Chapter 550: Secret

After getting such an inference, Margaret Lord himself was stunned. She couldn't imagine why a German prince would interfere in England's affairs. Moreover, this guy's military strength is still so strong.

So, the Margaret Lord of the York family began to collect information about Marin, including the North Sea Chamber of Commerce, including the "Morgan Chamber of Commerce".

After summarizing, the Margaret County Lord discovered an important situation, that is-the North Sea Chamber of Commerce has a lot of food, and the Morgan Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to Newcastle coal mines. In addition, after helping his brother Edward, the North Sea Chamber of Commerce once asked for a place-Mount Tara on the island of Ireland. However, after sending people to dig deep underground, the excavation stopped because of massive water seepage ...

If the behind-the-scenes bosses of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce and the Morgan Chamber of Commerce are both Marin Hoffman, then the Margaret Lord has come to an important conclusion-this person has rich food but is very interested in coal resources . Even helping his younger brother on the island of Ireland is for the unknown mineral underground ...

Moreover, the Margaret County Lord concluded that even if Marin Hoffman was not the behind-the-scenes master of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce and the Morgan Chamber of Commerce, his relationship with it was very unusual. Because, in the Lübeck war, the 10,000 England mercenaries who played were clearly recruited by the Morgan Chamber of Commerce in Newcastle.

The 10,000 English mercenaries are said to have good combat strength and successfully attacked and defeated the side of the Bossa Allied forces with Swiss mercenaries. If you can hire the 10,000 mercenaries to help your younger brother, defeat Henry VII, the odds are great ...

You know, the soldiers and horses that Henry VII can gather together have a total of 10,000 or 20,000. Edward's men, now page tour more than 10,000 troops. If that 10,000 English mercenaries are added, it is very likely to defeat Henry VII.

Besides, that Marin Hoffman seems to have started as a mercenary, and made his fortune after winning war for the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. Before this, it was said that he was just a wandering knight with no inheritance rights, not even a noble ...

If so ... If it were possible to hire this person to fight for his brother, would it not be easy to defeat Henry VII with the strength of 40,000 troops under his command?

Once the younger brother became a king, her sister, who immediately became distinguished, would become the long princess. Not like this, just an embarrassing lord, but also under the surveillance of Henry VII ...

Although, after his brother became king, the status of Margaret Lord became a step further-the Lord became Princess. However, the treatment is very different. Because, now she is basically half a prisoner under the surveillance and suspicion of Henry VII.

Even, the husband named by Henry VII, Richard Ball, was monitoring her ...

For the husband Richard Pol, the loyal dog of Henry VII, the Margaret Lord did not like it. Because, the other party "loves" Henry VII better than himself. How can such a husband help outsiders monitor themselves?

Therefore, the Margaret Lord did not like the life now. However, she had no way to resist before. Because, her title of Countess Salisbury is basically empty. The real power of the fiefdom is entirely in the hands of her husband Richard Ball. She is a lord and she has limited money. It's inconvenient to do something. Until ... the people of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce found themselves and let them represent the sales of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce in England ...

Then, the Margaret County Master took advantage of the food sales opportunity of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce, by falsely reporting food import prices and sales, privately intercepted a large amount of money, began to buy all kinds of useful people, and first helped his younger brother escape After passing the Tower of London, I also escaped the death penalty ...

Then, the Margaret Lord, who had money and someone in his hand, turned into a spy and quietly helped his brother to collect useful information in London, hoping to help his brother as much as possible.

She was desperate to her husband Richard Ball. Before the last troop dispatch, she begged her husband not to kill her brother. However, her husband Richard Ball did not care much about her begging. Instead, he obeyed his master Henry VII and strongly wanted to kill Edward ...


In fact, before reaching this inference, the Margaret Lord did not have much ambition. Although I thought about my brother ’s success in overthrowing Henry VII as King of England, Margaret County Master did not think that it would become a reality. Because the rule of Henry VII is very stable, and his strength is much stronger than his brother. His brother Edward was able to gain a foothold on the Irish island and fight against Henry VII's chamber, which is quite good. It seems unlikely to do better ...

But after getting this amazing inference, Margaret Lord's thoughts changed. She began to think that it seemed not too difficult for her brother to become King of England ...

As long as you can win this very capable Marin Hoffman and defeat Henry VII, it seems not a problem ...

You know, Marin Hoffman was able to use 40,000 troops and defeated 50,000 elite enemies including 20,000 Swiss mercenaries. If he would help his brother to attack Henry VII, the victory was almost certain.

When Henry VII died, he could mobilize more than 20,000 troops, at least half of which were local troops with little fighting power. Really elite, up to more than 10,000. As long as that Marin Hoffmanken sent troops to help his younger brother, nothing more, as long as 20,000 soldiers could defeat Henry VII and regain the throne.

According to the data, this person was born as a mercenary, not a reserved noble. As long as his brother is willing to pay the price, such as sealing Newcastle to him, he is still sure to persuade him to send troops.

Moreover, the seal of Newcastle to this person can be described as two birds with one stone. Why? Because Newcastle is located in the northeast of England, it is a border area with Scotland. If Newcastle was sealed to this person, it would also have the effect of blocking the invasion of Scotland.

On the contrary, because of the threat of Scotland, even if this person is sealed as the lord of Newcastle, because of the threat of Scotland in the north, he has no energy to take care of the affairs of the south and does not affect his brother's control of the overall situation.

As for worrying about its bigger and treasonous? Europeans seem to have no worries in this regard. Lord Margaret did not think that the opponent who had become Earl of Newcastle would rebel. Why? Because the opponent does not have the blood of the English royal family ...

Don't look at the fact that England often competes for the throne, and the dethronement of kings happens. However, everyone involved in the battle for the throne has royal blood. People without royal blood are not eligible to compete for the throne. At most, choose to support a member of the royal family.

Therefore, the Margaret County master of the York family believes that it is feasible to win over Marin Hoffman and help his brother fight for the throne of England. Moreover, it is the only feasible way to let my brother take the throne ...

As a clever woman, the Margaret Lord understands deeply, do n’t look at France and Scotland to support their younger brothers, but they do n’t try to help their younger brother take the throne, but only hope that his younger brother will add Henry VII Trouble, don't let Britain settle down. If you want your younger brother to take the throne, you have to rely on a strong brother like Marin. As long as you pay a county's enclosure ~ ~ Unbelief can't seduce each other ...

Through the previous case, the Margaret Lord found that Marin Hoffman always ceded a large area of ​​land after each war defeated the other. Therefore, the Margaret Lord decided that Marin Hoffman was a man who valued the land extremely. Just give him the Northumberland County, including Newcastle, and do n’t believe him. As for the original Earl of Northumberland? Anyway, it was the people of Henry VII who killed or abolished the title ...

After thinking about all this, the Margaret Lord wrote a secret letter, told his brother his plan, and strongly recommended that his brother implement this plan.

The younger brother had not succeeded in rebelling yet, and the Margaret Lord began to "mentor" the younger brother. It can be seen that if Edward really seized the throne of England, the lord (who should be called the princess at that time) will definitely stir up the situation and control the political affairs of England ...

This secret letter Margaret selected the most trusted men and chose the right time. After arriving in Wales, he took a boat to the sea in the middle of the night and went to Ireland ...

There are now a lot fewer British ships on the Irish Sea, because most of these warships were recruited by the Royal Family from the Five Ports Alliance, which were originally merchant ships.

Merchant ships, of course, have to pull goods to make money. It's no problem to fight for the king in a short time, but you can't stay on the battlefield all the time. Therefore, most of the merchant ships from the Five Ports Alliance have now returned to pull goods to make money, leaving only a small number of ships to continue patrolling the Irish Sea and the English Channel, in case of the Irish and French movements.

Therefore, there are now a lot fewer British ships on the Irish Sea between the British Isles and the Irish Isles. If you take a clipper to cross the sea at night, be careful, you can still go back and forth conveniently. The celebrity arranged by Lord Margaret also carried the letter safely and crossed the Irish Sea overnight to the island of Ireland ...