Chapter 612: Textual Research on the Origin of European Nation


However, for Marin, developing North America is not so anxious. Therefore, he did not immediately mobilize the army to destroy the Iroquois and other Indian tribes, but chose to use the Iroquois as a copy of training recruits.

In Marin's opinion, the fight for England and the Ruhr area is the most important thing at present. However, the competition for the Ruhr area requires the exchange of the Dutch area of ​​the Principality of Geddes. But the secret letter between the Principality of Geddes and the French has not been received, and there is no excuse to send troops.

So, for now, sending troops to England is the biggest thing. However, Marin was a little worried that the English would repel his German rule. Therefore, Marin intends to give himself a chance to propagate in England in the future.

How to promote momentum? It's very simple-tell us about the blood of the English and the Germans ...

This problem is actually a historical problem. Later generations knew that the main body of the English people was Anglo-Saxons, from the German coast. However, people in this era don't know ...

Now this era is at a time when the Middle Ages have just ended and the Renaissance has just begun, and we do n’t know much about European history. Therefore, Marin intends to compile a piece of European history and tell Europeans a few things about Europe's major ethnic groups ...

Such as Germans, Celts, Slavs, Romans ...

Among them, the most important one is probably the Germans. In fact, the countries of Western Europe were greatly influenced by the Germans. Not to mention in the German region, the subject is the Germans, and there are a small number of Slavs (Czech) and Magyar (Hungarians); the French are the Franks, Burgundians, and West who belong to the Germans A group formed by the fusion of Goths and other local Gauls (a Celtic branch). Of course, because the local population was dominant, the invading Germans were assimilated by the Gauls. But the Gauls were romanized during the early Roman Empire, so the Germans in France were actually romanized ...

However, Marin would certainly not write this paragraph, only that the Germans who invaded France were assimilated by the Gauls. Because, once the Germans in France were Romanized, it was an excuse to give the French a good annexation of Italy-you see, we have Romanized in France, brother, we are a family, and I'm mixed with me?

Therefore, Marin will only write about the Gallicization of the Germans in France, not Romanization. In addition, the Spaniards were also formed by mixing the Visigoths, Vandals, etc. who belonged to the Germans with the local Iberian indigenous (Celtic). Of course, later Berbers from North Africa were mixed in.

As for the English, it is mainly the Anglos and lowland Saxons from the northwestern coast of Germany, and the Frisians, which are relatively pure Germans. Both the later invading Danes and Normans were Germanic. Even English is a branch of West Germanic ...

The purpose of Marin ’s propaganda is to tell everyone, including the English people-the English people are a branch of the Germans, and English is also the West Germanic language ...

Do not believe? You can compare Frisian and English ...

As long as the English accept the fact that they are from the German coast, then Marin and his son Caesar will not be excluded by the English in the future. Otherwise, if you enter England, and encounter uprisings at both ends in three days, that's a headache ...

Of course, Marin is not a scholar. If he compiles and publishes his own book, perhaps no one will admit it. However, Marin has the famous European scholar Leonardo ...

"Ada, get up and do the work!"

Early in the morning, Marin broke into Da Vinci's mansion and shouted outside the bedroom. Poor Da Vinci, after doing sports with his wife Lisa, it was too intense, and some old bones could not bear it, so she got up late.

After being quarreled by Marin, Da Vinci had a wicked fire. So Da Vinci called while wearing clothes:

"What's the shout? You don't know to respect the old man?" Da Vinci and Marin have been together for a long time, and naturally know Marin's temper. Therefore, in the absence of others, Da Vinci will not be polite with Marin.

Marin didn't care about the old man's unreasonableness. Later generations would give back seats to the old scientists. As a prince, can't you respect a university like Ada? Of course, it's nothing to lose a few words. So, Marin smiled and said:

"You also know that you are an old man? Still playing so crazy? Be careful with old bones falling apart ..."

Da Vinci suddenly blushed, and he rarely got "an old man chatting with a teenager", and was caught by Marin, so shy ...

Marin came to Da Vinci this time, of course, intending to use Da Vinci's reputation to let him publish this new book describing the origins of European nations in detail. Moreover, he also thought about the name, and he called it "The European Nation Origin". The stewman, oh no, the writer on the bright side, it's Leonardo ...

Marin and Da Vinci discussed for a long time. Da Vinci nodded again and again, very much agree with Marin's point of view. Because Da Vinci also studied history.

Although Da Vinci did not leave any historical works, it was mainly the problem of the Holy See. Since the early Middle Ages, the Holy See has grasped the final power of interpretation throughout Europe, and vigorously promotes the theory that mankind was created by God. Who dares to question is to find death.

However, the times have changed. It is not in the middle and early stages of the Middle Ages, but in the Renaissance era. The Holy See is not so strict about academic issues. As long as you don't challenge the basic principles of the Holy See (such as questioning God and questioning what the earth's heart says), there will not be much.

In the "European Nation Origins Test", Marin took a long-term part of it. He didn't dare to write that humans evolved from monkeys, but vaguely admitted that humans were created by God. In this way, it is very consistent with the teachings of the Holy See.

Then, in the book, as soon as the topic changed, it was said that God spread people like peas everywhere, forming a different nation. Among them, those scattered on the Italian peninsula became Romans; those scattered on Greece became Greeks; those scattered on Western Europe became Celts. Among them, the Gauls, the Scots, the Spanish Basques and the Irish are all Celtic branches ... Spreading into Eastern Europe, it is the Slavs ...

And the one that spreads to Northern Europe and northern Central Europe is the strongest "pea"-the Germans ... because God gave the Germans courage and strength ...

This statement is shameless, but it fits well with the current social environment. Moreover, this kind of praise is also easily accepted by Germans and English ...

The front is foreshadowing, and the next is the topic. According to the European history learned in the previous life, Marin elaborated in the book the prosperity of the Greeks, the rise of the Romans, the migration of the Celts ... and, most importantly, the Germanic invasion ...

Originally, the history books of later generations said "Germans are one of the three barbarians", but Marin, as a German, naturally wants to beautify the Germans. Therefore, in Marin's writing, the Germans became the most courageous nation in Europe, and they were God's natural warriors.

In the process of writing, seeing Marin so shamelessly touted the Germans, Da Vinci, a descendant of the Romans, rolled his eyes. However, he also knew that as a Germanic man, Marin was born to wave the flag for the Germanic people.

In order to meet Da Vinci's requirements, Marin also touted the Romans in the book. The Romans were given wisdom and authority by God ... So, Leonardo finally smiled with satisfaction ...

Marin went on to write that the Germans captured France and enslaved the Gauls, but because of the small number, after being combined with the Gauls, they were assimilated by the Gauls. However, because the Franks mainly occupied northern France. Therefore, the residents of northern France are still of Germanic descent. In the southern region, Gauls have more blood.

As for the Italian region, it is composed of Romans and Lombards, while the Principality of Milan and the nearby northern region of Italy are mainly composed of the Lombards of the Germanic branch. Of course, mixed with the Roman lineage ...

For the English, Marin wrote a special book, showing that the English were descendants of the Germans who originally lived on the northwest coast of Germany (that is, Marin now controls the area) and the Danish coast. Both the Anglo and the Lowland Saxons (Saxons) migrated to England on a large scale ~ ~ and the Frisians were divided into two parts-some also migrated to England, another Part of it stayed on the northwest coast of Germany ...

To this end, Marin also gave specific evidence-Suffolk County on the southeast coast of England is an important settlement of Frisians. For example, the place names of Fresham, Freston and Friston in Suffolk County have proved that the area was once an important settlement of Frisians in England ... …

Today, Frisian and English are actually dialects of the northwestern coastal region of Germany. It was the migration of the Germans that brought this language to England.

Finally, Marin defined the English nation as-Anglo-Saxon-Frisian ...

In later generations, there is no Frisian label. However, Marin himself has half the Frisian descent and he still has to rule England. Of course, he has to get closer to the English.

Moreover, Marin's label is not wrong. The later generations called the English the Anglo-Saxons because these two ethnic groups accounted for the largest population in England. The Frisians are a little smaller, so they are not labeled, but they are indeed an important part of the English. Therefore, Marin can call the English people Anglo-Saxon-Frisian, and it is not wrong, and the place names in Suffolk County also provide important evidence for Marin ...

The most important thing is that this kind of publicity makes it easy to narrow the relationship between the half-Frisian of Malin and the English! As a result, Marin ruled England in the future, and was less likely to be rejected. After all, Marin is also considered "half himself" in England ...

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