Chapter 624: Whiskey name "squatting"

The doctor who treated Edward was very European, and the treatment was very rough. Of course, fortunately, he did not bleed Edward, but prescribed a dose of creme that was popular in Europe at that time-a piece of crow ...

Don't even say that this medicine is really right! Why? A piece of crow is originally an analgesic, as long as it is not taken in excess, it does have an analgesic effect. In addition, a piece of crow also has anti-diarrhea function. In the previous life, there were one or two baby millets planted in the farmer's home in Marin's home.

So, after taking a crow, Edward's condition seemed to be better-no diarrhea, and it didn't hurt much ...

But in fact, a piece of crow just stopped diarrhea, but it had no effect on the egg injury, but it paralyzed the nerves and made Edward's pain relieved. In fact, his vas deferens have been kicked by Emmet. After all, Emmett kicked it with iron-toed leather shoes.

The most amazing thing is that this kind of kicking method "invented" by Emmett does not hurt the egg, but just breaks the vas deferens that transports the egg to the outside. The effect is similar to that of later generations. But there is also a difference. The ligation is just a knot to the vas deferens to restrict fertility. But if you want to have a baby, an operation to untie this knot can restore fertility. And Emmett's kicking method directly destroys the vas deferens. It is difficult to restore fertility. Under the medical conditions of the 21st century, it may be possible to recover. But in this era, there is no response.

And, like ligation, he does not prevent Edward from being congested and hard. Therefore, a few days later, Edward, who no longer has pain, did not take it seriously, thinking he was injured. But in fact, he lost his fertility ...

During a bath, a servant from France deliberately entered the bathroom to help Edward wipe his back. At the same time, I observed a little bit above Edward's egg and found that there was indeed a scar that Emmett said-it seemed that there was indeed an injury ...

In order to verify the effect, the French spies decided to test it—arrange a beautiful French maid to seduce Edward. If the French maid can get pregnant, then let Emmet kick again. If you do n’t get pregnant anyway-yes, it ’s successful, you wo n’t have to give Anna birth control pills in the future ...

As a young and strong young man, Edward couldn't help but seduce the French beauty. Moreover, the French maid wearing a maid costume has a lot of temptation ... Then, it was a fire ...

Edward's function is still there, but when it erupts, it always feels a little uncomfortable. He blamed this feeling for being injured here some time ago. But he didn't know that he felt right-his vas deferens was indeed unblocked ...

Afterwards, under the cover of the French servants, this maid carried Anna to do that with Edward many times, just to prove that Edward had fertility. It's just that it takes two or three months to see the result.

The reason why the French wanted to protect Emmet from running at any cost this time was because he was afraid of not playing well this time and Edward had fertility. So he hid Emmett in the French army barracks and escorted him away from Dublin. If the French maid became pregnant after two or three months, then Emmett had to run again to find a way to kick Edward so that Edward would lose fertility.

All this, Marin's spy arranged in Dublin, actually looked at it. However, they didn't say anything. According to Marin's instructions, they just watched with cold eyes. Because this is also good for Marin. As long as Edward loses his fertility, in the case of only Margaret's one daughter, whoever marries Margaret will own England ...

However, Marin was worried that Margaret would die. After all, the doctors around Edward are too unreliable. If little Margaret is sick and also prescribes a crow, once the dose control is not good, then it is finished ...

Therefore, Marin chose a doctor who was good at pediatrics from the original doctor of the royal palace of the Golden Horde, and gave it to Edward. With the care of this court doctor, it must be difficult for Margaret to die.

In order to ensure the safety of Margaret, Marin also taught the doctor the dual solution of cooling down with alcohol and taking **** syrup when encountering a child's cold and fever. Because, for children, the most fatal is probably a high fever.

In addition, Marin specifically advised that Princess Margaret's room must be ventilated to prevent the child from dying of oxygen. In fact, many noble children in ancient times were just because the room was too warm to be airtight. Coupled with the burning fireplace in the room, it ’s strange not to suffocate ... The adult feels bored and can get up and open the doors and windows to ventilate, while the child can only lie in bed and wait for suffocation ...

In addition, Marin remembers that when he was sick in his last life, his father let himself drink Huoxiangzhengqi water. Don't look terribly drunk, but holding your nose and drinking it, the effect is quite good. Even, because he drank too much, Marin specially wrote down the recipe of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water. It's just that those ten flavors are important and need to be found in Daming. Marin intends to get the seeds of these herbs and grow them in North America, which has a similar climate to China, after he has established a relationship with Daming in the future. When there is a patent medicine, it can also supply the future daughter-in-law Princess Margaret to avoid her death ... As a future father-in-law, Marin can be regarded as a broken heart for the future daughter-in-law ...

This is not enough. In order to ensure that his daughter-in-law will not die from malaria in the future, Malin also quietly provided a batch of artemisinin to bring to the doctor of the original Golden Horde Khan Palace called Khulina to help him to help Mag Princess Litte's preparations for malaria. Of course, this matter must be kept secret and not let others know. After all, artemisinin is still a secret. To this end, Marin detained Houlina's only son as a hostage, so that Houlina would not be disobedient.


Since Rye Erguotou received a large number of orders, Marin asked the brewery to start producing rye Erguotou. To this end, Marin specially ordered a large number of tin ingots from the UK to create tin tin for steaming Erguotou.

But, Kohler came and reported that the name Erguotou sounded awkward ...

Malin wanted to say "don't twist a hair". But when you think about it, it's nothing to call Erguotou in Chinese. It's really awkward to call Erguotou in German and English. Translated, it is easy to be misunderstood as "the second pot lid" ...

So, Marin decided to change Erguotou's European name ...

Thinking about it, Marin suddenly discovered that the four most popular spirits in Europe-vodka, whiskey, brandy and rum, seem to have not yet appeared ...

It's not that the wine hasn't appeared ~ ~ For example, whiskey has already appeared. However, the current whiskey is not called whiskey, but "water of life". As for brandy, vodka and rum, it hasn't appeared yet ...

Thinking of this, Marin suddenly remembered the shameless squatting of the last devil ...

"Should I also register the trademark?" Marin thought ...

Moreover, whiskey, brandy, vodka and rum have not used the corresponding names. Today, squatting is very suitable ...

So, Marin finally decided to rush to register the name of whiskey ...

As for the Scotch whiskey ... hehe ... or continue to be called "water of life" ...

After thinking about it, Marin ordered to change the name of all rye Erguotou to "whiskey" ... well, rye whiskey ...

In the future, whiskey produced in the Grand Duchy of the North Sea will become an authentic whiskey in Europe. Scotland's "water of life" or something, let's think of individual names, otherwise you will be sued ...