Chapter 646: Henry VII's plan

In fact, Marin's half-truth false information has leaks. , Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ. Because Earl Duter, a close associate of French King Louis XII, revealed the detailed battle plan to a knight sent to be a spy, which was not reasonable.

Fortunately, Henry VII, the Earl of Durte, also knew that he was a man who rose up by flattering, and did not have much talent in himself. It is not impossible for such people to do unreliable things.

Moreover, in order to show the unreliability of the Earl of Durte, Marin used a proud bragging tone when he forged the letter, and briefly described the French plan, not particularly detailed. This is also in line with Count Durte's design, and it also seems to have been inadvertently exposed.

However, Marin was still worried. After all, this technique was extremely easy to wear in the Ming Dynasty of the same period. After all, from the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the conspiracy and tricks of the "intrigue" have flourished in China. In the Ming Dynasty, if you did not understand the ‘in’ schemes and tricks, you could not stand on the ground.

Fortunately, the Holy See has dominated Europe for centuries and has confined European thought. Therefore, Europeans are not good at ‘intrigue’ tricks now. Therefore, Marin finally decided to take a gamble, betting that Henry VII could not see the leak ‘hole’ here ...

In the end, Marin succeeded in betting ...

Henry VII was also somewhat suspicious, but he sent someone to the port of the Five Ports Alliance to investigate and found that the big ship over there had been tricked into the sea and had to believe the authenticity of this information.

What finally made Henry VII no longer doubt the information from France ...

The British and French have complained for more than 100 years, and they have penetrated each other deeply. In northern France, there were many spies sent by the British. Recently, the spy suddenly discovered-some remote ports in northern France, suddenly many ships came ...

This is not the most important, the most important thing is-these ships seem to come from the south ...

Where is southern France? The Mediterranean coast! Ports such as Marseille and Toulon ...

The British spies lurking along the northern coast of France found that some unimportant ports in northern France docked a lot of ships from the south, and felt that something was wrong. .

The British garrison chief of the Channel Islands also felt unusual, so he sent a ship back to London to report the situation.

Originally Henry VII had obtained accurate information from five ports that most of the big ships were scammed out of the sea. Nowadays, it is found that the French actually gathered the ships of the Mediterranean region to the northern coastal ports ... Why, Henry VII can buy a piece of tofu and be killed ...

As a result, Henry VII no longer doubted the authenticity of this information at this time. At the same time, he also began to prepare for war.

In order to fight against the French, Henry VII decided to concentrate his forces first and destroy the French fleet at sea. As for Edward's side, he ignored it for the time being, but indulged him in landing.

When the French fleet was wiped out, the main British navy went to the Irish Sea to block the sea and cut off Edward's escape route back to the Irish island.

In the end, the British army went northward again to wipe out Edward's forces. At the same time, it also surrounded the Sherwood Forest and completely wiped out the "Robin Hood Rogue" led by the "French Knight Spayo" ...


In fact, these arrangements of Henry VII are correct. Of course, the premise is that Marin did not participate ...

Without Marin ’s intervention, Henry VII relied on these arrangements to eliminate the French navy and completely eliminate Edward. However, Henry VII did not expect that a German prince who seemed to have nothing to do with England would put his black hand into England ...


Under the deliberate arrangement of Henry VII, the English Navy deliberately reduced the number of British warships on the Irish Sea. Moreover, Henry VII brought back all the larger warships, leaving only some small and medium-sized worn warships, which were deliberately left to the so-called "French Navy" to destroy. At present, the true main force of the Navy (except for those big ships that have been cheated out) are mostly hidden in the coastal estuaries in the southeast of England ...

Henry VII studied the map of France and believed that the location where the French were most likely to attack was unlikely to be in the port of Calais nearest to the United Kingdom. Because there are too many British eyeliners here. Therefore, it is not easy to keep secret.

It is also unlikely to be on the west side of the Normandy Peninsula, where there is the Channel Islands controlled by the British, closely monitoring the French coastline.

Therefore, the location of the French attack is likely to be on the coastline from Calais to the east of the Normandy Peninsula.

Moreover, the information transmitted from France also shows that-the French did indeed start hiding ships in the bay on the east side of the Normandy Peninsula.

For example, near Caen in the southeast of the Normandy Peninsula, the French have hidden a lot of boats here. Caen is not a harbour, but it is connected to the sea through the Orne River and is an important trading port.

In the current situation where ships are generally not large, an inland port like Caen, which has large rivers connected to the sea, is the mainstream. For example, London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is actually an important river port connected to the sea by the Thames.

Hiding the ships transferred from the south into the Orne River, the British patrol boat on the strait was indeed difficult to find. However, this was discovered by the British An's spies in Caen ...

Of course, under normal circumstances, even if the British found that the southern France came to the southern ship, they would not care too much. why? Because the British despise the French navy. It is not that France has not attacked the United Kingdom from the sea, but it has been defeated every time.

If it weren't for the half-truth information provided by Marin, the British might find the French hiding the ship, but they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, in the naval battle, the British despised the French.

In addition, a fishing village called Le Havre on the Seine estuary, not far east of the Orne estuary, has long attracted the attention of French officials.

The Seine is the most important river in France because it connects the French capital Paris and the sea. Inside the French court, someone has proposed to build a port here. In fact, in 1517, France did build a port here. Today, France also hides a batch of ships from the south, in the fishing village at the mouth of the Seine in Le Havre ...

All kinds of intelligence show that ~ ~ The French will probably launch a general attack on England at some small and unremarkable port on the coastline between Calais and Normandy Islands.

Henry VII was not vegetarian, and he planned to completely wipe out the family members of the French navy through this naval battle. Therefore, he ordered that most of the large ships now in the mainland be hidden in river bays on the southeast coast, so as not to scare France. If the French didn't start crossing the sea, how could he eliminate the main force of the French fleet ...

But these layouts of Henry VII were all seen in the eyes of the spies of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce in London and the Margaret County intelligence agency. Soon, the information was sent to Marin's desk ...

"What? Henry VII hid many ships in the southeast coast of the river? Is this the rhythm of the French fleet to ambush?" Marin thought for a while and then laughed:

"Hahahaha, it seems that the fake intelligence worked. Henry VII is planning to wipe out the French Navy completely! This is great!"

After laughing, Marin began to think:

"Well, it seems that the plan has to be changed. In order to let Henry VII deal with the French with peace of mind, we have to delay the hands-on time ..."