~: 472th No shortage of labor in digging a canal

In fact, the Swiss knew at this point that they had already lost. The collapse of allies made the remaining 18,000 Swiss mercenaries alone.

Moreover, they also saw that-Marin's total strength is definitely twice that of his side. Moreover, through the head-to-head confrontation just now, they were surprised to find that the opponent's combat effectiveness was not much worse than the Swiss.

If the same number of people, they may have confidence. However, with so many opponents, his allies collapsed again. This battle is really impossible to fight.

Not only that, they are also very clear-the advantages of the East Frisian army are not melee, but those muskets ...

The problem is that the combat strength of the opponent's melee units seems to be not bad. Now that space was freed, the opponent's musketeer was in place. Continue to fight, it seems that one side is going to finish ...

In fact, as mercenaries, the Swiss are not worried about the outcome of the war at the moment, but ... the issue of ransom ...

Yes, as mercenaries, the Swiss value money. They knew that if the whole army was captured, the ransom required by these 18,000 people would bring down the Swiss Union ’s economy.

This is why the Swiss are hesitant to surrender. If these 18,000 people surrendered and were captured, Marin asked the Swiss Union for a ransom ...

With so many Swiss mercenaries, their ransom price must be higher than that of ordinary infantry, and may be close to the ransom of those knights. So many people will definitely collapse the Swiss Union ’s finances.

So, after half a day of confrontation, the Swiss sent a representative to discuss with Marin-whether they can let them leave safely ... Or, do n’t ask for a ransom ...

Where is Marin? If you let the Swiss go so easily, where does your face go? Moreover, if his enemies knew, he thought he was afraid of the Swiss. What if they continue to hire Swiss to fight against themselves in the future?

Therefore, it is impossible to let go of the Swiss easily.

It's just that if you want to launch a general attack on these Swiss, it doesn't seem to be too cheap. In particular, the army now has no trench cover, nor has it brought in unicycles. In this way, once fighting, nothing can stop the Swiss attack.

Once the Swiss fight against the trapped beasts, in the end, even if their side can win, the price paid will certainly be heavy. Therefore, the negotiations between the two sides have stalemate ...

However, Marin is not in a hurry. After all, it is the Swiss who are now besieged, not their own army. So, Marin led people and the Swiss to consume ...

At noon, Marin let his men take turns eating black bread to hunger. The Swiss in the circle are not so lucky. Their food was in the camp behind, and did not stay on.

Therefore, at noon, they can only watch their opponents eating bread there. And they can only endure hunger ...

They didn't want to grab the bread of Marin's soldiers, but Marin let his men eat bread in batches. Just like the three-shot shooting, the first row retreated to the back to eat bread, and the second row temporarily pushed forward to guard against the Swiss counterattack. Then, go to the second row to eat bread and continue to monitor the Swiss on the top of the third row ... Even if the Swiss want to attack, there is no chance ...

Moreover, in the face of the dominant East Frisian army, they are desperate and cannot escape their destiny. At most, Dora and thousands of enemies died together ...

At night, the Swiss were already hungry, and Marin's men continued to eat bread. Moreover, the soldiers deliberately chewed loudly, making the Swiss uncomfortable ...

In the end, the Swiss once again sent people to negotiate, expressing their willingness to pay some price. However, the ransom cannot be paid ...

Marin is also a bit stunned-the Swiss really want money and not life ...

Seeing that it was dark, Marin actually scratched his head. Because, after dark, the Swiss will make it easier to break through. After all, the soldiers under him will be sleepy when it gets dark. When the time comes, the Swiss will find a chance, and maybe they will break through.

Therefore, Marin decided to make some concessions. Of course, you can't lose your face ...

After thinking over and over again, Marin finally made his request-no ransom, but these 18,000 Swiss must help themselves to dig the canal near Münster, which is the one that connects the Ames and Small canal on the Lipper River.

This workload is not large. Today, Marin has captured almost 28,000 people from Brandenburg and Saxony, as well as 27,000 soldiers from the coalition forces of Bosa. Adding the two together, there are almost 55,000 captives. These people are very good laborers.

Counting the remaining 18,000 Swiss mercenaries, everyone can dig the small canal in a few months. After all, this adds up to 73,000 strong labor force!

After the Swiss messenger returned, the Swiss officers began to discuss ...

They believe that Marin did this obviously to protect his face. Otherwise, if you win and unconditionally let people go, you really have no face.

Moreover, digging that small canal, it is estimated that the time is not long. Big deal, equivalent to a few months of Swiss in vain. If they were taken prisoner and demanded a ransom, each Swiss mercenary may be asked for a huge ransom of one or two hundred gold coins. After all, Swiss mercenaries are the most expensive infantry in Europe.

It's not that the Swiss can't afford so much money, but that the Swiss have to go bankrupt ...

It is absolutely unacceptable for this group of Swiss mercenaries who demand money and die.

So, the Swiss sent a representative again, came to Marin, asked to sign a treaty, and made a clear statement that the Swiss can help dig the small canal, but Marin can not ask for ransom from Switzerland ... And, Marin needs to touch The Bible swears to agree to this, and no prisoners can be killed ... As long as Marin agrees to this, the Swiss are willing to surrender collectively ...

Seeing that the Swiss were all surrounded, Marin was very upset. However, in order to reduce his own casualties, Marin is still ready to agree.

However, Marin was not so kind. He knew very well that half of the Swiss are here. At this time, the strength of the Swiss Union was very empty. It is true that the Swiss can refrain from ransom demands. However, Marin can encourage Emperor Maximilian I to invade Switzerland while the Swiss Alliance is empty ...

Most of the Swiss mercenaries were escorted by themselves to dig the canal. There must be no army in the country. Maximilian I's army is no longer capable of fighting, will it not be impossible to defeat the Swiss army without the army?

When the time comes, the Swiss dug the canal for themselves ~ www.novelhall.com ~ I can also let the emperor owe himself a favor, it's not too good ...

Marin is so hostile to Switzerland because a few decades later, a Protestant branch will emerge in Switzerland-Calvinism. This Protestant school is also known as the Puritans (UK) or Huguenots (France). Protestants of this sect, they have a very bad hobby-that is, to cut the king's head ...

Charles I had his head cut off by the Puritans, Louis XVI was cut off, and there was also a shadow of the French Huguenots ...

And Marin will be the man who will be king, although he is not afraid to challenge when he is alive. However, he was worried that his descendants would be cut off by the Calvinist revolutionaries ...

Therefore, the Swiss Union must be eliminated. Now, it is a good opportunity. He captured most of the Swiss mercenaries, and the Swiss army must be empty at this time. There is still a great chance of having the Habsburg family send troops to attack Switzerland.

However, even if the Habsburg family beat Switzerland, it will certainly continue to rebel in the future, which is equivalent to a huge burden. After all, Swiss folks are tough and easy to cause trouble. By that time, the Habsburg family must have been painful and happy, don't think about it. However, they still have to bear their own great relationship. After all, under their own power, they can't beat the Swiss League under normal circumstances ...

Thinking of these, Marin laughed wretchedly. Then he agreed to the Swiss's request. In the presence of the Swiss, he vowed not to ask the Swiss for ransom, nor to kill the prisoners, but only to allow the Swiss to dig for several months ...

However, Marin can completely raise the standard of the previous small canal to the level of a medium canal. As a result, the workload has greatly increased, and the Swiss estimate that it takes a full year to dig the canal. And a year's time is enough for the Habsburg family to capture Switzerland with empty troops ...