Chapter 569: Discovery of lead-zinc ore

Of course, this era is not just about Japan ’s relatively large population. In fact, Indonesia has a large population. Malin remembers that in the 1500 world population ranking, Indonesia also had a population of 7.75 million, ranking eighth in the world. In the same period, Mexico had a large area of ​​only 5 million people.

Moreover, most of Indonesia's population is concentrated on Java Island. Mainly, Java Island is a rice production base. Although Java Island has an area of ​​only 126,000 square kilometers, it is smaller than England. However, relying on the large-scale cultivation of rice, there is sufficient food supply, which makes the population of Java Island as many as millions.

Speaking of which, the best time to reclaim tropical islands in the Caribbean Sea such as Cuba, including serfs in Panama and other places, is actually Javanese on Java Island. Because the climate of Java is almost the same as that of tropical islands in the Caribbean. Bringing the serfs on Java Island is still very suitable for the local climate.

In addition, the Javanese and the Japanese have a virtue, and both belong to the obedient nature of obeying the strong, but like to bully the weak.

Therefore, it is probably a very interesting thing to put the Japanese farmer and the Java farmer together. Both ethnic groups are bullying and fearful. What kind of spark will the two sides encounter when facing each other with the same status?

Perhaps, in the future colonization, the conflict between the Japanese serf and the Javan serf under the rule can be deliberately provoked, so that they will be hostile and fighting each other. Had to control it well, maybe it could guarantee the long-term rule of the Germans ...

As for Filipinos, in fact, this era is still in a barbaric era, far from the Japanese and Javaneses. At least, several countries on Japan and Java have entered the era of farming civilization. On the islands of the Philippines, except for a small Sulu foreign country in the southwestern sea, there is not even a civilized country on Luzon Island, only some loose tribal alliances.

Moreover, after the Dutch colonial empire, Java Island was the core of their rule, and the status was higher than the Spice Islands. Because Java Island has a large population and a developed economy, it can provide a large amount of tax for Dutch colonists. Moreover, the Javanese people on the island of Java are skilled in agriculture, and they are much better managed than those uncultivated savages.

The only trouble is that several countries on Java Island seem to be quite strong. It is estimated that it will take a lot of people to defeat them. Of course, if you can get a lot of Japanese samurai as cannon fodder from Japan, and add powerful muskets and artillery to defeat the local small country, it should not be difficult.

As long as a large number of Javanese are acquired, mixing them with Japanese serfs and deliberately provoking the contradiction between these two ethnic groups, the two will not be able to ignore the rebellion against colonial rule. In addition, coupled with the use of Filipinos and Indians to intermarry with both parties, to confuse their blood and mess up their cultural heritage, it will be easier to control by then.

Therefore, in general, it is the most important to open Daming routes now. As for the construction of the concrete road of the Panama isthmus, it is secondary. After all, it takes a long time.

In addition, this place in Malaysia, Marin is also very interested. Because, Malaysia produces tin ...

Needless to say, the importance of tin, a large amount of bronze manufacturing. Tin mines in Europe are scarce, resulting in high prices. If it can control the tin mines in Malaysia, it is also a very good colonial project.

Moreover, Marin does not hate Malaysia. It's really not possible. It can support Malaysia's Malacca country (the Ming Dynasty called Manchuria Canada) and let them mine. Then, pay for it yourself. Of course, this type of acquisition does not allow other countries to intervene, and monopoly will have sufficient profits.

In addition, it seems that in history Portugal will destroy the Kingdom of Malacca in 1511. In order to block the Portuguese, Malin intends to quietly support Malacca and sell them igniters and guns so that they can resist the Portuguese attack. Anyway, it's right that the Portuguese cannot successfully control the Strait of Malacca.


As Marin wrote a book in the office and wrote the East Strategy, Machiavelli suddenly knocked on the door to report that a ship was returned from Emden Port, which was sent by Cape Breton Island. Captain Jinson is coming to report the situation of Cape Breton Island to Marin in person.

Marin put away the plan, called in Jinsen, and listened to the report ...

According to the report by Kingson, Marin learned that this year's Cape Breton Island food is not surplus. Because, Marin pulled more than 20,000 English refugees in the past. In order to resettle these refugees, Garland distributed the surplus food to those immigrants in England.

Therefore, this time Garland's ship did not bring food back, but brought back a lot of paper produced by the paper mill. The paper mills in northern Cape Breton Island, because of the use of modern technology, paper production is very efficient. In addition, there are uncut trees in the local area, which can be used to make paper. Coal-fired or something can also be easily obtained from the Sydney mining area. Therefore, there is a lot of paper output there.

In addition, according to the Kinson report, Garland's immigration point to Conabrook, a western port of Newfoundland, has also developed very well. Earlier, because the limestone mine in Corner Brook was discovered, Marin simply moved the cement plant. At present, the first batch of shaft kilns have been built at the cement plant in Corner Brook, and cement has been fired. Once the production capacity is stable, a large amount of cement can be supplied locally.

What surprised Marin most was the last one in the Kingson report-the Bakens lead-zinc mine on Newfoundland Island was found ...

Previously, in order to obtain zinc to make tinplate and galvanize the plate armor, Marin specially planned the action to help Edward seize the island of Ireland. It is a pity that the lead-zinc mine in Tara Mountain, Ireland, was buried too deep and severely infiltrated, so Marin had to give up.

Therefore, after learning that Conabrook had established a settlement, Marin sent prospecting engineers to go deeper inland to find the Bakens lead-zinc deposit on the north shore of Red Indian Lake.

Although Marin did not know the specific coordinates of the Bakken lead-zinc mine, he remembered that Bakkens was on the north shore of Red Indian Lake. The Red Indian Lake is east of Grand Lake, the largest lake on Newfoundland. As for Corner Brook, it is on the northwest side of Grand Lake. Specifically, Marin remembers that the distance from Corner Brook to Grand Lake is smaller than the distance from Grand Lake to Red Indian Lake. Moreover, Buckens is really above the turning point at the upper left of Red Indian Lake ...

The reason why Marin remembers so clearly is because of the Newfoundland fishing grounds. As a world-famous fishing ground, when studying geography, Malinte checked the local map. Later, I specially checked the satellite map, focusing on the situation of Newfoundland.

Originally, this memory was vague. But because the memory became stronger after crossing, this memory was turned out again.

It's just that Marin gave a rough area, about a few hundred square kilometers. It is really not easy to find mineral deposits in this area.

In addition, the Indians on the island may not be friendly ...

The Native Indians of Newfoundland, the Beotuks, are divided into two branches ~ ~ one branch lives on the southeast coast for fishing; And live a nomadic life. In Marin's eyes, nomads are generally fierce. Therefore, he was not sure which nomadic Beotuks he met, and whether the prospecting team would be in danger ...


But according to Kinson's report, the Beotuks in the interior are as friendly and kind as the Beotuks by the sea. The premise is that you are willing to trade with them in iron and glass goods they are interested in ...

Because they were well prepared, the prospecting team brought a mule transportation team with enough goods such as iron axe, sword, glass beads and cloth. Therefore, after contacting the inland Indians, under the introduction of a temporary translator from the coastal fishing village (in fact, this translator did not understand German, but was good at communicating with the colonists in sign language), he quickly communicated The Beotuk tribes have established friendly relations. Of course, they also made a promise-continue to trade with these tribes in the future ...

With this commitment, the local Beotuks became very enthusiastic. Then, with their help, the prospecting team finally found the Buckens area on the north shore of the Red Indian Lake. Then, after a long period of exploration, they finally found the veins of the lead-zinc deposit ...

Upon learning of the good news, Garland immediately asked the returning captain, Kimson, to report the good news to Marin. At the same time, please also ask Marin, for this lead mine (people at this time do not know zinc), what should I do next ...

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