Chapter 507: The decision of Frederick III


() & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A Pope's decree shattered the plan of Frederick III. Seeing that the anti-Marin coalition could not be formed, Frederick III had to start other considerations.

Seeing that the coalition could not be formed, Frederick III realized that this time the electorate of Saxony would have to accept the fate of defeat and might be extorted by Marin and even forced to cede the land.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, after the idea of ​​defeating defeat was broken, a very real question was placed in front of Frederick III-how to stop loss to the greatest extent ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is also a compensation for ceding a land, ceding a village is ceding, ceding a berth is also ceding. Therefore, Frederick III now has to consider how to reduce the area of ​​ceded land and the amount of compensation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But Frederick III knew that because he had tried to form a coalition to eliminate Marin, he had already stirred up the other party's anger. It is said that Marin has sent troops south and surrounded Wittenburg. In addition, the other party has the pope ’s public support, so during the negotiations, Marin will certainly not let go easily.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The only way to prevent Marin from extorting yourself is to resort to princes. Exactly, most German princes remained in Worms because of the call of Archbishop Inz. Therefore, Frederick III made a decision-pulled down his face, and begged the princes to help himself to avoid being extorted by Marin.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As for the reasons for the princes to speak for themselves? This is easy to find, as long as it is to avoid the emergence of excessively powerful new princes in Germany. This is enough.

All princes of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp are vested interests. As a vested interest class, what they disliked the most was the sudden emergence of a new powerful character, sitting on par with them. Therefore, even if those princes are unwilling to be used by themselves to form a coalition to attack Marin, they must be full of jealousy about the rise and power of this new man. At the same time, it is also full of worry.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, Frederick III, a wise politician, decided to use the jealousy and worries of the princes to use their power to exert pressure on Marin to reduce his own losses.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Among them, the most important thing is to reduce the area of ​​land ceded. If the money is gone, you can make it again, and if the land is gone, then you can't make it back. The electorate of Saxony is not bad, it is the land. After all, Saxony is separated, and the land of the two Saxony princes is not too much.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp, the electorate of Saxony now has a land area similar to that of the Bishop of Münster, about 10,000 square kilometers. However, unlike the Bishop of Münster, there are many cities in the electoral country of Saxony, and there are probably more than 20 commercial cities with developed trade. Therefore, although the land area is much smaller than that of the electorate of Brandenburg, Saxony's economy is far more developed than that of the electorate of Brandenburg.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, Frederick III is not afraid of paying compensation, but is afraid of cutting the ground. In particular, if the land is cut, it is likely to be cut off a large number of cities. This is the most unbearable to Frederick III.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp ...

Three days later, under the auspices of Archbishop Inz, the princes of Worms held a regular meeting three days later. At the regular meeting, Frederick III suddenly stood up and said something ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the beginning, the princes thought Frederick III would like to repeat the old saying, and wanted to continue fooling everyone to form a coalition with him. As a result, many people held their arms and planned to read Frederick III's jokes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But unexpectedly, when Frederick III came up, he gave everyone a deep bow, a deep bow of 90 degrees ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp All the princes were shocked ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp You should know that Frederick III is one of the seven electors of the Holy Roman Empire, and he is also a powerful elector. At ordinary times, Frederick III hardly looked at those little princes. Even if the little princes saluted him, Frederick III just nodded slightly, even if he greeted him with a snort in his nose. Today, Frederick III's deep bow of 90 degrees surprised many princes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But Archbishop Intz and other religious princes disagreed. They thought-even if you bow a few more times, we will not send troops to help you ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, they were wrong, Frederick III did not ask everyone to send troops, but came to apologize:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "My colleagues, I'm really sorry for everyone. Before that, the plan I proposed to form a coalition against Marin caused trouble for everyone! So, I am going to give up this unrealistic plan now!"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Frederick III's words caused the princes to scream, be aware that giving up asking everyone for help is equal to giving up hope ... and seeing Frederick III's ashamed appearance, many nobles are unbearable ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Archbishop Inz Jacob involuntarily asked:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Master Frederick, what are you going to do next?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Frederick III sighed helplessly and said:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What else can I do? Wait until the end is finished ... The man of Marin has the support of the Pope and his relationship with His Majesty the Emperor. The most important thing is that he still has a strong army of 40,000 ... I think that in Germany, No one can stop him ... so, I can only wait to be eliminated by him ... "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The discouraged words of Frederick III shocked all the princes present-yeah, the man of Marin already had such strong strength when everyone did n’t pay attention? The most amazing thing is that this guy actually has the double support of the pope and the emperor. Although, before Marin issued a statement to draw a line with the emperor, everyone knows that it was forced.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Looking at everyone's shocked expression, Frederick III was proud and felt that he still had a chance. However, he quickly put away that complacent, showing a sad look, and continued to say:

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Everyone, before I did not deceive everyone, but I made a mistake. I thought that the 20,000 troops that entered our military camp were the reinforcements sent by His Majesty the Emperor. So, I made a horse Lin and the Emperor His Majesty want to join forces to unify the wrong judgment of Germany. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "But, it seems that I am wrong now. These 40,000 troops are actually the little count of Marin. When I learned the truth, I was almost scared. I would like to ask who of you can make up Forty thousand army? Not including those civilians, all of them are soldiers ... "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe princes present shook their heads, don't joke, let alone the 40,000 soldiers, even if they counted as civilians, they could not get 40,000 troops. The main reason is that they could not afford the food consumption of the 40,000 troops and the salaries of the soldiers ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "That's right, do you know? As Joachim and I are the Electors, each of the soldiers we can send is only 15,000. To defeat Marin, we hired 20,000 combatants. Swiss mercenaries. I think the lineup of 50,000 powerful soldiers, no one in Germany can make it? "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with Frederick III. Just kidding, that's 50,000 powerful soldiers, including 20,000 Swiss mercenaries. This lineup, even the algorithm country can not come up. When France fought over Italy and Spain, more than 20,000 of the 40,000 troops were Italian mercenaries despised by the Germans. It can be seen how difficult it is to gather 50,000 powerful soldiers.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "But ~ ~ is such a strong lineup, we were defeated and lost to Marin. Do you know? Marin has a 40,000 army! 40,000 ..."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "And, that's not a 40,000 army, but a 40,000 army with strong combat power!" Frederick III said excitedly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At this time, the princes here realized that Marlin was really powerful ... and this is what Frederick III hopes the princes to realize ...

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