Chapter 590: 1 wine, 1 stick

Once, Marin planned to let Tara use Huairou's method to win over the indigenous people on the island of Cuba. However, if you do that, it will take too long, and it will not be effective in ten or eight years.

Moreover, Tara is not as cunning as Marin, and he is not very fooling. Therefore, Marin now decides to directly conquer the island of Cuba.

Of course, Marin is not a brutal person. The violence he used was not the Spaniard's kind of slaughter policy. The Taino people on the Cuban island are still relatively mild, not very belligerent, unlike the Caribbean people who eat people.

Therefore, Marin's principle is-try to avoid as few people as possible. Just subdued the other party. Then, Marin needed these Tylenos to help him grow sugar cane.

After conquering these Tylenols, Marin intends to kill only those leaders so that the Tylenol crowd will be headless. Then, Marin will use the family as a unit to break up the original Taino ethnic group and avoid them from holding groups.

But afterwards, Marin will give them enough food while letting them help farming. For example, enough rice, and after sugar cane is planted, the boiled sugar will be given to the Taino people. As for other tropical fruits such as bananas, pineapples, and coconuts, it can be used as food for the Taino people. As long as the life is better than before, and the original tribe is broken up, the original leader is also dead. Why did the already gentle gentleman rebel?

Not to mention, even if they rebel, Marin has a strong army ...

For the more than 300 musketeers selected to go to Cuba, Marin equipped them with expensive spring rifles. This kind of musket does not need a fire rope, and is very suitable for the climate of the tropical rainforest. If you use a matchlock gun, the humid climate over there will easily make the matchstick go out.

In addition, Marin will give them consent to be equipped with "Mahjong mat" armor, which is a piece of wood covered with iron sheets to enhance protection. Such protective gear is enough to deal with those indigenous warriors who do not even have metal. And those swords and shields also use the "Mahjong Mat" armor. Moreover, the shield in the sword shield is directly connected to the ordinary wooden shield, and even the iron skin is not needed. Because it is enough to resist the stone artifacts of the Taino.

Of course, Marin is not willing to adopt this violent attack mode. Hépíng means that Marin is willing to try.

This is not Marin's own conjecture, but there are ready-made examples ...

Heidel ’s brother Wiltz, in the Moa region of Cuba Island, handled the relationship with the local indigenous people very well. Wiltz often invites local indigenous leaders to eat in the mines, go directly to the Chinese chef that Marin distributes to him, and entertain the local tribal chiefs with wine and vegetables. This directly led to the local tribes actively sending labor to help Wiltz dig the laterite nickel mine. Of course, they did not suffer any loss, and Wiltz would pay for the food and salt of the indigenous strong men who helped mine. In particular, table salt is extremely popular with local indigenous people.

In the end, one of the tribal chiefs who had the best relationship with Wiltz refused to leave directly at the mine station in Wiltz. He rubbed and ate every day, and married his daughter to Wiltz ... Unfortunately, Wiltz had My wife is gone, and Catholics are not allowed to marry two wives, so I can only refuse ...

However, this tribe with a good relationship with Wiltz was almost annexed by Wiltz. Why? Because their chiefs came to eat, drink, and drink all day, and all the male laborers of the tribe were sent to mine. As a result, no one in the tribe hunted.

However, the food that Wiltz tígòng gave them was no less than the hunting harvest. It can be said that they had to insist on helping Wiltz mine, and their tribe would not be short of food and would not starve to death. Moreover, the salt quota is still sufficient.

Therefore, now this tribe has basically lived on the edge of the mine, and the original villages are all abandoned. They now directly form an employment relationship with Wiltz, which is equivalent to being annexed by Wiltz.

Uh ...

Affected by Wiltz ’s behavior, Marin believes that not all Taino tribes need to use force to conquer by force. Sometimes, it is also possible to try to corrode and pull together.

For example, Wiltz's approach is very good. At the beginning, for the sake of his brother Heidel, Marin gave him a Chinese cook to solve his food problems. As a result, this guy, Wiltz, directly used this cook, using delicious braised meat, sweet and sour fish, etc., and enough wine to directly corrode the leaders of several nearby tribes. Now all of them have become " Co". And Wiltz's attitude is-as long as there are enough men in the village to help him mine, their chiefs can come to him for free to eat and drink ...

Those chiefs who live below the food and clothing line, where have you seen the delicious braised pork, sweet and sour fish and various fried dishes? With the addition of large barrels of German dark beer, these chiefs were almost overturned. In order to satisfy their appetite, they directly sent male laborers from the clan to the mine to help mine. And they themselves, in the name of "talking about things", often come to Wiltz here, eating big fish and meat every day, drinking small wine, not drunk without stopping ...

Uh ...

In view of this, Marin decided to mobilize a few Chinese chefs, bring a full of seasonings and ingredients, and a wok for cooking, and went to Tara ’s Havana Castle to help Tara hold a banquet.

Cape Breton Island can tígòng enough salt, and there are many apple cider vinegars in Europe. In addition, sucrose has been produced near the Havana castle, and **** has also been planted. Just bring seasoning plants such as spring onions and garlic, and vegetable seeds such as leeks to the past. Then, Tara can have unfinished food to entertain those chiefs.

As long as those chiefs are willing to bring people to help cut trees to open plantations and help to grow sugar cane, Tara directly pays those people enough food. At the same time, you can let those chiefs come to eat and drink every day, not to get drunk ...

Of course, this is only one of the means to get together. This is a carrot. Besides carrots, there are also great sticks ...

If some chiefs just eat and drink, but are unwilling to bring people to work for Tara to plant sugarcane, then they should consider annexing their tribe by force ...

At this time, those 300 musketeers and 300 swordsmen can come in handy ...

But ~ ~ attacking those tribes also requires skill. If it is hard, it will inevitably cause death and injury. Or, you can use speculation and tricks ...

When Marin went to school, he learned "Outsmarting the Birth Program", that is, Wu Yong and others, who used numbness to overwhelm Yang Zhi and robbed him. Tara can also use this method to deal with the pure Techno ...

If some of the Tainuo tribes refuse to refrain from eating and drinking, then Tara can send people to send a lot of wine and meat to the relevant tribes and invite them to eat and drink.

Anyway, Marin now has a lot of food and a lot of wine, so I am not afraid of consumption. At that time, as long as the indigenous warriors are drunk, those soldiers can enter the field to "pick up corpses" without seeing blood ...

These indigenous people have never had a drink, and the amount of wine is naturally not much. When the time comes, Tara can dispatch several large-bodied wines to directly infuse the strong men of the indigenous people, and then they will do whatever they want. Even if you meet a few natural brewers, everyone can go up and hold together ...

Uh ...

In short, Marin intends to take diverse

A diversified strategy, one hand carrot (food and wine), one hand stick, strive to conquer the most tribes in the shortest time, and lay a solid foundation for the overall control of the Cuban island ...

Once the majority of the island of Cuba is controlled, Marin can burst the production of sucrose on the island of Cuba. In the future, tea will be grown. By that time, sucrose and tea will be shipped to Europe continuously, making a huge profit for Marin ...