Chapter 531: Eliminate anger


() & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin was directly confused by Frederick III's extremely contrasting performance. He was there for a while, wondering what to do.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To be honest, he really wanted to pull out his sword and stabbed a few holes in Frederick III to vent his anger. But that is impossible ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The unspoken rule of the European aristocracy is that unless there is a **** vendetta like the feud that kills the father, otherwise, if the other party is caught, it is not allowed to hurt the other party's life. The captured nobles also have the right to redeem themselves with money.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp know that it was a prisoner of war, caught by himself. And Frederick III was not Marin's prisoner of war, and the current occasion is also the scene of negotiations. No matter in the ancient East or the ancient West, there is no reason to draw a sword and kill the negotiating opponent. Unless, that person is a lunatic, or an assassin lurking in earlier ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, Frederick III decided that Marin did not dare to risk the world and killed himself at the negotiation site before he dared to make this decision and gesture.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, this approach works wonderfully. Marin was suddenly stunned, not knowing how to deal with it for a while. The other princes have more ideas ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspMany princes, especially secular princes, are filled with emotion. In their memory, Frederick III was a confident and noble personality full of charm.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They never thought that Frederick III, who was once incomparable, would be reduced to the point of whispering and pleading to a noble circle upstart. Even, want to give up his life to protect the land left by the family ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, they were deeply moved ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As a European noble, safeguarding the interests and glory of the family is the reason they were instilled from an early age. Although Frederick III was humiliated by his family's glory because of the fiasco of the war. However, his brave responsibility and willingness to use his life to calm down the enemies' anger to protect his family's territory are still appreciated by the nobles present.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And, not surprisingly, in this tragic scene, Marin properly became the villain who persecuted good people ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Originally, the princes were very dissatisfied with Marlin's arrogance during the negotiations, and even felt angry. Now, Frederick III has joined this tragic drama again, and even joined Mu Sanfen to portray Marin as a super villain. As a result, the anger of the princes became even greater ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Many people stared at Marin with angry eyes. If the eyes can kill people, Marin has been killed a hundred times by the eyes of the princes ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin in the center of the vortex did not see the angry eyes of the princes (including many religious princes), he was still thinking about the intention of Frederick III's abnormal behavior ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Pope Julius II, who has been watching, clearly saw the angry eyes of the princes-in addition to most secular princes, many religious princes also looked at Marin with angry eyes ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Julius II suddenly "giggled" in his heart, screaming badly ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp You should know that committing public anger is a terrible thing. In particular, Marin's anger is even more terrible. This is because this "congregation" is not the "congregation" of ordinary people, but the anger of the princes of the German real power.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Ordinary people's anger is still capable of causing riots, not to mention these princes who have actual power and a strong army?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This time, as the Pope, he came to sit in town, perhaps most princes could be suppressed. But next time? The anger is suppressed, but the next time it erupts, it will become more intense ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspMaybe, after you leave, next time, after finding a suitable leader, the princes will re-discuss the formation of coalition forces to fight Marin and put it into practice. Even when the time comes, many religious princes have chosen to send troops to join the coalition because of their anger. At most, he did not show up and secretly sent troops to participate. Anyway, these years are mercenaries. Religious princes only secretly pay for employment and do not come forward. Even the Holy See is not good at sanctioning them without evidence ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp thought of this, Julius II was suddenly sweaty. In order to alleviate this tension, and at the same time fear that Marin would be fueled, Julius II directly requested that the negotiations be suspended on the grounds of his physical discomfort. Anyway, it's almost noon, so let's talk in the afternoon ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the backyard of the Worms Cathedral, Julius II and Marin, the couple, are conspiracy ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Are you okay? Do you need me to be a doctor?" Marin looked at Julius II with a concerned expression. Julius II is a 62-year-old man after all, and just after a long journey from Rome to Worms, Marin was worried that his body could not eat well.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In fact, Julius II's body is very good. Since Marin picked two Mongolian court doctors dug from the Golden Horde and came to wait for them, Julius II has been in good health and rarely falls ill.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, Julius II swept the tiredness he had just put out, and said to Marin lively:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I'm fine, I just saw that the situation is not good for you, so I deliberately suspended the meeting first. Didn't you find it, Marin? Just now, many princes in the venue were glaring at you, a pair who wanted to kill you Expression. Even many princes of the Holy See are among them ... "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So what? As long as you are in town, most of them will give face. After all, there are not many people who dare not to give face to the Holy See!" Marin said confidently.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "But what if I leave? I can't stay in Germany and stare at those nobles?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin was dumbfounded, and then he heard something unusual. So he asked carefully:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You mean ..."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You are too high-profile, and even a bit arrogant. This time, with me in, many princes will choose to be forbearing. But, after I leave? You know, anger is something that is difficult to suppress. Repression For a long time, the next time it erupts, it will erupt like the Vesuvius violently ... Maybe, the next time the coalition will really build up!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marin is not an arrogant and stubborn person. After listening to the pope's father-in-law, Marin fell into contemplation ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp soon, he also realized that after this visit, after the Pope's presence, he did become a lot more arrogant, and even ignored many nobles ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Perhaps, indeed, this time he can use the power of the Holy See to barely suppress those princes and get what he wants. But as the Pope's father-in-law said-what if Julius II had gone?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As you can imagine, those secular princes were originally unhappy with Marin. The pope is no longer watching them here, and it is easier to raise troops. And those religious princes ... Do they also want to join the coalition against them? This can't be done ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So ~ ~ Marin told the father-in-law the doubt ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Julius II chuckled:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What's so difficult? Those religious princes secretly paid to hire those mercenaries. As long as I don't disclose my identity, I just want to punish them and I can't find anyone!"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Marlin was shocked. He had only thought that the Holy See could suppress those religious princes, but he forgot that those princes could yang and yin ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As long as the secular princes form a coalition, those religious princes can fully fund privately, help hire those German mercenaries, and then hand over to the coalition command. Then, they stayed outside and watched the excitement on the wall ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp faced with such a huge risk, Marin is also at a loss. Right now, the most important thing is to eliminate the anger of the princes, further reduce the risk, and avoid the risk of Malin being jointly punished in the future ...