eyes of French commander Valjeri, is a bit like a battle of trapped beasts. Therefore, the French saw that the main force of the British fleet was surrounded, and they did not rush to destroy each other.

The French offensive slowed, and the English sailors were relieved. In fact, the English did not want to work hard. Because their task was to hold the French fleet before the reinforcements arrived. If possible, they would not be happy to die. Mainly, the British sailors were all pirates in the eyes of the French, and they were also killed when they were caught. Therefore, no English sailor surrendered.

As a result, the French slowed their offense, and the English sailors were relieved. So, they did not counterattack, just on the deck of the outer ships of the English fleet, resisting the French attack.

Seeing the sun setting, the French began to eat dinner in batches ...

After several hours of fighting at sea, it takes a lot of energy. At this time, the hungry sailors can eat a piece of black bread with a large basin.

Valjeri knew that the soldiers were tired and hungry, so he asked the soldiers to withdraw in batches to eat and drink. Wait until you are full and have enough energy to continue. However, in order to interfere with the British army's meal and rest, and not allow the opponents to recover their physical strength, the French army attacked in batches.

This tactic looks good. The British army could not eat or drink in batches because of its small population. If we continue this way, when the British army is not hungry enough, facing the French army with enough food and drink, it must be a big defeat ...

However, things did not develop as expected by the French. They are full, and they are ready to continue their offensive. But just before the sun went down, a sail came out of the southwestern sea ...

The sails first came out of the top, and then gradually the entire sail appeared ... and then, the hull appeared ...

With the glory of the setting sun, the French were surprised to find out-about a few hundred ships came from the southwestern sea, and the leading ones were a few dozen or so large ships ...

"Who is it?" The French in the fleet thought. Because, they do not know the identity of the comer. Of course, they hope to be the reinforcements sent by the French King. However, the ships mobilized by the Dharma King are basically here ... If it is said that the British are not right. Because the information received by the French is that the main British fleet is not at home ...

The French are still ignorant, but Sir Wallace, who has been observing the sea in the southwest from the top of the flagship stern, jumped happily. Although all he saw was a shadow of sail, he knew it was that the reinforcements were coming!

When the reinforcements are coming, then Wallace will not have to fight to death ... gaining the title of Baron without dying, and gaining the title of the land.

Excited, Wallace did not forget to share with his people:

"The reinforcements are here! We are going to win!"

The English sailors were tired and hungry, almost on the verge of collapse. The Frenchman on the opposite side is full, drinking and drinking, making it clear that he and others are about to die. At this point, Wallace's phrase "the reinforcements are here" is in their ears just natural ...

So, the sailors in England also shouted obsessively:

"The reinforcements are coming! The reinforcements are coming!" At the same time, their morale followed.

The French sailor on the opposite side is unknown, but the Earl of Valjeri is so cold ...

He also saw the sail shadow on the southwestern sea, and he was still a little surprised. Because the enemy ship came from the direction of Southwest France, he was also a little uncertain. But now I hear the cry of the English sailor (he knows a little English), and he does n’t know where, that piece of sailing is a reinforcement of the British army ...

At this moment, he finally understood why the British fleet in front of him had to drag them desperately, even if so many people died. It turned out that the other party was waiting for reinforcements to copy the French fleet from the back bread ...

"Is it ... this is an English trap?"

But at this time, Earl Valjeri had no time to think about it. He knew that if no decision was made, the entire fleet would be finished. So he quickly ordered:

"Commanded, the whole army evacuated! Notify the transport fleet, all fled east, and evacuated in the direction of Port Calais!"

The herding soldiers began to yell across the ship to convey the order. At the same time, several speedboats were lowered from the big ship, went straight to the transport fleet, and notified the transport fleet to escape to the east!

At this time, the English Channel was blowing west wind, and the British ambush fleet came quickly. Moreover, there are many. In addition to the 150 large ships that rushed in front, hundreds of small boats followed. The point is, it seems to be all warships ...

At this time, if the transportation fleet fled eastward with all sails open, many ships would be stopped. However, hundreds of ships escaped together in the wind, and there were always fish that could reach the port of Calais. Now, there is the French territory.

The French warships that had originally surrounded the Wallace Fleet also evacuated. It's just that the innermost French boat, because the British boat was hooked with an iron anchor, not only restricted the British boat, but its own boat was also restricted ...

In desperation, the Earl of Valjeri had no choice but to evacuate the crew of more than a dozen French ships in the inner circle and board other French warships ...

When dozens of French main battleships left the original battle group, Count Valjeri sadly discovered that some ships in the southwestern part of the French fleet had been surrounded by ships reinforced by the British. It seems that there is absolutely less fierceness ...

Watching the British pirates ravaging the French transport ship, Valjeri's eyes were in tears, he knew-the French were finished this time ...

At this time, Valjeri began a violent ideological struggle ...

He could see that the British were determined to destroy the French fleet. After this war, the French estimated that they would do nothing at sea for at least a dozen years. However, he now has two options-

One is to take advantage of the British fleet is attacking the transport fleet, from the north side of the transport fleet to the east, and take the remaining dozens of them to escape on the battleship. With the obstruction of those transport ships, the British wanted to stop the main French fleet and explained that they could stop part of it, but they could certainly escape a lot.

If you choose this method, then the transport fleet must be completely destroyed, but the French main fleet must be able to save dozens of warships.

Another option is to take these dozens of warships and go to stop the British fleet. Then, let the transport fleet escape.

Not only the horses and the horses are transported by the transport fleet, but also many French knights accompanying the horses. These people are all the 'spirit' of the French team. Especially in these knights, it is the backbone of the French team. Everyone can take it as an officer. If they all die in this naval battle, then France is over. After all, it takes more than ten years to train a knight. France dispatched eight thousand knights this time, almost the core of the French Kings. If they are over, France will be in a hump ...

After thinking about it, the knight education that Earl Valjeri received since childhood has the upper hand ...

"I swear allegiance to Lord Louis!"

"I swear to treat the weak!"

"I swear bravely against strong enemies!"

"I swear to fight against all mistakes!"

"I swear to fight for defenseless civilians!"

"I swear to help anyone who asks me for help!"

"I swear……"

In front of the Royal Palace of Orleans, the scene of Valgery ’s original oath of loyalty to Louis XII, who was then the Duke of Orleans, once again appeared in front of Valgery ... At that time, Valgery was still a young trainee knight. Louis, Duke of Orleans, vowed to be a glorious knight ...

Recalling the past years, Earl of Valjeri was in tears. He roared up in the sky:

"Your Majesty Louis, let me Valjery be the last one for you!"

After shouting this sentence, Valjeri wiped away his tears. When he turned his head, he looked like a knife ...

"According to my order, all the remaining 82 warships are facing the enemy, blocking the main ship of the English!"

"If the former flinch, cut the captain!"

"Everyone, I will lead the charge of the" loyal guard "during the lead! Please all of you charge with me! If I retreat, please cut off my head!"

"For France!" Earl Valgeri "drawn" the knight sword ~ ​​ ~ shouted with all his strength.

"For France!" The French sailors shouted.


"In addition, by my order, all the ships carrying knights fled to the east with all their strength. Other ships, including ships carrying artillery, all ran horizontally from north to south, preventing British ships from chasing those ships carrying knights!"

After a pause, Count Valjeri told the herald again:

"Tell the knights that if the ship's weight is too heavy, affecting the speed, order them to push all the horses into the sea! Armor can also be thrown away!"

"Finally tell them that people can live for Majesty Louis only if they are alive! War horses can be cultivated again. People are the most precious!"

"Warriors, follow me and block the British pirates! For the future of France, kill--"

With that said, Earl Valjeri took the lead and stood on the bow of the ship, commanding the flagship "Loyal Guardian", and rushed towards the British main fleet in the southwest ...