Chapter 610: Indian mercenary

In fact, although distressed by Albert's injury in the arrow, Marin secretly rejoiced. Why? Because he finally found an excuse to use troops on the North American continent ...

Originally, when Marin bought New York Manhattan Island, it meant to use it as a springboard. It's just that Marin's men have a good relationship with the Drava, and there is really no excuse to use force. Even for Indian tribes other than the Drava, Marin lacked excuses and opportunities to use force.

And this time, the provocative provocation of the Mohigan tribe called the wild wolf really brought pillows to Marin while dozing ...

With the unquestionable excuse that Albert was injured, Marin could pull the army to the North American continent without causing doubts by the Delaware. After all, Albert Governor ’s governor was injured, and the goods were robbed. Would it succeed if he did n’t obey?

In this way, Marin can take the opportunity to transfer the army to the North American land, and then happily wind and rain on the North American continent ...

Moreover, after sending troops to land this time, Marin did not intend to withdraw. In the future, he will use New York as a base to expand into the inland area ...

Just as the news of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the Prince of Austria-Hungary, in Sarajevo before the First World War reached the reaction of Kaiser Wilhelm II in Berlin, Marin was very pleased to say at this time-"This is a rare opportunity! "

Of course, he would dare to say this sentence so excitedly, it is estimated that the old Hoffman had to beat him. After all, Albert is hitting the arrow ...

But this is the case. Anyway, Albert has no major problems now, but the fact that he has shot the arrow has given Marin a direct excuse to send troops to the North American continent.

To this end, Marin decided-to show unlimited anger, and to release the brazen words that wiped out the Mohigan people ...

In fact, Marin only needs to destroy the wild wolf tribe of the Mohigan. The reason why Marin clamored to kill the Moxicans was just to find an excuse to keep the army on the North American continent. The Moxigan people are divided into multiple tribes, killing the wild wolf tribe is simple, as long as you find a place, surround it, and don't let go. But it is quite difficult to eliminate all Mohicans. After all, there are more than one wild wolf tribe in Moxigan. It takes a long time to clean up the Moxi people ... Then, Marin's army can rely on it without leaving ...

When the Delaware responded, Marin's army had already taken root locally ...

Of course, not only does the military not let the locals stay away, but Marin will also increase the scale of trade with the local Drava, and provide the local Drava with table salt, iron tools, and other commodities on a large scale.

In this way, the local Drava will become dependent on the Marin people, making it easier for Marin to annex and manage the Drava territory ...

You know, in the Indians, salt and iron are absolute hard currencies. Indians in North America don't know how to cook salt, so it's difficult to add salt. Therefore, table salt is precious on the Indian side. Even salt can be used as currency. And the wild wolf tribe of the Mohigans sent people to attack Manhattan Island because they heard that there was a lot of salt in the market, which made them feel bad and sent people to rob.

As long as they are willing to pay a certain amount of salt, or ironware, or even glass beads and other valuable things, they can exchange a large amount of prey and wood from the Indians.

In order to further weaken the strength of the Delaware and facilitate the invasion of the local territory by the army, Marin finally decided to recruit a group of Indian mercenaries among the Delaware ...

The Indians are brave and warlike. Even the friendly Dravas and men in the tribes have no lack of courage to fight. Of course, although these Indians were brave, their combat effectiveness was not high because of their backward weapons and discipline. But in the vast forests of North America, their abilities are not to be underestimated.

As long as a group of the strongest men is recruited as mercenaries from the villages of the Drava, Marin can obtain a large number of soldiers. Marin will equip the Delaware warriors with advanced European bows and arrows, so that the Delaware warriors will become auxiliary troops to assist the main forces under Marin.

Most of these Indian men are good at archery, but because they used earth bows and arrows before, their power is low, and their quasi-heads are low. The hunting effect is not very good. Especially when encountering thick-skinned animals such as wild boars and bisons, without metal arrows, it is difficult to shoot the hide. Therefore, as long as the Indians are equipped with European strong bows and European-style bows and arrows with metal cone-shaped armor piercing arrows, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of those Indian mercenaries is secondary. Mainly, Marin wanted to weaken the military power of the Drava by recruiting Indian mercenaries-the bravest guys in their clan were all serving as soldiers. Once the two sides are hostile, does the other side have enough warriors?

Then, if you have enough troops and the other team lacks strength, you still need to ask whether the conflict will be won or lost?

This is just one thing. In addition, if the men in the villages of Delaware "worked" under their own hands and became their food and clothing parents, how can those villages oppose their rule?

The Dravas are matrilineal clans, and the big women are decided by the older women. How do women buy up? Can Marin be unfamiliar as a future generation? Beautiful clothes, fine food, and other shiny things (such as glass beads, etc.) ...

While recruiting the strong men of the Delaware to himself, while bribing the older women in the Delaware village, they could quietly annex the Delaware ...


Besides, these Indian mercenaries are not without combat effectiveness. After equipping them with European-made bows and arrows that are more powerful than earthen bows, their combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved. Coupled with the fact that they are sending people to do simple training to make them more disciplined ... maybe it is not enough for them to be the main battle force and can be used as an auxiliary force and to protect the flanks, but there is not much problem.

In the future, the battles between Marin and the Native Americans will definitely take place in the dense forests of North America. Marin's men who are not from the Black Forest may not be very suitable for the dense jungle environment, but those Indian mercenaries must be in the forest, and they are more motivated. There may be a problem with letting them take the lead, but letting them run a leg and detect the enemy's situation is nothing wrong.

With the cooperation of these local warriors ~ ~ Marin's conquest of those Indian tribes will become smoother. Moreover, it can greatly solve the problem of insufficient manpower.

In addition, after Marin conquered those North American jungles in the future, he must introduce a large number of Japanese farmers, Indian pariahs, and Indonesian farmers to reclaim the land. Perhaps, those Indian warriors can be used as supervisors to prevent those workers from escaping?

As for whether the Indian warriors awakened their national self-esteem, Marin was not worried. The Indians had no culture, and it is not the 19th century where nationalism has risen.

Moreover, the use of those Indian mercenaries is only temporary. When European immigrants have a firm foothold, the number is sufficient, there is no shortage of manpower, and there is nothing to flip.

Anyway, Marin only equipped the Indian mercenaries with European bows and arrows and did not fire them. Even if the other party wants to make trouble, there will be no waves ...

To put it bluntly, the Indian mercenaries are just a temporary solution that Marin currently lacks in North America. Moreover, without giving them the most advanced weapons and armor, plus the officers all use Europeans, as long as they do not abuse them, they have no reason to resist. After all, rebellion against this kind of thing is generally oppressed, or some ambitious people incited them ... Marin will certainly not oppress and abuse his mercenaries, and the ambitious kind of thing, in the uncultured Indian tribe Here, there seems to be no soil ... Generally speaking, an ambitionist needs to be at least a little cultural, and the most basic thing is to know the simplest principle of "King Wang Xiangxiang, rather kind of ..."

Modified ... um, it's so cold, I drowsy for a while before waking up to continue to code, my feet are numb, I have to go to the warm blanket, it's cold and sleepy ...