Chapter 431: Contest

In fact, after seeing the development of the "Robin Han Thieves" by Koster and Maric, the restless young men among the refugees in the northern counties did not want to imitate the "Robin Han Thieves" to create a new rogue group. , Dominate by the king, eat spicy and spicy. The problem is that they do n’t have enough weapons ...

After all, Korin and Maric stand behind the Marin, which has a large number of weapons workshops, and can openly supply standard weapons such as spears and bows. Therefore, the "Robin Hood Rogue Group" developed smoothly.

But others ca n’t. Some active refugees are young and strong. Although some new independent bands of thieves have also been formed, they cannot grow up. The main reason is that they have insufficient weapons. Some thieves, because they have no weapons, can only use the simplest wooden sticks and some of the metal farm tools they have robbed. In this way, they robbed poor farmers to succeed. It is difficult to conquer the manor of a well-guarded manor. Therefore, they are difficult to climate. However, because they robbed a lot of ordinary farmers, they also created a large number of new refugees for several counties in central England ...

However, no matter how troublesome these thieves were, no one dared to shout out the statement "Princess General, rather kind of". Because, who dares to call such a slogan, those nobles will desperately come together to suppress. After all, the mouth cannot be chaotic.

As for Marin, although it was like messing up central England, he did not dare to let Koster and Maric shout such slogans. Because, if a precedent is set, Europe will be lively in the future. Maybe, the people under their own rule will give themselves such a shot ...


On the German side, when Frederick III, the elector of Saxony, and Joachim I, the elector of Brandenburg, heard that Marin accused them of treason, they were all green.

However, despite being extremely annoyed, neither Frederick III nor Joachim I had time to go to Worms to defend themselves. Everything has to wait for the battle to finish.

However, let Marin so black himself two. When the battle is over, they will become black and charcoal. So, Frederick III decided to fight ...

For this reason, Frederick III and Joachim I sent off officers and rushed to Worms to defend their actions ...

The envoys of Saxony and Brandenburg declared that the reason why the electorate of Saxony and the electorate of Brandenburg was to maintain justice and order.

The two countries were resentful of Marin in East Friesland, and the forced looting of the Principality of Schleswig and Holstein by the Oldenburg family of the fiefdoms that belonged to the Oldenburg family. 'S invitation to get justice from East Friesland, Lübeck and Hamburg who broke the rules.

Frederick III was very clever, he repeatedly told his men-not to mention the Kingdom of Denmark, only to emphasize the Oldenburg family.

Because, the Kingdom of Denmark is indeed a foreign country. However, the Oldenburg family has always been German. The two countries helped the Kingdom of Denmark fight Germany's feudal country, and indeed there was a trait of treason.

But the problem is that the Danish King Hans, from the Oldenburg family of Oldenburg, is not considered an outsider. As long as the identity of the Oldenburg family in Germany is emphasized, the suspicion of "collusion to the monarch of his country" can be avoided.

Sure enough, Frederick III's rhetoric won the support of many old nobles. After all, the old aristocrats were born with a high regard for pedigree.

King Hans of Denmark is indeed from the old German noble family-the Oldenburg family. Frederick III defended himself in this way, it was indeed a coincidence.

Unfortunately, this is useless. Because Marin had already arranged Kohler, sent a large number of spies, bought bards from all over the country, and in the form of rap art in all of Germany, discredited Frederick III and Joachim I everywhere.

No matter how refuted by Frederick III and Joachim I, it was a matter in the Worms Empire Parliament. But in the folk, Marin has long bought those popular European storytellers-minstrels, and sternly blacked them.

Leave them cleverly tongue-in-cheek, and they cannot conceal the fact that they united foreign monarchs to attack their princes. Under the extensive propaganda of the minstrels, the German people and the small nobles in many regions knew that the Holy Roman Empire had two big nobles except the two who ate the food-Frederick III of the election of Saxony and Joachim of the election of Brandenburg. I ...

After all, Frederick III was an orthodox old aristocrat, and the route he took was also the official one. Which is as shameless as Marin? Willing to spend capital to spread public opinion in the private sector ...

Moreover, this trick is very useful. After all, European entertainment is also lacking in this era. Ordinary people, like to hear the bragging of bards ...

It is a pity that the common people in this era have no money to reward those bards, and most bards are poor. Therefore, the spy sent by Kohler, as long as he paid a little money, bought a large number of bards. After all, those bards are going to eat ...

For the sake of the money, the bards began to sing Black Frederick III and Joachim I in various taverns and other public places according to the scripts provided by the spies ...

, People of this era who lack entertainment culture, eat this set. Then, these bards were strongly watched by ordinary people who had nothing to do after spring cultivation ...

Moreover, the script given by Marin is very exciting. This not only pointed out the fact that the Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg colluded with foreign monarchs to invade their own powers, but also fictional attempts by Frederick III and Joachim I after the death of Emperor Maximilian I , The false story of choosing the Danish king as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Then, the script repeatedly emphasized that the Viking leader, the Danes, is coming to invade Germany ...

If the king of Denmark becomes the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, those tall and fierce and bloodthirsty Viking pirates will run through the German area with blood-stained axes.


This story is very exciting, and it is very much like that. Coupled with the fact that information dissemination is too scarce in this era, many people actually believe ...

Then, a bizarre rumor that "Viking pirates will be killed in Germany" soon spread throughout Germany ...

In fact, the Viking pirates fell as early as the 11th century, it is now four or five hundred years away. The barbaric legends of the Viking pirates still echo on the European continent.

Therefore, the minstrel just blew a casual comparison, and many people even believed it was true ...

Then, these people hated Frederick III of Saxony and Frederick Joachim I of Brandon, Hans of Denmark, who attempted to collude with the “Viking Pirates”.

Even some radical citizens also shouted the slogans of dethroning Frederick III and Joachim I, suggesting that they be put in prison ...

Of course, these citizens are not from Saxony and Brandenburg. Otherwise, they have already been caught in jail ...

At this time, Frederick III and Joachim I, who were on the front line, did not know that they were already in bad reputation in most parts of Germany ... as long as they dared to appear and did not return the army to protect them, welcome him Both of them are rotten eggs ...

Of course, Marin, who planned all this, didn't know that his two opponents had a bad reputation at this time. Because he was besieged in the city of Lübeck and it was inconvenient to communicate with the outside world.

Because Frederick III lined up a lot of stone throwers there on the west side of the Trave River, the Marin ships he dared not easily approach the port of Lübeck. Because hundreds of thousands of stone-throwing machines throw fireballs together, it is really terrible for wooden boats.

So, Marin was going to clean up the rock throwers on the other side. He ordered the artillery, put the artillery on the city head, and began to aim at the rock throwers ...

Within a day, Marin ’s artillery had destroyed hundreds of rock throwers across the river, frightened the Bossa Allied Forces, and hurriedly carried away the remaining rock throwers.

Unfortunately, two days later, Frederick III came up with a countermeasure-he ordered people to dig a big pit on the river bank. Then, put the stone thrower into the pit. In this way, the shells can't hit those stone throwers.

After all, the range of the shells is very long, and it is easy to fly over the head of the big pit where the stone thrower is located. As for hitting the cannonball into the big pit with a parabola. This difficulty is too high.

Marin suddenly regretted not bringing the batch of Cohorn mortars. Because mortars are specifically used to restrain tunnels. Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything. He brought them all with cannons and low trajectories. There was no way to get the stone thrower in the tunnel.

The Bossa coalition's rock thrower ~ ~ was put into the pit, but because the trajectory of the rock thrower was parabolic, hitting the wooden boat moored by the dock was not affected.

In desperation, Marin had to stop the shelling. Because the cannon with low level of trajectory has no way for those big pits.

Fortunately, before the other party's stone thrower was built, Marin's fleet had already brought in enough food and ammunition. Even if the wooden boat can no longer dock, it will not affect the combat effectiveness of the army in the city.

At the same time, the Bossa Allied Forces forced the local people to fill a large number of sandbags in the southeast of Lübeck and part of the river in the east. Over time, these two sections were filled with sandbags, which was not a problem at all. At that time, the Bossa Allied forces attacked Lübeck City, making it even easier ...

Of course, Marin was not idle. He sent good-spirited spies, went out of town at night, took his own letter, swimed across the Trava River, went to the seaside to inform the East Frisian Fleet Commander Kidd, and asked him to send a ship back home The Menkohorn mortars were brought in so they could be used against the stone throwers in the tunnels. In addition, if possible, let the people in the foundry plant cast more Cohen's shells and run away. After all, casting copper guns is not difficult, and there are ready-made iron molds. Coupled with the large amount of copper ingots transported from the Faylun copper mine in Sweden, it was not difficult to cast more Kohoun shells.

As for how the Cohorn mortar was transported, how to send it into the city? This is also easy, sending two ships to transport the artillery to the dock. Even if the two ships were sunk, as long as the artillery was transported ashore, it was done. The loss of two boats is nothing to Marin ...