Chapter 596: Fat Brothers


Of course, Henry VII was not the one to sit still. He has secretly sent people to visit the people, looking for a teenager who died in about 1483. He is the same age as Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, and he is about the same height. Then, find their bones ...

The next step is to bury it in a certain area and wait for "accidental discovery" ...

However, he did not know that Marin, who had seen the "Songti Criminal Officer" in his previous life, had already passed through His Majesty the Pope, and had taught the Holy See to represent the "steaming bones and blood to recognize relatives" from the East. The principle is to steam the dug bones, and then find the blood of the closest relatives on the bones of the steamer. If it is a close relative, the blood drop should be integrated into the bone ...

It happened that several sisters of Edward V were alive. Just pull a princess over, scratch your finger, and drop blood onto the bone to be able to screen it.

Therefore, all preparations for Henry VII are in vain. Even if corpse bones with similar body shapes are found, as soon as the steamed bones are dripped and verified, they will know the true and false. Of course, the premise is that the princesses of Edward IV do n’t have blood type O ...

It is based on such concerns that representatives from the Holy See did not speak out the methods and principles at the outset. If the blood dripped into the bones, it would have to be changed ... This way, it can be considered as a retreat ...

Anyway, the Holy See is fair on the surface, but it has actually stood on the opposite side of Henry VII. Coupled with the French and Scots' enthusiasm, it is difficult for Henry VII to whitewash this time ...

As long as Henry VII is not in vain, Edward can openly accuse Henry VII of killing the king, and then he can fight against him.

Of course, there is also a premise that Marin needs to send a ship to clean up the English ships on the Irish Sea first. Otherwise, Edward and his army will not be able to get along ...

The good news is that with the end of the autumn harvest, the Five-Port Alliance has deployed a large number of ships to transport food. At present, there are fewer English ships on duty in the Irish sea, which is convenient for Marin to destroy.

Moreover, Marin did not want to really eliminate the main force of the English navy. Why? Afraid of picking peaches from France ...

If Marin was willing to consume gunpowder, it would not be a problem to annihilate the main force of the English navy. But the problem is that if the main force of the English fleet is annihilated, the English Channel will not stop the French invasion of England ...

But Marin cannot send a fleet to block the French fleet, because if the Marin sent a fleet to block the French, it means that they declared war on France.

One-on-one against France. Although Marin may not win, he will not lose. The problem is that Marin has a bad relationship with the German princes. If the French took advantage of the opportunity to attack Marin, the German princes also formed a coalition to take advantage of the fire, then Marin would be over.

Therefore, without gunpowder reserves to deal with group fights across Europe, Marin is not ready to tear his face with France. It is best to sink less than 1.5 ships from the Hong Kong League.

After all, the Five Ports Alliance is England. If Edward wins and kills Henry VII, then the Five Ports Alliance does not need to be killed for Henry VII. Big deal, turn to Edward chant ...

As long as most of the ships of the Five Ports League are intact, the French will not want to cross the English Channel and invade England ...


In addition to England ’s hands-on efforts, Marin did not stop the plan of the Principality of Geddes ...

It is not possible to send someone into the court of the Duchy of Geddes to steal the correspondence between Duke Charles II of Geddes and the French. Because Charles II is an old traitor, and it is difficult to find such a treason-like evidence from his hands. In particular, Emperor Maximilian I also announced that "if evidence is found, anyone can beat the Duchy of Geddes", it is strange that Charles II did not hide the evidence to the deepest depth.

But the French side is different. The Principality of Geddes is not a strategic partner in the eyes of the Kingdom of France. Therefore, correspondence with the Principality of Geddes is certainly not a high level of confidentiality.

However, Marlin did not know where the letters from France and the Principality of Geddes were placed. Therefore, he needs to send someone to inquire.

What is certain is that correspondence with the Principality of Geddes must be kept somewhere in the palace, but it cannot be in the residence of King Louis XII. Because the level of the Duchy of Geddes is not enough to allow Louis XII to personally keep correspondence with Charles II, Duke of Geddes.

Therefore, Marin conjectured that the correspondence between France and the Principality of Geddes was probably on the side of the Foreign Minister. The Foreign Secretary is also in the front yard of the palace. Therefore, someone needs to be sent to find out where the letters are.

It happened that the fat brothers of the Marin faction in the Royal Palace of Paris were in the palace and had the opportunity to contact those officials. The Foreign Secretary may not be able to hook up, but those file managers can still hook up.

How to hook up? Naturally, it is a good wine and good food ...

The French have always pursued quality of life, so France is rich in fine wine, and later developed a French meal. Without demand, there will be no such food and wine. Therefore, the use of good wine and food can still impress the French.

The fat brothers, as chefs both valued by the kings and queens of France, are naturally worthy of consideration. Those big nobles may look down on fat brothers, but those of the palace staff dare not look down on fat brothers. They are just ordinary businessmen. Where are the fat brothers who are valued by the king and his wife?

Moreover, some clerical staff in the royal palace are also very greedy for the legendary palace dinner. Many people often look for fat brothers' suits, not for them to do things, but to eat and drink from the fat brothers. After all, these two foods are the chefs of the French kings, and the food they make cannot be eaten by most people. Even, some people still want to get a big meal from the fat brothers, so that they can go back to enjoy or use it to open restaurants ...

Originally, fat brothers did not like to take care of these people. After all, the brothers also knew that these people were either trying to eat or drink, or the secret recipe for a big meal, and neither was a good person. Fat brothers usually avoid the ordinary cooks in the palace when they cook. They are afraid of stealing from others. Where would they disclose the "secret recipe" to others?

However, after Marin issued an order for them to inquire about the whereabouts of letters from the Principality of Geddes, the fat brothers changed their attitudes and began to be willing to entertain ordinary civilians who wanted to eat and drink with good wine and good food.

Because of the importance of the king and his wife, the fat brothers now have their own separate rooms in the royal kitchen of the palace. There are separate large tables for eating and putting, and do not eat with ordinary cooks.

The lunch palace is provided free of charge to those ministers and civilians. Of course, those ministers and civilians eat all the dishes made by ordinary cooks ~ ~ naturally not very tasty. While the fat brothers cook for the kings and couples, the dishes for themselves are also unambiguous. After all, the two are delicious, otherwise they are not fat.

Therefore, at noon every day, the clerical staff who came to the palace canteen to watch the fat brothers eat the most delicious food, and they can only eat the bad food made by ordinary cooks. In this case, I want to come to the fat man's table and eat a lot ...

After accepting Marin's secret order, the Fat Brothers began to show good looks to some civilian staff, and invited them to come and eat and drink. However, the fat brothers are also chicken thieves. The civil servants they invite belong to the kind that is clear of things in the palace and belong to the type of "inquiry". Only from the mouth of such a person, it is easy to get the answer that the fat brother wants.

Of course, out of prudent consideration, the Fat Brothers will not ask casually, but intend to intoxicate the other party before asking. In this way, the other party is not only easy to tell the truth, but also won't remember what the fat man asked them after sober.

It's just that for lunch, those civilians dare not drink too much alcohol. After all, they have to serve the ministers in the afternoon. If you get drunk at noon, you have to be killed.

Therefore, the fat brothers deliberately set themselves close to some civilians who had "inquired" and asked them to drink together at night. At night, you can naturally drink more, and you can find a secluded place to drink together. And being drunk makes it easy for fat brothers to talk ...

In order to support the fat brothers' clichés, Marin sent them a lot of rye Erguotou at 40 degrees, so that the fat brothers could get drunk with the well-informed civilian staff. As for the fat brothers themselves, Marin knows that, just like their figure, they are two wine barrels, the amount of wine is very large, do not worry about getting drunk before drunk others ...

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