Chapter 544: Non-aggression treaty


() & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After the signing of this contract, Marin's war of hegemony in Europe will come to an end. Of course, there may be a war with the Principality of Geddes on the question of West Friesland and Geddes surrendering to France. However, during the major war, Marin is not considered a fight, but intends to recuperate.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, this does not mean that Marin will stop expanding. Rather, Marin now needs to integrate the acquired territory and engage in development. In addition, now that Marin wants to expand, there is no excuse to provoke war.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Unless it is so strong that it can push the European continent, war must definitely excuse it. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, you will face a group fight. In history, when the Habsburg dynasty was the most powerful, it had both Shinra and Spain, and defeated France. But what about that? Are you strong? Most princes of All-Germany united against you, even France joined. Even, France knows that it can't beat Charles V, and is willing to form an alliance with the pagan Ottoman Turkey to gather all the power of Europe to beat you. Therefore, Charles V failed to accomplish the great cause of reunification of Germany.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin's current strength can only be said to be invincible heads-up, but has not yet been able to fight against the group fights in Germany. Therefore, he needs time for integration and development.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As long as the development of peace of mind for a few years or more, the newly added territory will gradually prosper and bring more wealth and prosperity. When the time comes, Marin will be able to storm the army, get a regular elite army of 780,000 or even 100,000 troops. By that time, even in the face of a group fight, Marin was not afraid.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, Marin knew very well that after ten years, Martin Luther would set off a religious reform. Then, it will sweep across northern Germany. Many northern princes accepted Protestantism, including two important secular electors-Electors of Saxony and Electors of Brandenburg.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In fact, the real man behind the Reformation was Frederick III, the elector of Saxony. Martin Luther took the Saxon constituency as the base camp, quickly and lowly infiltrated the Archbishop of Magdeburg on the side of the Saxon constituency, and then quickly spread to the surroundings and swept north of Germany. The two archbishops with very special German status-Archbishop Magdeburg and Archbishop Bremen, all became Protestant regions. This has a great impact on the influence of Catholicism in Germany, because the Archdiocese of Magdeburg and the Archdiocese of Bremen are the only two non-elected archbishops in Germany. The chiefs of other bishopric states are only bishops, not archbishops.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As long as the Reformation is launched, with the relationship between Marin and the Holy See, the banner of "Protection" can be played, and the Catholic group in southern Germany can be used to encircle and protest the Protestant countries. Of course, after the encirclement and suppression, the territory is naturally its own.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As for the noble blood? Go to hell! Those princes betrayed Catholicism and must be punished. A prince who betrayed Catholicism, who cares about his interests?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At that time, as long as you move faster, it is not a problem to win half of Germany. The only question is-can my father-in-law live until then? Also, is the next pope close to himself ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, Marin intends to start contacting Leo X in advance when appropriate ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Why is Leo X and not other cardinals? That's because, the trigger for religious reform, the exemption voucher, was invented by this person. With him there, the Reformation can detonate ... If another virtuous pope is changed, how can Marin touch the water in the conflict of the Reformation?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Leo X is still a young man. Marin and his relationship are not high. Then introduce it to his father-in-law and train as a successor. At that time, I wouldn't say that this guy would support himself like his father-in-law, but it would be no problem to favor oneself. At least, you can get some support by sending your own troops to help suppress the Protestantism and obtain the legal **** of those defeated Protestant countries.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, there are still 12 years left before the Reformation. Marin still needs to be low-key, not only to develop strength, but also to let other princes put their guard down on themselves, so as not to become a target.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To this end, Marin now needs to work hard to play "Peace Pigeon" so that the princes can rest assured. Therefore, Marin decided to introduce a measure for future generations-to sign the "Non-aggression Treaty" ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In fact, in future generations, the Treaty of Non-aggression is a joke. The most representative one is the "Soviet-German Treaty of Non-aggression". But everyone knows what happened in the end. Therefore, this treaty is a joke in the future. After World War II, no one signed the "Non-aggression Treaty". Even if the treaty is signed, it will not be called by this name.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, in the early 16th century, this kind of treaty was still very binding and credible. Why? Because the current European monarchs are not as shameless as the 20th century. The current European monarch is still somewhat ashamed. Of course, except for someone who traverses from later generations ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, this kind of treaty is at least superficially bluffing. After signing, everyone may be more at ease with Marin.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, Marin sincerely found the princes in the neighboring countries-such as Bishop of Utrecht, Bishop Velden, Duke of Lueneburg, Duke of Cliff, Archbishop of Cologne, etc ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When Marin offered-"Let's sign a" Non-aggression Treaty "", they are all faceless ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, no one refused ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Why? Because Marin's military strength is obviously stronger than any neighboring country. If he doesn't beat others, they will be happy. Where else dare to provoke him?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, at least from the peace treaty level, this "Non-aggression Treaty" is beneficial to these princes whose military power is weaker than Marin. Of course, someone does n’t mention the contract ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Since Marin took the initiative to ask for peace, these princes will naturally not refuse. So, under the testimony of everyone, Marin and all neighboring princes (except Charles II, Duke of Geddes), signed the Non-aggression Treaty.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, Marin is also very happy that Charles II did not come. Otherwise, if you sign the "Non-aggression Treaty" with the Principality of Geddes and then use force against it, you will lose your face.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, Marin is also puzzled. Even if Charles II, Duke of Geddes, is unwell, is it not difficult to send a representative? At least, in the face of George's accusation, he can defend himself. Where did he know that Charles II did send the minister to ~ ~ But the minister was halfway ill, and Charles II was too late to change his representative. Then, the Principality of Geddes had no representatives to attend the Imperial Conference ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp saw Marin solemnly signing the "Mutual Non-aggression Treaty" with neighboring countries, and German princes who had not experienced the "evil" were applauding.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At least, Marin showed his attitude of "unwilling to cause trouble" in his attitude. In this way, everyone is not so worried that Marin will actively invade other countries.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After the signing of the "Mutual Non-aggression Treaty", Marin told the princes that he would develop overseas, which was more reassuring. Marin is going to make trouble overseas, and they will not hurt their interests anyway. Moreover, Marin turned his attention overseas, and the German princes were more at ease ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At this time, Marin was like a caricature of President Wilson in a painting during World War I, that is, an eagle dressed as a dove of peace, with a olive branch in his mouth holding a symbol of peace, The eagle with an olive branch in its mouth ...