Chapter 650: "Discussion of Henry (Lee)"

In Chester and Lancashire in the northwest of England, Edward's 10,000 army raided and looted these two pro-Lancaster counties. -Henry VII's support and assistance to these two "basic disk" counties looted by Scotland were all intercepted by Edward.

Of course, Edward is not a fool. Instead of exploiting those serfs, he specializes in "doors" against the local nobles. Because, these nobles are almost all Lancasters, so they are right. Moreover, the wealth in this era was mainly concentrated in the hands of the nobility. If the nobility was adjusted, the wealth would be obtained.

While Edward was preparing the two Lancastrian counties, Marin leisurely led a group of men to hunt in the mountains of Northumberland. Anyway, his army could not be displayed in front of the world in a short period of time.

However, what made Marin depressed was that he took a large group of people and traveled around the mountain forest. He did not hit several prey, especially the larger prey such as the deer. In the end, Marin and his hunting team only hit a dozen rabbits and a few wild boars.

I asked a local guide to find out that the forest here was basically emptied by the locals. Because England advocates the nation's "shooting" arrows, there are many folk hunting masters. After all, as long as the arrow is good, you can easily hunt. Therefore, the deer in the forest, even the wild wolf, were killed cleanly.

Only wild boar, because the skin is too thick, the bow and arrow are difficult to ‘shoot’, so most people dare not provoke, but there are still many. There are also hares, because the target is small, it is difficult to ‘shoot’. Coupled with the rapid breeding of rabbits, there are still some that can be hunted.

Marin's hunting team has a clear clockwork rifle, and the people who are taken to the hunting are all people with good marksmanship. Therefore, the hunting team is not afraid of wild boars. Of those wild boars that were hunted, two of them, the majestic male boars, had launched a deadly charge. It rushed halfway, and was sifted by dense gunshots ... but the consequence was-the wild boar skin was damaged ...

However, Marin is not a real hunter, and naturally does not care about wild boar skin, he just enjoys the fun of hunting. Therefore, if the wild boar skin is broken, it will be broken. He does not care, as long as he can eat the wild boar ‘meat’.

As for the hunted hares, Marin was actually speechless. Because, there is a hare, not actually killed by them, but died by pretending to be a tree. Because of the fear of intensive gunshots, the unlucky rabbit panicked and lost balance. After a jump, his head hit a tree hard and was directly KO by the tree ... and Marin saw it with his own eyes. . So, quite speechless ...


While Marin leisurely hunted in the mountains, Henry VII ’s intelligence personnel also reported Edward VII ’s army size and whereabouts.

"Ten thousand people ... don't rush south, but go to Lancashire in the north to loot ..." Henry VII fell into thought.

Lancashire is of great significance to Henry VII. Because, there is "Longxing Land". After all, Henry VII claimed to be the representative of the Lancaster dynasty.

But in fact, Henry VII is just a relative of the Lancaster family, and was born in Wales and grew up in the Principality of Brittany, France.

However, many supporters of Henry VII came from Lancashire. After all, he was able to ascend to the throne, and the main support group was the Lancastrian aristocracy. Of course, there are also noble Yorkists.

However, most of the Lancastrian aristocracy, after Henry VII became king, most of them "ascended to heaven" and moved to the bustling London. Most of the people who stayed in Lancashire were the Lancastrian nobles who were not valued, or the branches that left behind.

Today, Edward looted the Lancashire with a large army, which certainly damaged the interests of the Lancastrian nobles. After all, their poor relatives such as the "seven aunts and eight aunts" still stay in Lancashire. Even, many people's land is still there.

Therefore, now Edward loots Lancashire, and those Lancastrian nobles from Lancashire will definitely press Henry VII to urge them to send troops to recover Lancashire.

However, Henry VII did not plan to do that ...

Because, Henry VII felt that Edward ’s behavior was very abnormal. As a contender for the throne, shouldn't we actively go south to attack London? But Edward ran to Lancashire to punish ‘chaos’, clearly ‘forcing’ him to send troops ... After all, Lancashire was attacked, the Lancastrian nobles must be anxious, and then urge him to send troops to suppress ...

With this thought, plus the information obtained before, Henry VII was more certain-Edward was attracting his attention so that he could relax his vigilance against France. If the army went north to fight against Edward, and France suddenly landed to siege London, it would be over ...

In the end, Henry VII decided to ignore Edward for the time being and wait to clean up France and then clean up Edward ...

But Edward seemed to be unwilling to do so for Henry VII. Just as Henry VII was focused on dealing with France, Edward publicly released a poem against Henry VII ...

"The hypocrite Henry, a branch of the Lancaster family. However, at the beginning, His Majesty Henry IV had announced that his half-brother John Duke of Lancaster and his descendants did not have the right to inherit the throne. What's more, the hypocrite Henry is a side branch of the Lancastrians. Even the main vein does not have the right to inherit the throne, not to mention the branch? Is illegal. "

"More seriously, in the battle of Bosworth, the hypocrite Henry, along with his stepfather Thomas Stanley and other rebel thieves, killed the king and rebelled against 'chaos' for the sinful death. Those who committed the crime of killing the king, There is no right to ascend to the throne, even if he marries Princess Elizabeth. Because Henry's descendants, after belonging to sinners, their birth is guilty ... "

"The hypocrite Henry always insisted that His Majesty Richard III ascended the throne through the killing of kings. However, he has been on the throne for 20 years, but no evidence of His Majesty Richard III ’s killing is found. Is illegal. "

"The great Kingdom of England follows the rule of law. Without evidence, it cannot be found guilty. Without the evidence of His Majesty Richard III ’s killing the king, he hastily sent troops to rebel against the 'rebellion'. Is the real tyrant ... "

"I, as the heir to Richard III's legal throne, declared the succession to the throne of England as Edward VI. Now, in the name of the legal king, I declare the false king Henry and his evil follower 'door' as the prince. Those who deserve to be punished by law ... "

"But in the devotion to God and the awe of the law, I will not kill this hypocrite at will. Because only the killing through trial is legal and is in accordance with God's will. So, I captured After London, the hypocrite and his accomplice will be publicly reviewed in front of the royal palace. Then, in the name of God, the hypocrite and his accomplice will be divided by the hanged, to uphold the justice of the kingdom with the law of justice ...


This epic writing is awe-inspiring, well-founded and well-founded, and it really makes people unable to pick out any ‘hair’ problems. Moreover, its rhetoric for upholding the law can arouse people's approval.

For example, Henry IV announced that John Beaufort and his descendants had no inheritance rights, which is well known. Therefore, legally speaking, Henry VII, a descendant of John Beaufort, and a descendant of the collateral, did not qualify for the throne. It's just that Henry VII and his supporters avoided this problem intentionally.

Nowadays, this poem has turned this matter out and can definitely arouse the public's doubts about the inheritance of Henry VII's throne.

But since Henry VII succeeded to the throne for 20 years ~ ~ but he has not found evidence of Richard III ’s killing, it is from the legal level that he has determined Henry VII and his followers to betray 'Chaos' is illegal. And if it is not possible to prove that Richard III killed the king, then Henry VII and his followers are the real kingslayer, who belong to the people who should be executed ...


Such a rational and well-written sentence is naturally not written by a mediocre person like Edward who has been imprisoned for more than ten years, but from our passerby Uncle Marin ...

Because in the forest of Northumberland, there is really no prey, Marlin suddenly remembered-"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" princes of the eighteenth road to conquer Dong Zhuo, it seems that first let Chen Lin one of the seven sons of Jian'an In a very generous discussion of Dong Xingwen, he released the world to prove his party ’s legal status and justice demands, and also made Dong Zhuoqi angry ...

So, Marin also tried to help Edward write a "Letter to Henry (Lee)", which was sent to Edward for publication, in order to seek the support of civil and European countries. At the same time, further attack the reputation of Henry VII ...

After receiving Marin's "Looking for the Henry (Lee) Purse", Edward read it and couldn't put it down. He also knew that the purse was indeed very powerful. So he immediately organized the transcript, and then sent people to post it everywhere ...