Chapter 306: Beaver Skin Trade

When Marin picked a thousand elite warriors and started training, Governor Garland of Cape Breton Island suddenly sent the ship back and reported to Marin-they were in contact with the Indians on Newfoundland ... …

It turned out that because both sides had been fishing together at Newfoundland fishing grounds for a long time, mutual contact was inevitable. However, because of fear of being injured by the Indians, fishing boats on Cape Breton Island are generally far from the coast.

However, two months ago, a fishing boat on Cape Breton Island had to dock to replenish fresh water because it forgot to bring fresh water. Then, in the process of replenishing fresh water, the ship was surrounded by local Indians.

The fishermen were terrified, thinking that the Indians would hurt them. However, the local Indians did not mean to hurt them. Through gesture communication, these Indians call themselves Beothuk people. They are very envious of the tools used by fishermen on Cape Breton Island, and even the glass beads used for decoration on fishing boats. As a result, the Beotuks put forward a transaction request.

However, at the beginning, the Beotuks brought out fish. But fishermen on Cape Breton Island are not short of fish because they are fishermen. So, after thinking about it, the Beotuks took out **** skins in exchange ...

Seeing the attitude of the group of Beotuks not to trade and not let go, the fishermen had to use knives, harpoons, fishing nets, glass beads on the boat ... even the pots and pots and brown bread for the fishermen on board The Otuks have changed hundreds of **** skins ...

Then, the fishermen who had no tools had to return first ...

Originally, the fishermen complained and even felt bad. After all, they are the bottom people, do not know the preciousness of those **** skins.

However, as a new nobleman, Garland is also very researching on luxury goods. I was shocked when I heard that the fishermen returned hundreds of **** skins with their daily necessities on the boat ...

You know, before no Siberian mink appeared in Europe, **** skin has always been one of the most expensive furs in Europe. A complete **** skin can be sold for 20 gold coins. Hundreds of **** skins, but worth thousands of gold coins.

And the fishermen's full boat, the total price in the market does not exceed 20 gold coins ...

In other words, the fishermen made hundreds of times in this peculiar trade. Of course, the profit must have been confiscated by Garland. Anyway, these fishermen also don't know the price of the precious fur like **** fur.

However, looking at the Indians, it seems that they have a lot of **** skin ...

In fact, there are also many beavers on Cape Breton Island controlled by Garland. However, Garland and the colonists were cautious. Before cutting down the trees, they dared not go into the jungle easily to avoid being injured by the grizzly bear. Therefore, Garland did not get much **** skin.

However, this trade with the Beotuks inspired Galander-we dare not go deep into the jungle and lack manpower, but those Indians can ...

Those Indians have lived here for generations and have extensive experience in capturing beavers. If so, why not exchange cheap **** skins with them for cheap goods?

So, Garland sent people back to Europe by boat and reported the situation to Marin ...

"Beaver skin ..." Marin froze.

Suddenly, he remembered-did the Frenchman make his fortune in the **** skin trade in his original history?

Originally, in the 17th century, although the French were weak in the navy, they did not dare to send troops to occupy the North American colony, so as not to stimulate the powerful navy of Spain. However, there are still many French fur traders who secretly ran to places like Newfoundland and Quebec and made a lot of money by relying on the **** skin trade.

At that time, French fur traders sold intact **** skins back to Europe with a profit of up to 200 times. Later, although the profits were not so high, there were still dozens of times of profits.

The French used some ordinary iron pans, axes, swords, and glass beads and other valuable goods to get a lot of valuable **** skin from the Indians and accumulated a lot of wealth.

"It seems that you can also make money using this kind of trade ..." Marin thought.

You know, there are at least tens of millions of beavers in North America this year. Especially in rivers and lakes in the Canadian jungle, beavers are everywhere. Until the 21st century, beavers were the national beasts of Canada.

"Wait ... I really want to forget something ..." Marin suddenly stood up from the office chair and started walking around the room, thinking about what he forgot ...

Half a day later, Marin finally remembered:

"Yeah, **** incense, how can I forget this?" Marin snapped his head.

Before, when a group of perfumers were introduced from Rome, those perfume masters told Marin to make high-end perfumes, especially perfumes with a long shelf life, you need to use a deodorant ~ ~ For example, Musk, **** and ambergris.

However, ambergris is too expensive, and musk is also rarer than beaver. Therefore, the most used is actually **** incense. However, in Europe, beavers have been killed in large numbers and have become rare. Beaver skin has also become a precious fur.

In the case of rare beavers, **** incense has also become an expensive luxury. Therefore, high-end perfumes also produce less. But North America is different. There are so many beavers in Canada, as long as the Indians are taught to cut the pear-shaped gland sac that secretes the **** incense from the female beaver, dry it and give it to Marin, then use alcohol to extract the **** incense ...

In that case, after Marin made high-end perfumes, the sources of deodorants will be very wide. After all, there are tens of millions of beavers in Canada. In addition, beavers breed every year. Europeans in Canada lured Indians to kill beavers for hundreds of years before they killed them. It can be seen that beavers are quite capable of breeding.

Once bulk purchases were launched in the Indians, **** skins and the **** sacs of the female beavers were acquired in large quantities. When the time comes, not only can you make a lot of money on the **** skin, but also the fragrance fixative will be extremely rich. In this way, Marin is fully qualified to produce high-end perfumes in large quantities. There are a large number of high-end perfumes, and the trade with Daming can also proceed smoothly. Otherwise, just spend money or change the glass, so silly?

Even in Europe, high-end perfumes are in short supply. Because ambergris are extremely rare, and musk and **** are not many, so high-end perfumes are often scarce and expensive.

If the opportunity to acquire **** skin continues, and a large number of **** incense glands are acquired, then **** incense will be a low-cost thing here in Marin. The cost of manufacturing high-end perfumes will be much lower than others, with unparalleled cost advantages and higher competitiveness ...