Chapter 643: Burn the enemy camp (Part 2)

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, but this is the time when people are most sleepy. . More latest chapter visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ. Although there was already light, the British army camp was still quietly, with 500 infantry and more than 3,000 civilians all sleeping.

Coster's herald soldiers came to the fence, not only brought the order of ignition, but also brought a few good matches. It is too dangerous for these blasters to ignite outside the fence. Because the sound of flint's fire may disturb the people inside.

Therefore, Koster found a hidden place in a temporary place two kilometers away, and lit a fire, and ignited a few fire ropes to let the heralds pass by.

The heralding soldier distributed the five lit matches to the five blasters. Then, he turned back to his team. Several blasters began to blow the rope with their mouths to make them burn more vigorously. One of them has already extinguished the fire rope, so he and his companions borrowed the fire and rekindled his own fire rope.

At this time it was already half-day, and Mars on the FireWire was not as obvious as it was in the night. Several people squatted outside the fence of the British army camp and blew the rope, but no one found it.

After making sure that the fire ropes were fully burned, the five people lined up and came to the fuse of the barrel of fire "powder" they buried ...

In order to ensure that there was sufficient width for the Colts to rush into the big camp, Coster brought 5 barrels of fire medicine, divided into five places, and buried them under the wooden fence. And the fuse they use is generally long, so that they can explode as simultaneously as possible ...

When they were ready, the five people lined up in a row crouched down and looked at the fuse on the ground dignifiedly. Leading demolition captain John counted down in a low voice:

"Wang ..."

"threw up……"

"Sree ..."

"Fair ..."

After the captain counted the five blasters, they pressed the fire rope at the same time and lit the fuse on the ground ...


After John finished speaking, he turned around and ran without any hesitation. As a blaster, he knew the danger of the matter. If you run slowly, you may be hit by debris from the explosion, or you will be injured.

The other members saw the boss's pie and ran to the rear together without any hesitation ...

After a while, the fuse burned and entered the soil, igniting the barrel of fire "medicine" buried in the soil ...


Five consecutive loud noises rang, and the ground of the entire British battalion trembled. Many British soldiers and civilians were scared and jumped directly from the ‘bed’ ...

The power of the five barrels of "drug" was really extraordinary. After the explosion, the nearby wooden fence was directly blown away. Among them, some of the pointed posts of the wooden fence directly flew up and smashed into the tent in the British army camp, directly hurting people. And in the area where the barrels of "powder" were originally buried, all the wooden fences are gone ...

At the same time, as far as one kilometer away, after the 900 horse bandits exploded again, they all took their hands away from the ears of the war horse ...

Before, before the explosion, Coster knew there would be a loud noise. In order to prevent the horse from being frightened, Coster ordered all horse thieves to cover their ears with their own hands to avoid being frightened. As for the horse bandit itself, just remove a rag and stuff it into your ears ...

Seeing the explosion past, Coster and his bandits took their hands covering their ears and threw the rags in their ears. In addition, the cuffs of the war horses and the cloth that tied the horse's mouth were also removed ...

Then, everyone hugged the board and stepped forward ...

The distance of one kilometer is not far from the cavalry. Even if jogging, the horses quickly arrived at the explosion site ...

At this time, the wooden fence in this section disappeared, but the wooden spike in the trench was still there. So, under the command of Coster, the horse bandits threw the board into the ditch, filling out a road ...

Seeing the road appear, Coster ‘pulled out’ the saber and ordered loudly:

"Brothers, rush with me!" Then, as he took the lead, he rushed into the British military camp on horseback, and ran straight to the place where the grain and grass were stacked ...

But at this time, there was still a "mixed" and "chaotic" in the British military camp ...

The 500 regular army spearmen had no "chaos". After a brief panic, they were organized by their respective officers and tried to go to the explosion site to check the situation.

However, they are not ‘chaotic’, which does not mean that the people are not ‘chaotic’ ...

When the people were shocked by the violent explosions, some people were scared crazy on the spot, and began to chaos ...

Soon, the civilians in the big camp started to chaos and started chasing around chaotically. I did n’t know what to say ...

The most senior British commander in the camp, Nelson Knight, was suddenly sweating-he knew that this group of civilians bombed the battalion ...

How terrible the bombing battalion, as a Nelson knight from a knighthood family, that could not be more clear. In fact, in many cases, a small number of troops can also obtain huge results by sneaking into enemy camps in the middle of the night, not by winning battles. Instead, by intimidating the opponent and letting the opponent blow the battalion to win.

Once the battalion is bombed, the soldiers in the battalion are prone to madness. They may run ‘chaoticly’, or they may attack arbitrarily, blindly looking at anyone in front of them ... Under such ‘hype’ and ‘chaotic’, is it unreasonable?

However, the bombing battalions generally occurred in the middle of the night. In the daytime, you can see the situation at a glance. Seeing the actual situation, people can quickly calm down, especially regular soldiers. Because they have also received some training.

However, these people are different. They have not received any training, let alone the training of counterattack camps. Faced with the sudden explosion, they suddenly ‘chaotic’ ...

Fortunately, this group of people is just a coolie for transporting food, without arms. Otherwise, they will kill each other ...

Knight Nelson quickly commanded his men to appease the people who were "mixed" and "chaotic" ...

But as soon as he sent people to appease the people, the camp heard the sounds of horseshoes and the hissing of horses ...

"What's the situation? Is it that the horse-drawn carriages were shocked? It shouldn't be, those horses were all chained ..." The Knight Nelson was a bit suspicious.

But soon, he knew the reason. But it ’s better not to know. At this time, his eyes are full of fear-because, he saw thousands of horsemen riding, waving weapons, and rushed into the big camp-obviously, the loud noise just now The movement was caused by this group of people ...

Moreover, it is obvious that the other party is the enemy. Otherwise, they will not attack the British military camp ...

"Gather! Gather! Come back to me!" The Nelson Knight screamed screaming, greeted the soldiers who had just been sent, and brought them closer to themselves.

He knew that in the face of the cavalry forward, if the infantry did not form an array, they would definitely die ...

However, the Knight Nelson was surprised to find that the group of cavalry of unknown origin ignored him. But soon, the pupil of Nelson Knight contracted sharply ...

Because, he saw it-the target of this hostile cavalry was not them at all, but the grain storage area ...

The whole conclusion not only didn't make Nelson feel relieved, but made him feel endless fear ...

As an officer in the English army, and in charge of guarding the camp, Nelson knows the purpose of the camp-that is the base camp of His Majesty Henry VII's Northern Expedition!

And those grains and grasses were what His Majesty Henry VII prepared to feed 15,000 troops and tens of thousands of people. After all, the northern counties are now in a depression, and they cannot get food locally.

Nowadays, this batch of grain and grass just arrives basically. As soon as the "spring" tillage is over, the British soldiers will arrive in Daying one after another, and then start the northern expedition.

However, if the grain and grass are lost, it will inevitably affect Henry VII's plan for the Northern Expedition. The Nelson Knights could already think of it—the fact that the grain was missing, he certainly could not keep his head ...

However, the 500 spearmen alone are really not the opponents of the thousands of cavalry. However, if you do not protect the grain and grass, you will die ...

Therefore, the Knight Nelson stubbornly, with the formation of the 500 spearmen lined up, tremblingly thinking about the advancement of the grain storage area, hoping to block the enemy.

But the problem is that the people in the camp exploded. They ran 'chaoticly', blocking the path of British spearmen ...

Knight Nelson gritted his teeth and said:

"Observers, kill without amnesty!"

Then, he pulled out the knight's sword and killed a farmer who was in front of him ... Then, the men also learned how to lift their spears and stab all the people who were in the way ...

However, they are still a little late ...

The British military battalion was very much repaired, after all, it had to live for 20,000 or 30,000 people. Originally, the horse thieves were on the road to the grain and grass storage area, and there were also people who ran in chaos. However, the horsemen are riding on horses, and are flexible.

Under the command of Kost and Maric, 900 horse bandits bypassed the residential area of ​​the Zhuang and Zhuang, and in the empty ‘swing’ and swaying camp, went straight to the grain and grass storage area ...

After reaching the forage stacking area, Koster and Maric divided the bandits into several teams, each of which was responsible for several forage stacks ...

"Throw the goat oil canister, just like me!" Coster commanded loudly. Then, he took the lead and smashed the pottery canister in his hands to the haystack ...

With the sound of "wow" ~ ~ the earthenware pot broke, and the sheep oil spilled on the grain pile. Then, Coster took out the oil paper bag, sprinkled some fire ‘medicine’ powder on the grain pile, and then dropped a lit fire rope ...

After the sound of "Poo", blue smoke rose from the grain pile, and then the whole grain pile was lit. Because of the help of lamb oil, the fire is rising quickly ...

"Everyone, come over and light the fire!" Maric commanded loudly. Then, first took out a wooden stick with a rag tied at the top. After mixing the wooden sticks in the goat oil tank, Maric directly ignited the rag end dipped in goat oil on the lit grass pile ... Then, a torch quickly formed ...

The horsemen under their hands have learned a lot, and they have lit the torches that have been prepared for a long time ...

After arriving in their respective dry areas, the horsemen slammed the sheep oil cans they carried into the grain and grass piles, and there was a loud bang. Then, they leaned the torch against the sheep oil-stained area-then, the grain pile quickly burned ...

Of course, the main use of sheep oil is grain heap. The haystacks prepared for the horses need not be oiled at all, as long as the torch is ignited and the haystack burns vigorously itself ...