Chapter 524: The decision to ride the wall (Part 1)

Frederick III changed his face when he heard Marin's words. But after all, he is the top IQ master among German princes. Marin could not match him if he had the knowledge that was hundreds of years ahead. He thought about it, and soon said:

"Are you just? In which battle did you lose? After each win, you made a lot of money. Not to mention East Frisian Lambert, after you became the Earl of East Friesland, It's only been a few years? You have occupied the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg, the Principality of Schleswig, the Bishop of Münster and the Bishop of Osnabrück. This area is larger than my constituency of Saxony A lot. If you are just, you should not need compensation from the other party! "

Marin's previous life had been the second and third debates in the university debate competition. Although he had not been the chief debater, he could also be neat. So he quickly replied:

"You need to correct the fallacy in your words-the Bishop of Münster and the Bishop of Osnabrück were awarded by the Holy See after I sent troops to help the Holy See to unify Florence. Bright and upright, and very glorious! "

"What about the Principality of Schleswig? The Old Kingdom of Oldenburg? I remember, the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg is still under your control unclearly!" Frederick III pointed out a terrible problem— —Marin is now unclearly occupying the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg. Moreover, because the position of Oldenburg is important, Marin does not want to let go.

Marin was not willing to answer the question of Oldenburg, so he avoided the question of Oldenburg and directly answered the question of the Principality of Schleswig:

"It should be noted that I am a peace-loving person and do not like to use force against people. But at the same time, I also hate the enemy's use of force against me! I asked Denmark to cede the principality of Schleswig to give me a lesson , So that people understand-I ’m not irritating. If, Danish Union Oldenburg, forced me to cede Jevre I will not fight back, and give each other a very memorable lesson, then all princes will think I ’m so bully. In this way, there are princes to cede my Aurich today, and tomorrow there will be princes to cede my Emden, and within a few days, I will have no land ... "

"In short, I do n’t take the initiative to attack others. But when others attack me, they have to pay a heavy price. Otherwise, if I do n’t need to pay any price for the attack, the person who wants to hit me is estimated to be from Wall. James is in Aurich! "

"Haha ..." Some neutral religious princes laughed. Obviously, Marin's words also make sense.

"Nauer ..." Frederick III also wanted to talk about Oldenburg.

Seeing this, Marin quickly interrupted:

"I'm much better than some people, and some people have bad intentions. If I were defeated, let alone those places in the Principality of Schleswig, East Friesland might not be safe. Maybe, I am a prince, Maybe it will be reduced to the tragic situation of begging on the street. Because, some people are black! "

Frederick III was suddenly angry, he shouted:

"Do n’t say I ’m black, what about you? The Old Kingdom of Oldenburg did rob you of Yevre, but now? You do n’t take over all of the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg? Are you not black?"

Seeing that this topic could not be avoided, Marin had to take this remark:

"The reason why I still have troops stationed in Oldenburg is because the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg and I are enemies. And the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg and the East Frisian Lambertian are close together and sent troops to attack from the border. Orich ’s words, the soldiers arrived in less than half a day, too dangerous! Therefore, I will now send troops to stay in Oldenburg first, to supervise the military movements of Oldenburg. Until the Oldenburg family completely gave up with me Until hostility ... "

This explanation is far-fetched, but Marin must give an explanation. It is unlikely that the Oldenburg family would give up hostility to Marin. Therefore, Marin has some excuses for long-term control of the Oldenburg.

"Moreover, I haven't treated the family of the Earl of Oldenburg slowly. Their treatment is no different than usual, or even better!" This is true, except for freedom restrictions, Marin is eating and drinking. The members of the Oldenburg family are not stingy, they are treated favorably.

"But their freedom is restricted, and even the Imperial Parliament cannot send people to participate!"

"Freedom is restricted? No. Previously, members of their family stayed in Oldenburg and didn't go out much. Now, they can still move freely in Oldenburg. And, I also recently planned Invite them to have fun in the bustling new town of Las Vegas at the mouth of the Elbe! Las Vegas is very fun, there are beautiful women from the Ross area that provide considerate and gentle services, and all kinds of stimulation Chess game (the church is against gambling, so Marin can only say something more obscure) ... In short, the Earl family will live a happy and endless life ... "While explaining ~ ~ Marin is not yet Forgot to make a soft ad for my casino Las Vegas ...

Frederick III was also speechless, and Marin was as thick as him. He accused him of annexing Oldenburg, but Marin looked at him indifferently. He even advertised his casino and silver nest. It was ...

Marin then made up again:

"Okay, respected Lord Frederick, I am still a good person. If I think you are so dark-hearted, when I defeated Denmark last time, I grabbed everything from Denmark. According to your approach, I It ’s already the King of Denmark and the King of Norway now ... you say yes, Your Majesty Hans? "

King Hans sitting in the carriage snorted and put his face away, and Frederick III was too angry to speak ...

Marin was too lazy to continue to fight each other, so he waved his hand and said:

"Okay, I'm too lazy to argue with you. Just like that, our advanced city!"

Frederick III calmed down and said:

"Into the city? Yes, your army has to stop outside the city, and you can only bring a few guards into the city!"

Marin turned his head and said:

"Who stipulates? Is there any law that says it is forbidden to bring troops into the city?"

Frederick III was stunned and said that there was no such decree. But everyone agreed that it was customary, and everyone knew that they could not take the army into the city. Otherwise, someone brought a large army into the city and threatened others to agree with him? So Frederick III calmed down his anger and said:

"There is no such specific decree, but no one has ever brought a large army into the city after convening an imperial conference! This is a conventional rule ..."

"Oh ..." Marin responded and said:

"That means, I don't violate any imperial law when I bring troops into the city? That's right, we all enter the city ..."
