Chapter 300: America or America

Columbus has been very comfortable recently. Although he was afraid to go to Las Vegas to find Mao Meilang because of his physical weakness, it is still very comfortable to teach a group of smart young sailors in the captain's school.

To be honest, it is no regret to mix up with his status as the first discoverer of India. The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that the Portuguese decided that Da Gama had discovered India first. As for why Columbus returned to Europe first? The Portuguese quibble that Da Gama "visited many countries" in India, and the delay was too long before Columbus took the lead.

Columbus was very upset, so he decided to take advantage of Marin's chance of knowing the specific map and wait for his body to be well, and then go out again to find the legendary China, so that he could correct his name again.

However, Marin's plan seemed to be to let Amerigo discover Huaxia with himself. This made Columbus a little uncomfortable, but there was no way.

Recently, Marin thought of a compromise—that is, to explore the China Airlines route, or let Columbus go. However, the naming rights of the wild continent are given to Amerigo.

In this way, Columbus won the honor of “the first person to discover Huaxia” in the right to explore China, while Americo obtained the naming rights for the wild continent. From now on, the wild continent will be called America ...

So Marin called Columbus back to discuss the matter with him ...

In fact, this time Marin asked Columbus to explore Daming's route, not the Pacific route, but the Malacca route. After all, the Pacific route is Marin's secret fortune route. If you take this route, even if Columbus discovered Daming, it cannot be announced. Only the Melaka route can be announced.

Moreover, on this voyage, Marin decided to pit Portugal hard ...

How to pit? Very simple ...

Columbus took a few more ships, among them, the other ships were 250-class armed merchant ships or Hoffman-class battleships. However, two other Portuguese Caravel ships were brought.

What are these two sailboats for? Of course it is used to frame Portugal ...

Marin intends to let a group of sailors transform themselves into Portuguese pirates and raise the Portuguese flag. After arriving at the coast of Daming, first let the sailors on two Caravel ships land on the beach to plunder the place and create notoriety ...

When Daming Mariner appeared, let Caravel sail down two artillery warships with artillery ...

As a result, the hatred between the "Portuguese" and Daming has grown.

After a while, Columbus led the Hoffman-class battleship and the 250-class armed merchant ship to appear, carrying a Chinese translation, dealing with Daming, and identifying it as a Portuguese ship, and telling Daming the Portuguese flag ...

After waiting, the Portuguese really came to light. It is estimated that the first reaction of the Ming sailor was to fire ...

And the obsessive Portuguese, who want to explain, have to have a Chinese-speaking translation. At that time, even if they found the route, they would not be accepted by the Ming Dynasty ...

Thinking of this, Marin laughed and felt like a genius. In this way, Portugal estimates that trade with Daming will not be possible for a long time. In addition, Europe ’s lack of understanding of the Ming Dynasty ’s strength may lead to a brain disability plan like the Spanish King Philip II who wants to conquer the Ming Dynasty with 10,000 or 20,000 ...

If Portugal really does this, Marin must be happy to die. In this way, Portugal does not want to do business with Daming. Perhaps, when the time comes, you can send a spy to promote the "Conquer Daming" plan in Portugal and induce Portugal to make a decision to attack Daming?


After Columbus arrived, he was still upset when he heard Marin's arrangement. After all, the Wild Continent was discovered by itself, but it must be named after Amerigo.

However, Marin also said that if you obtain the naming rights of the wild continent, you must give up the opportunity to explore China, and the two can only choose one. Moreover, exploring China can make achievements and can be rewarded. However, there is no credit for obtaining the naming rights of the wild continent.

In fact, Marin made the decision for Columbus. After all, Columbus's utilitarianism is very strong. Marin told Columbus that if he completed the task of exploring the China Airlines route, he could promote Columbus from the title of Baron to two ranks to reach the point of being a Baron. The baron is also called the baron, and the fief is 2000 Eugram farmland, which is equivalent to the level of Adler. The deputy baron is 1500 Ugram land. From the baron, it was 1,000 Ugram arable land, which is the current title of Columbus.

The doubling of land and income, plus the honor of first discovery, Columbus was finally tempted, chose to explore the China route, and gave up the naming rights of the wild continent.

Understand that under Marin ’s command, it ’s not too easy to get credit for this exploration route. Basically, it is just to find the exact coordinates according to the approximate map. For a big navigator like Columbus, it is a credit. Therefore, in the face of the temptation to promote the title and the honor of the first discoverer, Columbus succumbed. Although, he knew that the first person to discover India and China may be Marin's hard teacher named "Einstein" ~ ~, but the hard monk was indifferent to fame and fortune, it was impossible He jumped out to compete with him for this honor. Therefore, he can safely and shamelessly claim to be the first discoverer ...

After seeing Columbus finally give up the naming rights of the wild continent, Marin was actually relieved.

According to the habit of his previous life, he is still more used to calling the wild continent the Americas. Therefore, he wanted to give Amerigo a chance to make the name of America still.

It's just that it depends on what Columbus means. After all, America was discovered by Columbus. Moreover, Columbus is also the number one general under Marin. If you don't name the wild continent Columbus, but rename it America, Columbus is definitely not happy.

However, Marin did not want the Americas to change the strange name of Columbus. In the future, do you want to call America America as a continent-oops, it sounds so strange ...

Therefore, Malin thought about it and decided to use the credit for exploring the China Airlines route to lure Columbus and let him actively give up the naming rights of the Americas. He knew that Columbus' weakness was that he was too utilitarian.

So, he gave two options-if you choose to explore the China Airlines route, because of the rough map of Marin, the difficulty of obtaining credit and honor is very low, basically it is the credit.

The choice of naming rights for the wild continent, although earned a reputation, has no benefit. As a result, Columbus, who was very utilitarian, really chose to explore the Chinese route.

In this way, Marin can logically name the name of the wild continent after Amerigo.

As for the opinion of Amerigo? He was originally a junior in front of Columbus, not as famous as Columbus. Giving him a naming power for the New World is definitely enough for him to be happy, can he still be dissatisfied?

In this way, with the clever intervention of Marin, America is finally called America ...