Chapter 541: Danes in Jutland


() & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Seeing Marin's shameful performance, Pope Julius II felt very shameful. The other German princes, although despised, also "understand" Marin's shameful performance.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Why? Anyone who has gotten a 20,000-30,000-square-kilometer site will be very happy. However, Marin was more shameful and smirked in public.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp saw the disdainful eyes from the surrounding princes, Marin was not annoyed, but gave everyone a friendly smile and said kindly:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I'm sorry, I made everyone laugh. I won't take the initiative to invade others, but welcome others to invade me. Because, so that I can have a suitable excuse to expand the territory. After all, no one would be too much ... … "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Welcome others to invade me"-Marin's confident words let the princes have a cool breeze behind his head ... Nimad, Marin did not actively attack others, but the more they were attacked, the bigger the territory … We'd better not provoke him ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Frederick III was also bitter-yes, I had nothing to provoke this villain at first? If you do n’t take much care of your sister ’s affairs, you do n’t have these huge losses. If you cut the ground, you will have to pay 1 million ... More importantly, Marin looted Wittenberg before. It is estimated that many rich people in Wittenberg have gone bankrupt ... I do n’t know how long it will take The bustling before the restoration of Tenburg ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Joakim I also regret it-why did I want to marry Denmark? Without marrying the Danish princess, the Brandenburg electorate will not be involved in this war due to Denmark, nor will Stendal, a prosperous city on the west bank of the Elbe ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp King Hans of Denmark, at this time it is estimated that he has the heart to die. What he lost was not the site of one or two counties, but the equivalent of the four principalities, and the larger principality. The Principality of Holstein, the Principality of Schleswig and the rest of the Jutland Peninsula add up to a total area of ​​almost 40,000 square kilometers. Moreover, this is considered to be the region with the best climate in Denmark.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Through these two defeated wars, Denmark has lost all sites on the European continent, leaving only a few islands such as Zealand and the northernmost kingdom in Europe-the Kingdom of Norway ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The Kingdom of Norway is indeed very large. It is more than 200,000 square kilometers alone. But, that's useless ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Kingdom of Norway, most of the site is in the area north of 60 degrees north latitude. What is the concept of 60 degrees north latitude? Placed in Asia at the same latitude, it is already an extremely cold place in the outer Xing'an Mountains to the north. The later ice city Harbin was only about 45 degrees north latitude.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, because of the warm North Atlantic current, Norway is not as cold as winter in the northeast. However, don't think about the high temperature here in summer. Only a few areas south of 60 degrees north latitude can still engage in special agriculture. For example, plant some hardy crops like potatoes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As for cereals, in fact it is not impossible to grow. But the point is that the current European cereal varieties are very poor. The core problem is-the growth period is too long ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Now in Europe, rye grows for half a year, which is normal. The wheat varieties are even worse. They were planted in November of the first year, and harvested at 10 in the second year, and they would grow for a whole year ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is not a problem in southern Europe at low latitudes, but in high latitudes like Norway it's about to die. Summer is always short, and spring and autumn are mainly cold. If the wheat seeds of spring and summer harvest of later generations may be barely planted. But now this kind of growth period is particularly long, that is, do not want to plant it in Norway.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, although Norway also has an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers south of 60 degrees north latitude. But it ’s really mediocre, but it ’s mainly mountainous terrain ... If it ’s a plain, chopping down the forest and freeing up the grass, maybe you can develop animal husbandry. After all, wild grasses and animals do not necessarily need the high temperature in summer. Sheep hair is so thick that it can still be topped. Moreover, although the winter in Norway is long, it is not too cold. However, the rugged mountains of Norway have also destroyed the idea of ​​large-scale development of animal husbandry.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, another important bottleneck restricting the development of the Kingdom of Norway is the population issue ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Norway has an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, which only has a population of 240,000. Calculated, it is equivalent to an average person per square kilometer. What is this concept? One square kilometer is equivalent to 1500 acres-1500 acres per capita!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, most of them are mountainous and useless. But to be honest, the tens of thousands of square kilometers of land south of Norway at 60 degrees north latitude, as long as they are developed, still have a lot to do.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspMarin remembers a number-the Norwegian agricultural land in the later generations looks like a total of more than 10,000 square kilometers, of which pastureland covers more than 6,300 square kilometers ... These places should all be in the south of Norway at the southernmost 60 degrees north latitude. Ten thousand square kilometers. After all, although there are many mountains, there are still places such as river valleys and coastal plains that can be used. If these places are really used in place, they can still feed hundreds of thousands of people (with current backward agriculture and animal husbandry technology). But the problem is that a lot of people are needed to engage in agriculture and animal husbandry ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp was thinking about things in Norway, and suddenly King Hans of Denmark, looking for himself with a bitter face ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At this time, the emperor publicly announced that the order had ended long ago, and lawmakers could not refute it, so he defaulted. Moreover, the meeting has reached this point and it is almost over. Next, it was time for the princes to discuss their relationship.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin was a bit puzzled that Danish King Hans came to find himself, but soon he knew the other party's intentions-Hans did not want to take over the Danish nobles on the Jutland Peninsula. Because that is a heavy burden on Denmark ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp You must know that Denmark has newly ceded more than 20,000 square kilometers of northern Jutland peninsula to Marin, but it has a population of almost 250,000, and there are six or seven hundred nobles, all of them Danish.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If these six or seven hundred nobles are brought back to Zealand, they may have to rely on the Danish court to support them. Because it is a noble identity, the cost is not low. This is too much burden for the Kingdom of Denmark, which has lost two battles in succession and ceded compensation ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, Hans means that he wants Marin to receive these six or seven hundred Danish nobles, and let them turn to Marin ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp but Marin shook his head again and again, why? This is a thunder, you can't pick it up!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For the 250,000 civilian Danes, Marin doesn't think there is anything. At most, slowly assimilate them with Huairou means. After all, those Danish civilians have no education, and they promote German education on their own, and they can still be brought in with financial subsidies.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But the six or seven hundred Danish nobles are different. These noble families have a systematic cultural heritage-cultural heritage in Danish ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp, this kind of cultural inheritance, may not see anything now. But once the rise of nationalism, the inheritance of these Danish cultures will become a fighting program for the Danes to resist and also the cultural backbone of the Danish nation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, keeping these cultured Danish nobles definitely lay mines for themselves and their descendants. Look at the terrible Scottish referendum and the Catalonia referendum ... Marin has long planned to assimilate the Danes of Jutland to the German-speaking population, and is naturally not happy to leave the nobles with cultural heritage. Clearing them out is what Malin needs most.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "But Denmark really can't afford them!" King Hans said sadly. He really couldn't help it anymore. Now that Denmark is poor, the maritime trade has been destroyed by the Hanseatic League. How can he have the money to feed six or seven hundred noble families?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This ... Your Majesty, you can send these six or seven hundred homes to southern Norway for reclamation! As far as I know, although there are many mountains in southern Norway, there are also many uncultivated plains and valleys. These nobles should be Place it well ... "Marin suggested.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "But Norway is not suitable for farming ..." Hans said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Why do you have to grow land? Isn't it possible to raise sheep? You can provide lamb, sheepskin and wool! Six or seven hundred families go to cut down trees, free up plains and valleys, and rely on raising sheep. "Your Majesty can still collect trade tax on wool and sheepskin!" In order to get rid of this hot potato, Marin spared no effort to advise King Hans.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Yeah, that's a good idea!" King Hans' eyes lit up.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These years, noble land nobles pay no taxes, but when raising sheep, it involves the transaction of wool and the transaction of sheepskin (parchment is very popular in Europe at this time). Once there is a transaction, then the king has the right to collect taxes, it is not too much! As for cutting down trees to damage the environment? Paralyze that brain disability? This kind of demon who confuses the people, quickly tied to the punishment of fire and burned to death ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After a while, King Hans's eyes dimmed again, saying:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "However, after leaving the Jutland peninsula, these nobles, big or small, could not cut down trees or raise sheep ... and there were too few people in the Kingdom of Norway, and no one was assigned to work for them ... … "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Hans is right. According to the agreement, Hans will take away all Danish nobles and their families on the Jutland peninsula, but they are not allowed to take serfs. Without serfs, do you expect these nobles to engage in production? I will starve you directly ... Only those lower-level knight families who often participate in labor will not starve to death. Moreover, the Norwegian Kingdom is lacking in people. It is difficult to send these six or seven hundred aristocrats to southern Norway and want to give them serfs to them ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp heard this, Marin decided to bleed once to grind his teeth in order to get rid of the thunder:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, Your Majesty, I allow those nobles to take 10 strong men with each other and their families! Of course, it is best to follow the principle of voluntary!"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp King Hans looked at Marin in amazement-is this guy so kind? However, he immediately accepted Marin's gift-which is good for him ...

Of course, Marin was not so kind. He did this in order to send away those "Gods of Plague", so as not to leave any seeds of civilization and spirit on the Jutland Peninsula. The rest of the illiterate serfs are not easy to flicker? It ’s a big deal, and let their children go to school for free from the German language in elementary school ... One hundred years later, when the children who learn German grow up, who remembers Denmark? I remember that the nobles of the Danish team all went to Norway to cut trees and raise sheep ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough Marin will lose thousands of heroes and a population of 20,000 or 30,000, he does not regret it. Because this is to "demining" the Jutland Peninsula in advance ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is different from other German regions, most of Jutland is Danish. It is very difficult to assimilate these Danes. Especially those cultured Danes, they are the leaders in the eyes of ordinary people. With their existence, the Danish culture will not be broken down.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp haven't seen, the northern China has been invaded by nomads for several times, but it still persisted tenaciously. Moreover, they also assimilated the aliens. Why? Because those literati!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If the nomadic people kill all the literati and then teach the non-cultural common people alien language, after a few generations, those people will be humiliated. However, the nomadic people themselves have no culture, so they have to use the native Chinese scholars, and the end result is that they have been sinicized ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The literati will not die, and the culture will never die. Because there are always literati reminding those people-we are **** people ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If the Scots don't speak Scots anymore, the Catalans don't speak Catalan anymore, they still have the idea of ​​splitting?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin even believes that the existence of dialects is not necessary ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Because of the existence of dialects, there are differences in regions and differences in identity. The existence of dialects not only caused difficulties in communication. Moreover, people will automatically be divided into groups in dialects, resulting in cultural splits.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp will even cause regional discrimination because of dialects. The most impressive thing about Marin in the past is that when he met Aunt Shanghai in Shanghai, he seemed to be very proudly asking, "Alashanghai, where is Nong?" I heard that you are out of town, there is contempt in your eyes ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If everyone speaks the same Mandarin, there is no difference in dialects and cultural differences, who can despise who?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is kind, but it is easy to cause cultural differences and group differentiation, and cause ideological division ...

The simplest example of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is the descendants of Chinese immigrants living abroad. Many of them became the legendary "banana man" because they do not speak Chinese, they are yellow-skinned and white-hearted ... they speak fluent English, French, and German ... but they do not speak Chinese ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough they are of Chinese descent, you treat him as yourself, but he is a strange outsider. Standard banana man. The Chinese spoken on TV is very lame, and I still learn temporarily. If it were not for the horrible Chinese market in the Yao Ming period, he might not be willing to learn Chinese. It is said that this is what the NBA Alliance asked him to do so in order to preserve the huge Chinese market. It is a pity that Jeremy Lin is not Yao Ming, it is difficult to integrate into the Chinese circle, and he cannot succeed Yao Ming, becoming the nba's flagpole in China. Except for some people who are easily fooled, most people do not buy him. Because he is a banana man who can't even speak Chinese well ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, let ’s expel all cultural Danes from Jutland, leaving only illiterate illiterates, and teach them German ... Then, the Danes on Jutland will be Germanized ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Anyway, they will be taught to become Danes with a German "core". Of course, the Germans and the Danes are actually Germanic, but they just do n’t speak the language. Yellow people will still become yellow-skinned bananas because of language changes, not to mention the same kind of Danes? As long as German is widely spoken, these Danes in Jutland will be assimilated into Germans. Just like the Xianbei people in those days, you now ask whether the person with Murong's surname is Xianbei people? Properly ...