Chapter 433: big influence

The impact of Princess Catherine's death was enormous. Henry VII panicked. Right now, England is in turmoil. If you offend the Spanish maritime power, it means that you have a strong enemy.

Spain is different from France, but it has the ability to hit the British fleet. As long as Spain is ruthless and dispatches the main fleet to attack the English fleet, the winning rate is very high. Because the Spanish Karak sailing ship is a very suitable ship type for naval battles. Moreover, the Spaniards began to equip artillery on board.

And the British have not yet made up the British Galen ship, still using the same type of Kirk sailboat as the Hanseatic League, and still popular in the lagging naval warfare tactics of the jetty.

Using the Kirk sailboat and the backward jetty to help cut each other's tactics, if it is used to deal with the Navy's more garbage France, it may still have an advantage. But for the Spanish warships where artillery has been widely used, there is really no chance of winning.

Taking a step back, even if the English fleet can repel the Spanish fleet, it must have suffered a lot. At that time, the French will make another shot, and may be able to destroy the English fleet.

Without the protection of the fleet, England is not at all an opponent of the landlord France. Perhaps, England will stage another "Norman Conquest" ...

Think of this, Henry VII cold sweat DC. To this end, he did not care about any face, and directly summoned the Spanish ambassador to London, swearing that the death of Princess Catherine had nothing to do with England, it was a French conspiracy.

Then, Henry VII also sent the copper button in French found at Jason's house to the Spanish envoy, and brought it back to Spain as evidence.

At the same time, Henry VII also wrote a very humorous letter in Latin, expressing his profound apology to Ferdinand II. However, Henry VII pointed out that as long as he was not mad, he would definitely not choose to poison Princess Catherine. After all, he also counted on the alliance with the Spaniards.

After the letter was sent, Henry VII immediately issued a statement with another face, strongly condemning the despicable French, condemning them for poisoning the Spanish princess Catherine ...

Now, Henry VII has done it regardless of whether it is the French. Now, the first thing he has to do is to force the **** pot on the head of the French so that he can avoid the anger of the Spanish ...

Uh ...

At the same time, Henry VII also raided the residences of foreigners in London. However, if he found things related to the assassination such as daggers and poisons, the parties were arrested and then tortured.

Fortunately, the people of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce did not place the killer in the chamber of commerce. Although the chamber of commerce was thoroughly searched, no items related to the assassination were found.

And the French were more miserable, they were the key search targets of the English court. Moreover, in this era, is it normal to carry daggers and short knives for self-defense?

But now the English court was eager to elute his suspicions, so he treated foreigners very hard. Anyone who carries a dagger and dagger suitable for assassination, or possesses poison, is brought into prison.

For a time, the city of London was full of noise. Fortunately, the killers of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce are not living in the London branch of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce, but hiding in a small courtyard outside the city. Moreover, tools such as daggers and poisons were well hidden, and no English soldiers in Hawthorn had found a handle.

But those French people suffered, they do business in the enemy country to make a living, naturally, they must always prevent the maliciousness of the people of the enemy country. Therefore, they are also used to carrying self-defense such as daggers or short knives.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, these daggers and short knives have become their urgency ...

At this time, Henry VII was like crazy, whoever caught him would bite, and he would n’t care if your French businessman was wronged. Anyway, as long as they are French, they are very unlucky. Besides, Britain and France are always dead enemies ...

Originally, the duel between the tens of thousands of troops between the Bossa Allied Forces and the Massa Union (short for the alliance between Marin and the Hanseatic League) was the most important news of the European nobles.

But after the death of Princess Catherine, the news that Spanish Princess Catherine, who was abused and eventually killed in Britain, immediately replaced that war and became the headline news of the European aristocracy.

In fact, this was intentionally spread by the Beihai Chamber of Commerce. Under Marin's instructions, in addition to England, other European countries have long been staffed by Marin's men. As soon as Princess Catherine hung up, she began to proclaim that the British not only imprisoned the Spanish Princess Catherine, but after being accused by the Spaniards, she poisoned Catherine madly and was also framed to France ...

At this time, King Louis XII of France also jumped out and vowed to say that France never thought about it, nor did it poison Princess Catherine. He swore in the honor of the king that he absolutely did not send someone to poison Princess Catherine. As for what happened in London, Henry VII deliberately planted the innocent French ...

Seeing that the kings of France all stood up to swear and swear ~ ~ The people in the European aristocracy even believed that it was the British themselves. Because if the French king is not sure, he will not swear casually. In this way, the British image of "thief calling for thief" is more obvious ...

And at this time, in Spain, it turned upside down ...

The Spanish aristocracy was divided into two factions. One faction believed that Princess Catherine ’s dead Englishman was to blame, and that she should sever diplomatic relations with Britain and turn into hostility. As for whether to take action, take a look.

And the other faction thinks this matter is too strange, and the French do have great suspicions. Moreover, falling out with Britain is not in the interest of Spain. Therefore, whether this is done by the French or not, it should be done by the French, which is in the national interest of Spain ...

Two factions and one faction are impulsive factions, mainly young and noble. The other school is the rational school, mainly composed of elderly nobles. However, although the young and powerful nobles were not rational enough, in the name of honour, they were quite active and quiet, making the rationalists a little overwhelmed. After all, his own princess was poisoned, and Spain's face was indeed dull.

As for Ferdinand II, it tends to be rational. After all, he is also an old politician. Moreover, Ferdinand II, who favors boys over girls, does not value those daughters, only Prince Juan. So, for Catherine's death, it's more about not being able to hang on the face than how angry he really is. Therefore, in this matter, he is more sensible. However, the young faction, in the name of honor, forced Ferdinand II, who was Catherine's father, to come to Taiwan a little and make a difficult decision. Therefore, this matter can only be dragged on, let's fight for a while before saying ...