Chapter 629: Concentrated breeding of black and white cows

Because spring ploughing is imminent, Marin ordered that the replacement of land be completed at the fastest speed so as not to delay spring ploughing. Those nobles and Junker landlords who were not "own people" were moved to the west bank of the Elbe. Along with them, there were their original serfs and animals.

Originally, this is nothing. However, Marin's men suddenly reported one thing, which caused Marin to attach great importance to ...

It turned out that many small aristocrats and Junker landlord families in West Friesland brought a lot of animals when their family moved ... Of course, this is not the point, the point is-there are many Marlins in their animals Black and white cows ...

Holstein cows, or black and white cows, are the best dairy cow breeds in the world. The largest producer of this kind of cow is West Friesland.

Before, Marin had vigorously promoted and developed the dairy industry. However, there is a lack of excellent cows. Therefore, Marin sent people to West Friesland, North Holland and other places to purchase a large number of black and white cows. Unfortunately, local landlords are not willing to sell too much, only a small amount.

Therefore, Marin did not buy many Friesian cows. This matter deeply regrets Marin.

However, during this wave of migration, Marin's men found that the small nobles and Junker landlords from West Friesland had a lot of black and white Holstein cows in their hands ...

The subsequent investigation by Kohler surprised Marin even more—the West Friesland region had as many as three or four thousand Friesian cows. Moreover, one-third of them happened to belong to the relocated West Frisian little nobles and Junker landlords ...

I spent a lot of money before, but I only bought hundreds of black and white cows. Now, with three or four thousand black and white cows in front of him, Marin suddenly blushed ...

After turning around in the office for half a day, Marin finally made up his mind. So he called Kohler and ordered:

"Kohler, you go to take people and forcefully buy the black and white cows in the hands of the relocated West Frisian little nobility and the Junker landlord!"

"What if they refuse to do it? After all, without cows, they would have no milk and cheese." Kohler asked.

You know, these little nobles and Junker landlords are very particular about the quality of life. Taking away their cows is tantamount to preventing them from drinking milk and eating cheese, and the quality of life must be forced to decline by one grade.

Marin thinks about it too. These little nobles and landlords of Junker, although not too much money, are very particular about life. Even if there is no money, it is poor. This is a common problem of nobles and noble children. Otherwise, most nobles will not be in debt.

If they deprive these people of drinking milk and eating cheese, they will indeed make them complain. However, Marin really wanted those black and white cows!

What does Marin want these black and white cows to do? Naturally, it is focused on expanding reproduction! Three or four thousand heads are too few. He needs to expand breeding to increase the number of black and white cows to tens of thousands.

Moreover, Marin intends to use good alfalfa to feed these cows, and add some oats and beans to increase milk production.

At the same time, Marin will select a group of the best veterinarians from the disciples of two Mongolian doctors in Mozhgen and Battle, and professionally serve these black and white cows to ensure the health and life of the cows. Of course, the purpose is to achieve mass reproduction and expand the population.

The ultimate goal is to achieve mass production of milk.

What to do after mass production of milk? Naturally for the children of the Grand Duchy of Beihai! Among them, noble children and children of military families will be given priority. Then it was the other children.

In addition, milk production has increased, making it easier to drink milk tea. Without enough milk, where is the milk tea?

Of course, if the milk output is large and the supply exceeds demand, the excess milk can also be concentrated and heated to remove water to make milk powder. In this way, it is more conducive to long-term preservation.

When the scale of Marin's cow breeding center expands and the number of cows increases, Marin will also export the cows, sell them to other countries, and send them to the colony to let everyone drink milk.

In fact, any cow can produce milk. However, the milk production of Friesian cows is several times that of ordinary cows, and can reach the level of several tons per year. Cows have a long lactation period and can produce milk for a long time. While feeding the calves, it can also provide a lot of milk for humans. Ordinary cows produce more milk than calves, making it difficult to supply humans in large quantities.

Therefore, Marin attaches great importance to the cultivation and expansion of Friesian cow breeds. As long as there are enough black and white cows, there will be more people who can drink milk.

Moreover, black and white cows have a very good feature-that is, they are very adaptable ...

In addition to being somewhat uncomfortable with heat, black and white cows can adapt to most climates and are relatively hardy. Therefore, this kind of cow not only produces a large amount of milk, but also is very suitable for promotion to all parts of the world. Therefore, black cows are popular all over the world for cows in later generations ...

The reason why Marin wants to build a unified dairy breeding center is to optimize the breeding. The so-called optimal breeding is to select the best male and female cows for breeding to produce high-quality young cows. When these little cows grow up, they will become the new main force of milk production.

It should be noted that male cows do not produce milk, but they are very important. Because, without the cooperation of male cows, mother cows do not produce milk ... you try to milk a big girl?

Therefore, it is very important to select healthy high-quality male cows, which will affect the quality of the next generation of cows.

However, Marin found that people in this era were not very concerned about the breeding of dairy cows, and they just ran for a bull. Even, Marin had seen a dairy farmer, and he just found a bull that was not a black and white cow breed and bred it. It was a mess ...

It's no wonder that Europeans in this era only focused on human blood, and ignored the blood of animals. The breeding of professional horse breeds in later generations will not be carried out until the 17th and 18th centuries.

Of course, Marin believes that human lineage is noble, and there is no need to find the strongest men and women to breed ... In fact, humans do not rely on strength to conquer the world. If you are strong, you should conquer the world with animals like elephants and rhinos ... The most important factor for people is wisdom ...

Of course, the standards for livestock raised by humans are different. For animals raised by humans, being strong has become an important principle. For cows, milk production is the standard ...

Therefore, from the standard of optimal breeding, choosing cows means choosing healthy bulls and breeding them with milk cows with a lot of milk and milk to get better milk cows ...


To this end, Marin intends to gather all three or four thousand cows in West Friesland and establish a large dairy breeding center, preferably optimizing breeding, so as to expand the population of black and white cows ~ ~ and increase The purpose of milk production quality of cows.

As for the West Frisian little nobles and Junker landlords who were robbed of black and white cows, Marin also decided to make some compensation-these little nobles and Junker landlords raised cows not to make money, but for their own consumption. Because there are not many ordinary people who can afford milk ...

Therefore, Marin decided to select a corresponding number of cows from the cows purchased from the Crimeans as compensation. At the same time, pay extra money to make up for the difference in value. So, they are worthy of them. After all, Crimean cows can produce milk even though they cannot catch up with black and white cows.

After this forced redemption policy, Marin brought together three or four thousand black-and-white cows in West Friesland and the hundreds of black-and-white cows he had bought before, and established a large area near Aurich Large-scale dairy breeding center.

Of course, because black and white cows produce a lot of milk, at the same time, this breeding center can also supply fresh milk to Aurich and nearby Emden.

As for the extra milk afraid of spoiling? Process into milk powder and save it. Anyway, Marin now has a lot of oil on paper, so he is not afraid of packing milk powder without a bag ... As for the milk powder brand, Marin feels that the brand of "Sanlu" seems to be good ...